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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Big cold front moved in, only 4° here this morning but the winds are light so it shouldn't be too bad out on the pier, water temperature is around 14 C so unless the wind is off shore it can actually be quite a bit warmer on the pier. For the next week we actually might get down to close to freezing at night but that only lasts a few days and then we get back up above normal again. It's going up to 16 later on and I brought my winter coat so a fishing I'll go😊 I have been playing around with the solunar tables and tide charts and it's surprising how accurately you can predict the active feeding times, I've started a spread sheet to record the results and I'll need a lot more data to confirm that it isn't a fluke but so far so good. Several of the other guys are helping with it so it is pretty interesting and giving me a wide range of information to evaluate. Here is a better picture of the whitings we are catching, when they first come out of the water they are silver, the blotches appear after they have been put in our pails, I'm not sure but I think it might be stress related or perhaps an attempt to camouflage themselves. I made a fish chowder with some last night, OMG was it ever good. Tight lines and stay safe
    4 points
  2. this thread is locked you all won't listen. 7 reports in 24 hours. Do not try to start a new one it will be deleted. Why you all can't be adults here is beyond me. Art
    3 points
  3. But you have a suspicious looking face...........😉 Doug
    2 points
  4. The preview day for the 2020 Toronto Boat Show is today and then North America’s largest indoor boat show continues for another 9 days! I will be down at the Garmin booth for thé opening weekend and then in the Huntsville Marine, YAMAHA Outboards, Skeeter Bass Boats, G3 & Crestliner boats booth for the rest of the week! If you’re attending or liking for a new boat, track me down and let’s talk a little fishing, electronics & boats! I will also be presenting seminars on the Great Canadian Fish Tank from Monday on! Here is the tank schedule! https://www.torontoboatshow.com/education/fish-tank-seminars/ Loking for was to seeing & chatting with everyone!
    1 point
  5. 100% true story Ever have one of those, stay or run feelings ? I had my 6 month eye check up by the specialist this morning. I am always early just to see if I can get in and out and get those darn drops out of my vision system. Blind for an hour it would seem. So like any other visit,I am early. Walk down the hall and go and open the door . I see black and then the loud alarm sirens. Oh crap this is not going to be good. I look up along the hall way for cameras. Then I think to myself,wait,my finger prints are on the handle. Do I run ? Do I stay ? Lady comes out of the office next door. See,s me and I say I just open the door . She says they don't open for another 1/2 hour and I get the " criminal look " stare. I say I did nothing wrong. She then says, THE POLICE WILL BE HERE VERY SOON. HMMMMM, do I stay, or do I go ? With the alarm still going off, I am waiting for the blues to show up anytime . I knew I would not be in trouble, but all that went through my head was a cop showing up with gun drawn. Do I stay ,or do I go ? So I decided I best just stay, sit down in the hall with my hands on my head ., Learning from all those you tubers,I had my cell in hand and ready to hit record. 10 minutes goes by and no one shows. Alarm shuts off. Ok, maybe GIT turned it off . That was the sticker on the door for their security system. It,s now 8:32. I am still in the hall,no one else around . Do I try to open again ? Ah no. I knock 3 times and wait. Someone opens the door and I am asked why are you knocking ? OMG REALLY ? After telling the gals what happen, ( They had no clue what happen ) they tell me, oh ya, the cleaners sometimes forget to lock up. My doc comes in the room and says he got a call about the alarm going off. I said ya,I set it off . He says, that was you ? I said ya, Sorry about that . He says no charge for the visit today. I laughed and said cool. Both chuckle as it,s covered by OHIP. Best part of the whole thing, no blues showed up and me eyes are doing well . Just need to chill more and keep the blood pressure down so I do not get those stupid retina migraines.
    1 point
  6. Went for a stroll late this morning checking ice quality. Found 2.5-4 " of quality black ice and marked my spot . Ready for Sunday am. Here whitie whitie.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. QPP = Sortie de Quebec? I've had the pleasure to meet a few. So how much was your take? A stolen Bug is the perfect getaway car. No one would be stupid enough to use one so you drive right by, slowly until you get to the Valiant with the 340 Duster engine slapped in it. Don't ask don't tell.
    1 point
  9. Good luck tomorrow Brian, hope all this snow doesn't mess up the ice too much for you.
    1 point
  10. I was thinking a walleye but...
    1 point
  11. And parking is free after 5!
    1 point
  12. This is a typical setup for the regular pier fishing group that I fish with, the ring and screws are hard to find around here, there aren't a lot of hardware stores around the beach and Wall-mart doesn't carry them so when you do get them you hang on to them for dear life. My first one was given to me by Al last year, I brought a couple with me from home this time. A close up of the ring, the big advantage of this is that you can easily see the slightest bite because you are using the full length of the rod. Sitting in the sun drinking sweet ice tea, and no, I don't miss the ice and cold up North LOL This is one of my fishing buddies Al, even though the days have been beautiful and warm, first thing in the morning out on the pier can be cool, the water temperature is only 54°F. Al was a NY State trouper until he retired, really nice guy and boy does he have some stories to tell. Not a lot of new fish pictures to add, we are catching a lot of whitings but one whiting looks the same as the next, I'll try to get a few pictures of some of the other fish we catch and add them. Fishing the pier is very different than anything else I've ever done, yesterday I did my usual 7:00 am at the pier, we caught some whitings and a few really nice ones but it was slow by normal standards. We usually fish for a few hours then come in and do our whatever things. Yesterday I had a bit of time to kill in the afternoon so about 2:00 I decided to take a walk out on the pier with my rods. Middle of the afternoon, sun high in the sky I cast my first line in and didn't get a chance to pick up my second rod, the biggest whiting I have ever caught and it was non stop. I had to come back in at 3:30 but I hated to leave, it was some of the best catching I've had since I've been here, oh well lots more days to go! We've got a bit of cold weather coming in for a few days, I'm not sure how that will affect the catching but fishing on the pier is always an adventure and I've hooked up with some really nice guys. I finally found someone that wants to go clam and oyster digging with me so we are going to give it a shot next week. I'm really looking forward to it, I love fresh shell fish and free is even better, a non resident license is only $35.00 for the year and you are allowed 1/2 a bushel of clams per day and about the same in oysters. I'll try to do a more detailed report on that when it happens. Tight lines and stay safe!
    1 point
  13. You do know Cliff , the next time you offer a hook up going south, you will need a grey coach bus for all those that want to go. LOL I can dig the sit and watch just like yer friend there. Just add a bucket of ice and brews.
    1 point
  14. I've had many sharks and skate hit on this setup, the harder they pull the tighter the rod holds. Perhaps because the pier is so high above the water they can bend the rod in half and the drag will go but in two years I haven't seen a single rod get pulled in that was in this setup.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
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