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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2019 in all areas

  1. https://www.cleveland19.com/2019/05/09/northern-ohio-residents-try-make-light-flooded-conditions-along-lake-eries-shoreline/
    1 point
  2. These guys and The Animals are the only two CDs I need in the boat.
    1 point
  3. A courtesy reminder to readers from outside the Kawartha Lakes area that a lot of fast-water areas downstream of dams in zone 17 remain closed (fish sanctuaries) for an extra week.
    1 point
  4. Came to a resolution with the guy! The OPP contacted him, turns out his place in Bancroft was at serious risk of flooding. Since April, his driveway was under 4' of water so he was essentially trying to keep his cottage safe. So I get to pick it up today, I just don't understand how as a business owner can't leave a message on the door with a cell number or even a message on your company answering machine saying hey sorry here's the deal.
    1 point
  5. Older data is sometimes not applicable today , frequencies and radiation have changed a lot over the years with the development of technology. Remember when TV channels 70 to 83 disappeared, that became the original 2 analog cellphone bands, 30 plus years ago.
    1 point
  6. Exactly, I worked on Long Point at the Provincial Park in "73 and '74, it it was a common occurrence in those years with the right wind for the causeway on to the point to be underwater and flooding on the bayside cottages, stuck on the point waiting for the winds to change ?
    1 point
  7. I was never much into walleye fishing but every May 24 weekend for many many years we did a trip to Quinte and always did well trolling minnow baits after dark in fairly close to shore over mud/weed flats in 10-12 FOW. Of course if your not into night fishing there's nothing else I can offer LOL
    1 point
  8. Well said. People are unwise to build on floodplains and below high water mark. Who pays for damages? Owner for sure. Insurance companies usually don’t grant flood insurance in flood prone areas. Governments who grant building permits in these areas? On our first trip to the Outer Banks in NC we saw most ocean waterfront homes on block stilts. At a museum we saw hurricane water surge levels up to near the top of the stilts. No brainer.
    1 point
  9. WOW!! Just ran into this. That show Marketplace did a segment on celphones a while ago. Anyone with kids especially should watch this one..
    1 point
  10. Water levels have huge fluctuations over a 50-60 year period, Yet each new generation seems to be oblivious to the problems of the past. In the early 70's water levels on L Erie were so high that numerous homes were washed out onto the lake, or had the foundation collapse due to extreme erosion. Flooding in the Haliburtons, Muskokas or Ottawa valley is not new. Water is not static. Nor are the shorelines. Any human action is temporary. One should not build on a flood plain. Nor places so close to the high water mark as to risk flooding. YEt after every major flood people are allowed to rebuild in the same locations.Members of our family have lived close to water for over 70 years in Ontario. No structure has ever been placed close to the high water mark.
    1 point
  11. right on! It was a great boat for me I am glad it has continued that way for you. Luckily my new boat has also been a champ, so I am not having seller's remorse...I needed something bigger for Lake St C and I got it...we both win!
    1 point
  12. This ^^^^^^^^ And large flats.
    1 point
  13. HMMMMM On Simcoe,a slow troll with small flutter spoons. Just saying Chris. And I didnt know there was an early season. 2 more sleeps and I am on them.
    1 point
  14. Don't get whitefish generally by trolling. Unless real slow with worm harnesses along bottom. They seem to gather in Spring on or related to shoals anywhere from 10 o 30 ft deep. So jigging spoons/rapalas/Meegs jigs or Vibratos work well on Simcoe. I know they are specialists at stealing minnow off hook.
    1 point
  15. Well was nice to feel the sun on my face after a long winter. We managed 5 nice 17 inch walleye, once we got the hang of it. Cool place to fish. new ipilot got a nice workout for the first time and did admirably keeping us pionted in the right direction and the right speed. Autopilot works even when your moving backwards:) I bet you could lay a beating on them here if you knew what you were doing.
    1 point
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