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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2021 in all areas

  1. We were in our favorite small town restaurant for supper last night and our waitress was telling us about an incident 2 weeks ago at their other location. They had a 17 year old girl working at the door checking peoples vaccination receipts and some loud mouth jerk came in. When the girl asked him for the receipt he said he wasn't vaccinated and had no intention of ever getting it. She told him that he wouldn't be allowed to come in so he spit in her face and walked out. I wonder if he would have been as "brave" if he was talking to guy rather than a young girl.
    2 points
  2. And after landing her,I can see why . Look at the size of that tail compared to her body . At first there were some head shakes,but then she went cruising. I thought maybe it was a snag,but after landing,the white sac was in the corner of the mouth. Crazy runs. Funny how one river system is starting to transition from salmon to steelhead and another still has a good run of salmon still flowing in. After the rain this morning with the south wind blowing ,there was wave after wave, coming up.
    2 points
  3. Somebody would be taking a trip to the dentist if I witnessed that. I saw a similar thing happen at my local gas station over wearing a mask. The guy spit on a woman, I stepped in, and I don't think he will be coming to my local gas station again . When the cops showed up, the gas station owner told the cops they'd never seen me before LOL.... S.
    2 points
  4. It’s a shame no one coulD get any info. that’s a pure case of assault. Assault by a man, on a woman during a pandemic? Buddy would be needing soap on a rope if they catch him.
    2 points
  5. Cliff knows he would be blindfolded and sedated
    1 point
  6. Yep, you will need some power to steer. You can still use the bowmount without ipilot. Just bring your pedal back to the console. They give you plenty of cable!
    1 point
  7. That is what I have been told, I have tried as of recently and the bite is either non existent or very tough.
    1 point
  8. How about SCREW the govt, just like thye SCREW us! Im not paying, and I will refuse to pay for stickers that were not required during a pandemic on my work truck that I didn't drive because I was forced to not work. I will go to court over it, and fight it tooth and nail, because its true, and a complete scandal!!! They can go to hell with out my money. S.
    1 point
  9. No safety required until it changes ownership. S.
    1 point
  10. Hide the video evidence
    1 point
  11. No unfortunately not my son arrived home unexpectedly and wanted to go p north fishing so we did that instead. Had some good bass fishing in grey Bruce area.
    1 point
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