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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2020 in all areas

  1. What a gorgeous morning to be sitting out there watching the sun rise . Since the white fish have been so negative to me and my pal,we decided to do some perch,n . I book my uber for 6:30 am pick up. Right on schedule he was. Hook up the smitty and off we went . Seeing the meter was getting up there,I said, drop me off ,,,,,,,,,,,,,right ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here. I step on to the hard water and my feet start to tingle. Drill 2 quick holes, throw in the ducer and there are fish down there. Drop my first line. 7grm Halo vabrado with a shrimp drop shot. As it,s going down and gets 10 ft from the bottom,a fish rises . I go to reel up slow, but in my excitement,I forgot to unlock the handle. You know, unfold them. Fish hits,I am fuddling with getting the handle in position. Fish is still one once I complete the handle. Reel up and a nice chunky 12". Fish still down there,so drop and again and well,up it comes,hits and that is another 12"er in a matter of few minutes. Do it again as they are still down there. Same thing. WOW this is going to be a great morning. That is when the brakes lock up . Not a single fish comes in again for 20 minutes. Move 3 times and pick up 1 keeper at each stop on my shrimp fly. Make one more move,last for the morning . Marking fish. Lots. Drop and they are not interested . After 20 minutes of trying to hook up,I drop down a new bait. Norland purple lipless. Keep it 10 ft off bottom and jig it looking for aggressive fish. A few rise, but go back down. I drop to the bottom,smash it off the bottom then reel it up. Got a chase. Coming,coming,coming and on. I thought maybe it was a small whitie the way it fought, but it would turn out to be a PB 15 1/4 " perch. Sadly it blew it,s bladder out, so it was coming home. These fish are big, but the meat result is not great. Males IMO, have the best thick shoulders. Anyhoo Ended with lucky 7 keepers for the morning. Just enough for a fresh feed . I can say this about perch,n ,they sure keep you glued to the finder watching . Unlike those whities that seem to be just cruising about and making you pull yer hair out. If those dang whities don't start to get active , I just may need to take up this perch fishing.
    3 points
  2. Well I should have known better, of course it worked better than the way I had been doing it and I ended up with some beautiful bottles of canned clam juice to bring home too! Thanks Shane!
    2 points
  3. Your a good man Dan, that's an outstanding offer.
    1 point
  4. It wouldn't take a lot of bartering from a board member to get me to drop another $500.00 for this vehicle. I'm a mechanic and run my own shop, my wife is a service adviser at a GM dealership. This truck got looked after; happy wife happy life; even for the guys/mechanics that she works with. It doesn't burn a drop of oil between oil changes and as far as I know everything works as intended. Not sure where you're from (I'm in London) come and get the Envoy and drive it for a week; if you don't want it bring it back and no hard feelings. Dan.
    1 point
  5. You will find something. I have never owned a Toyota which is probably the only brand I haven't owned at one time or another. I do know they are solid as a rock. When ever you see a video of people in 3rd world countries driving they are in and or on a Toyota with a 30 caliber mounted on it. Both the good guys and the bad guys.
    1 point
  6. I've heard of this quite a few times over the years. Not a Ford thing.
    1 point
  7. The whole series was fantastic! I really enjoyed it all. I was hoping our local boys would pull out a win, but they did just fine. I got to meet Paul Castellano at the fishing show last Sunday which was a pleasure. Aaron Wiebe has been making some awesome videos for a long time, and now that "Jimmy Seahawk" is producing, it can only get better.
    1 point
  8. Bass clubs do habitat rehab , put 100s fof trees down to support fish ,every bass masters club is too organize lake clean ups I spent a lot of days removing tires and shopping carts and much more as directed by the tournament clubs they always give large numbers of rods reels and tackle to kids and charities. And have kid days out on the lakes and we have had disabled days on the water where we found ways to get them out to fish a
    1 point
  9. Pretty cool stuff. Its just so much gear to drag around. My snowmobile and otter hut is much easier to deal with lol. S.
    1 point
  10. Liked the show, really don't understand why the US team decided to chase a bluegill around for two episodes. I'm sure they're both great fisherman, but that was such a weak showing. Also, I don't agree at all with the Konrad boys pike that was weighed in. Ganked right in the side, I don't careif the fish swiped at it or not, hooks gotta be on the head somewhere, lol. Also another pet peeve, show was based out of Canada, 3 out of 4 teams were Canadian, finale was in Winnipeg and all the merchandise sold is in US funds on the website. I was going to buy a t-shirt and a hat but that came to $31 or so with $21 US shipping. Nope! Ridiculous.
    1 point
  11. I would be more worried about the over hang on the back. Good luck.
    1 point
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