I brewed for years, but nothing fancy. I used the canned stuff from Brew Canada, had a big primary that would do a double batch (10 Gallons). It looks like a plastic laundry tub but with a tap on the side at the bottom and a air tight snap lid with a hole in the centre for an airlock. After the primary fermentation was done in about 5 days I would rack it down into 2 X 5 gallon glass carboys with airlocks for 3-4 weeks before bottling. To bottle I racked the carboy into a 5 gallon bucket with a tap on the bottom , add a cup of dextrose and bottled and capped in regular beer bottles, took a month to develop good carbonation. I did do a few additives later like hops, it was quite good I thought and never lost a batch. A double batch was about 5 1/2 cases I recall , was 28 ahead at the start of summer once 🤪