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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in all areas

  1. For years now my son has been trying to convince me that having an Argo would make our lives easier. Almost all our summer time is spent fishing small backwoods lakes and up until now we have had to tow a boat or rely on cached boats which often presented us with challanges. Sometimes we would spend an hour on our ATV getting there to find out the boat was already in use. Another factor is that at 75 I am not as steady as I use to be so things like trying to wrestle an outboard onto a tinny by myself isn't nearly as much fun (or as safe) as it use to be. As a result I often ended up not going fishing unless my son was available to do the grunt work. We have done a ton of research, read and re-read the specs, made wish lists then done reality checks and shopped, boy did we shop Lol. 6 wheel/8 wheel, tracks/no tracks, upgrade to the Scout, 650/700, carbonated/EFI, buy new or buy used....... so much to consider. It was tough (but fun) and in the end we decided that we wanted to bite the bullet and go with new. Yesterday I placed the order for two 2021 Argo Frontiers 650 6X6 with whinches and brush guards and two trailers so we can tow them where ever we want. We take delivery first week in May so we'll be all set for the opening of walleye. Having the two units will give us a lot more flexability, I can head out fishing while he is at work and he can catch up in the evening, we can raft up and fish together or each check out different areas.... Can you tell I am excited 😊. The property up North in French River is all set up, last fall we got the well and septic systems all back up and running so I can park the motor coach there for the entire summer if I want, no worries about having to go dump holding tanks every few days or get fresh water, no problem self isolating for this old man. 2020 might have been a bummer but 2021 is off to a great start 🤗
    7 points
  2. Last year I ended up having to come home from Myrtle Beach two weeks early because of this virus and talk of closing the border. This winter I ended up having to stay home and at this point I doubt I will be able to head South for the upcoming winter, there is just too much uncertainty with all the varients that seem to be showing up. We are not even sure how effective these vaccines are long term, now there is talk that you might have to get shots every year like the flu shot...... Having to give up a winter in the South or a fishing trip in the North seems like a small price to pay when world economies are in a shambles and people are out of jobs and could end up loosing everything they own.
    4 points
  3. Power to you and I can understand the frustration of not being able to cross the boarder. Not saying you are or not a possible carrier of covid; but if Canada opens its boarders, how many carriers of the virus could cross and take the virus to places that have had very little cases of? Come visit and leave hundreds infected; sorry stay home and fish your own area! Canada, its people, lakes and fishery will (hopefully) always be here; come when the all CLEAR is signaled. Dan.
    4 points
  4. In a heart beat young man, without a second thought 😊
    2 points
  5. My dad use to make homebrew all the time. Especially when his favorite (Black Label) crap went up in price. LOL He used a stone crock for fermenting; the whole house had a smell of hops, yeast and wet socks; nice to come home to. LOL After mixing his concoction, he would check it daily, by shining a flashlight into the crock's liquid; looking for the bubbles to stop. Once it did stop bubbling; he'd put a teaspoon of white sugar into each regular sized beer bottles. These were the old stubby bottles; Dad hated it when they went to the long necks; why; I don't know?!! LOL OK it's bottling time; Mom would always fill the bottles with a syphon hose from the crock to the bottles. She never admitted it; but I think she liked the taste of that swamp water? LOL Dad wouldn't let us cap the bottles with that metal cap crimping gizmo; "you'll break the bottles" and this is him breaking one in five. (Again LOL sorry) The filled and capped bottles would go into the basement for its "curing time". After whatever time frame that was he'd open a few bottles and we all had to try it. Well you know the saying a little white lie won't hurt anything. Well I lied through my teeth; Yeah Dad it's not bad a little on the yeasty side. Oh man was it bad; but Dad liked his brew. Sorry for the long post; BUT! One time Dad bottled his brew before it was done doing whatever it does. About three days later; in the middle of the night, I could here something banging/exploding? Went into the basement and there were bottle neck shards and bottle caps stuck in the drywall ceiling. Yup the bottles exploded and shot the tops into the ceiling. LOL Man I miss my Dad and the things he would try! Dan. Forgot to say I still have that old stone crock and everytime I see it I laugh at Dad's homebrew. LOL
    2 points
  6. Two of the three on our trip home tonght.
    1 point
  7. There were four of you trying to get through the door at the same time. The MOST excited was Mac, and I bet he had a racing stripe in his underwear afterwards.
