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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2021 in all areas

  1. It's different from driving a quad for sure, after spending a few weekends playing around on it I would never buy a quad again. These are much more maneuverable, it will literally turn 90° which is a whole lot easier than trying to turn a quad around on a trail. Not having to worry about how deep the water is when you come to a wet area, there is a ton of storage so you don't have to tie everything down; my cooler, tackle bag, and all the other junk that makes a backwoods fishing trip more comfortable fit right in. There are some skills to learn in driving one and it does take some practice, it has taken me a bit to get use to how well this thing climbs and descends hills and how steep a grade it can handle. Climbing over obstacles, things I would never have even attempted with a quad, entering and leaving water..... there definitely is a whole new skill set to learn but it sure is fun. My son and I spent the last two weekends clearing a trail in to a lake that has hardly seen anyone fish it. The only access is through a combination of a couple of miles of water and bush, too much water for a quad, too much bush to easily carry a canoe. We'll be fishing it this weekend 😉.
    6 points
  2. Been a while since this crappie spot produced but today was the day! Tied on a clouser minnow hoping for a pike on the fly rod! 2nd cast and Bam! Fish on. Not a pike but a big fat slab! Couple casts later,Bam! another slab! I thought, man im on'em now! Guy who was fishin a bit down the bank runs up to where i am and stomps out on the dock to cast exactly where im casting to! Yup! Next dozen casts,when i could get a cast in, not a hit! The school spooked and....... gone! I was not happy! But i dont own the water! A bit later after he left had a nice little pike hit the clouser and chew it up! All in all a fantastic morning! Cheers!
    1 point
  3. Way to make the ENTIRE ROOM green with envy!!! ENJOY, please do a report with pix pix pix or it didn’t happen
    1 point
  4. Mountain Equipment stores have Duracell CR 2450's for $5.96 each. I'm picking 4 up curbside on Thursday when I'm in Barrie for an appointment. I hope they don't try to swap out with Energizers . The duracells definitely last longer in my remote.
    1 point
  5. I agree with fisherman. I do a full tie down with chain on the bow eye and transom straps even though I'm 5 minutes to home from the launch ramp.
    1 point
  6. I used wood. Large 8x8 blocks I have kicking around. Those welded crestliners are kind of famous for splitting open. I'm not a real fan of welded hulls, unless its thick metal. You have more cracks somewhere in the hull if your satisfied your plumbing isn't leaking. S.
    1 point
  7. So what are you spraying on the bunks?
    1 point
  8. Same on Saturday night. With another good walleye chop.
    1 point
  9. Ya think maybe, I better check, I haven't seen the other one since I gained 25 pounds of gut!
    1 point
  10. Well then the same could be said for rollers. Adequately sized tie downs prevent any unscheduled launchings. I go to the boat launch for entertainment on saturdays and sundays. If I had a longer range lens, I could probably make some hilarious videos. Best I ever saw was a Mario backing up, jack knifed and drove his stainless prop right through the next guys truck door.
    0 points
  11. Never seen a fox like that but after looking it up I guess it is called a cross fox which is a type of red fox. When posting smart ass answers at least learn how to spell properly. I guess you meant chupacabra?
    0 points
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