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  1. Thanks for the replies and advice. We both agree that having a legal doccument drawn up is the best idea. We aren't even sure if we are going to do it yet but it doesn't make much sense for both of us to live alone and support two house holds. Anyway, I will be talking to a lawyer in the morning.
    4 points
  2. My dear friend, You really need to consult a family lawyer. NOT a fishing forum. ‘M’ say so as well!! You have to protect your family and your self above anyone else. You can delete this thread now that you have your answer?
    2 points
  3. Or you could put it in a Sous Vide for 24-36 hours, brown it on the BBQ and have fillet mignon. HH
    1 point
  4. Hi guys, we've been up on the West Arm of Nipissing for the last week and had a fun trip. Had a momma bear & her cub come outta the ditch in front of us and while Mom ran across the road the youngun was smart enough to wait until we got past cause I sure wouldn't want to hit either one. Couple days later I was walking down the road near the cabin and another bear came outta nowhere about 75 feet in front of me and crossed over into the bush. I always carry my camera but never got a chance to take any pictures. Never saw a moose this time but there were several good fresh tracks one morning when I went for my daily hike. One set was very fresh tracks of 3 moose crossing the road together and I figured maybe Mom and a couple kids. There was also another good track just up the road from there. There was a Ministry water bomber working close to us but there was no obvious signs of fire so we figured maybe they were just practicing but interesting to watch just the same. I attached a couple pics.
    1 point
  5. So with all that smoking and cooking going on in my other thread, I did manage about 6-7 hours of wetting a line over this weekend. Sunday I got a text from #1 son the bite was on . Not being prepared yet for the fall run,I grab my rod and a few of my balanced silly leg jigs. I have never fished one, but with the orders coming from my son and his buddies, they must work, right ? So get there early,my spot was secured by my son and the other young fellas . They are all rigged up with roe,skein and beads . One of the young fellas asked what I was going to use ? I showed him . That is a nice looking silly leg sir. I said as I always do,do not call me sir,KID. LOL. These young guys are a good bunch of fellas. Respect like when I was a young guy that showed respect to older sirs,I mean ,older fella . Light finally comes after sitting 1.5 hours of darkness . Time to fish . Throw the float,watch as it goes by,twitch as they say in the twitching bug lingo and well,wham . All I felt was the rod tip pull and it was fish on. I was laughing like a young boy. So excited to have a hit on my bug. Then it starts. Leap after leap . Not me,the fish . A steelhead I yelp .SHHHHHHHHHHH, is all I heard from the guys . I couldn't help myself,it was one drift and a hit on my own bug . A nice battle and in the net that my son helped with . Now I know why I have been asked to tie so many. They do put a beating on the jig. So with that adventure day behind me.I wanted to get back at it again this morning. Same bait, but also had my hot shot set up with me. No room yesterday for that. At the bank at early dark to just get the spot that I wanted. Day light comes,start with the bug, but nada. Switch up to the hot shot,nada. Buddy nails one on a 10mm bead. Hey,I got one of those in my back pocket. Not really,It was in my jacket buried some where. Ah, there you are. retie,peg the bead and cast. Float goes by and gone . Set and fish one. Dang me, it,s another nice fish. This one went leaps and bounds . Fresh fish are the best fight. Nice fight,in the net . Want to get out for a perch fish before I put away the float boat,but the river calls.
    1 point
  6. jerky gun? I tried one of those but found it took forever to do a batch of jerky. If I was going to make beef jerky I would wait for eye of round to come on sale in those cryovac bags, and use it. Very lean, and straight-grained, lots of flavour, makes good whole muscle jerky. And of course if you wanted to grind it you would get a very lean ground beef. Doug
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. We got a good deal about 3 k 3 Years ago. The link feature integrates the sonar and the motor more. Allows you to follow lake contours... ie. I can tell the motor to keep me in 14 ft of water and follow the shoreline at whatever mph I tell it. Allows for more saved tracks and waypoints. Has a nicer remote. I'm sure it does more but I haven't taken the time to learn it. Biggest features for me are spotlock. Spot lock jog ( move in 5 ft increments in any direction while spotlocked) Auto pilot. I use it when drifting to keep my heading down on st Clair River as well as slow the drift. Also use auto pilot on erie and lake o trolling. We use the kicker for thrust and I set a heading on the hummingbird can dile in exact speed and heading and not have to have my hands on the wheel all day I actualy bungee the steering wheel straight. Complete gamecganger. Let's me fish instead of drive the boat all day.
    1 point
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