    1 point
  8. Cliff, I assume you bought the bilge pump option? And they have an option to mount the winch fore or aft, with a second winch assembly on the rear wall. I'm on my third Argo, and fished out of the first one a fair bit. You do NOT have much freeboard at the bow because the driver and motor are both in the front. With two guys on the front seat it gets real dicey, especially if you get any waves. You will also find that forward speed with just the tires leaves a lot to be desired, again especially with wind. The outboard motor bracket I had on the first one worked well, but I no longer recall the max HP rating, maybe 4 HP? Of course, you have to climb into the back of the hull to run the outboard. I don't have the outboard bracket on my current Argo, and don't know if it would fit with the aft winch set-up. I don't intentionally take this Argo into the water. You might want to make sure your insurance covers you when you are on the water. The policy I had for the first Argo treated it as an ATV when it was on land, and as a boat when it was on water, so I had coverage wherever I was. Any questions just shoot me a pm, or if you'd like to shoot the breeze just pm me a number and good time to call. Enjoy! Argo's are fun! Doug
    1 point
  9. Fisherman, were you with me the time on Simcoe, mid 80's, Big Bay Point I think, that we saw half a dozen huts go screaming past us and explode on the pressure crack a mile or so away? I was with somebody in the BBRGC ice shack when the wind came up like a banshee. We had no cleats, and there was no walking without being blown away. We ended up cutting pieces of the carpet, tying them to our feet, and wetting them down so we had some purchase on the ice. It was fairly crazy.... Another time on Quinte, during a walleye derby, we were out in a well-anchored ice shack when the wind hit 100 km per hour. If one man left the shack to take a leak, the shack started lifting off. My buddy and I saw a number of shacks scoot past us, and one of them had a guy INSIDE - he waved at us when he went by! One of the derby participants was being blown along the ice and couldn't stop, so he stuck his foot down an open ice hole and was eventually rescued by another guy in the derby. Another crazy day - and the current was taking our HEAVY jigs down on about a 45 degree angle in about 20 FOW. Wind is not the friend of the ice angler.......... Doug
    1 point
  10. Considering we won't even be vaccinated by years end at the current pace, not happening in 2021.
    1 point
  11. All you guys with the 3.6 engine; don't let the guy changing your oil filter, over torque the filter cap. The torque spec is only 18 Ft. Lbs. Over tightening the cap could cause the lower housing to crack; creating a fairly large oil leak; that will run from the crack, under the intake manifold and then run out the back of the engine, socking the transmission bell housing. This filter housing is also part of the engine oil cooler assembly. There is no repair for this other then replacing the assembly. The lower intake manifold has to come off to get at it. Parts and labour adds up to about a Grand. Sorry for the hijack; but just a heads up, for you Mopar guys. Dan.
    1 point
  12. Not a thread for misfortunes but a thread to tweak those that have a hut out there and might not have thought about a hut going for a long slide.
    1 point
  13. Wouldn't take much to build a still, opens up all kinds of possibilities, make all your own liquor, brew wine, so much easier to store than beer.
    1 point
  14. I did have a house there until about two years ago when that Parry Sound 33 fire happened. During the evacuation someone broke in, ransacked the place and torched it (no insurance). My son and I have spent the last two years cleaning up the mess and building a little bunkie but I have a 30 ft Winnibago coach with it's own 4KW generator and we have installed a small solar system in the bunkie so we are totally self sufficient 😊
    1 point
  15. Not if you let the wife drive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    1 point
  16. I have yet to tow anything with mine,but if you want to save mileage bud,you can leave it here and that will help on the mileage a bit. I promise to wave wash it on the weekends.
    1 point
  17. When you make a thread looking for someone's misfortune lol. That's too bad.
    1 point
  18. You think so? LOL Again I loved my Dad to no end; but he did experiment with things that sometimes went wrong! "Why didn't that work" "I Don't Know" lets try again; oh crap look out Danny run!!! LOL That's all I heard when Dad tried building a still! No it didn't go well; he blew up the chicken coop! Mom was pissed; no eggs and no sign of her hens. Believe this or not; but that was my Dad. Dan.
    1 point
  19. We have very close friends in Pennsylvania who holiday with us up here every June but sadly they missed it last June and there's every possibility we won't get together this year either. We ALL want this nightmare ended but as Dan said we don't want to push things and open the gates too early and we all end up back tracking.
    1 point
  20. Any of our US visitors are always welcome; we just need to not sped this frigging virus anymore then it has. I have a friend in Boston that I would really like to go and see. He's getting up there in years (mid 80s) and hopping I'll get a chance to see him as he's getting a bit feeble. Dan.
    1 point
  21. I know what the icon is supposed to be; but doesn't it look like a spaceship? LOL Beam me up Scotty Dan.
    1 point
  22. Stick with the yammy...just saying
    1 point
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