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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2019 in all areas

  1. This year I sold my pop up hut, and started running a 2 man flip over. The things must weight 150 lbs loaded with gear. Even empty, it's very heavy. It has the fold down bench seats and heavy metal poles. Throw a 20lb tank and a buddy heater, 2 fish finder, 15 beer, etc..... It was such a pain in the butt this early season lifting the hut on and off my old wooden Smitty. So I designed and build a folding Smitty. Build it last week at work with a few long nights. And was able to test it this weekend. I would say it's a success!! Just pull to detent pins, and the entire hut drops down on the ice. Put your foot on the ski, and lift one side up, and it swings up almost effortlessly. Sure will make the run and gun faster !!!
    2 points
  2. On the radio they were saying they can’t figure out why the fans were booing Gardner last night. Its simple. His compete level has to be better. He can be better and his last 2 games were just dreadful. He needs to know that level of compete is not good enough for a team of this caliber. People are saying they don’t want to see him go next year. Honestly, we don’t need puck movers. If we had 2 defensively responsible right handed D men that won battles and didn’t lose their head with the puck, we’d be better off
    2 points
  3. I don't buy that. These guys read their contracts, the reasons for getting denied the refund aren't even in the contract, and the salesperson repeatedly, verbally guaranteed the money would be refunded if the warranty wasn't used. To suggest they were naive isn't fair. This is obviously a total scam, fraud.
    2 points
  4. My buddy Natty and I hit a lake "north of Barrie" yesterday for our first ice fish of the season. Lakers were closed but this lake also has Whitefish, Walleye, Ling and Herring and they're open. We setup in 56 feet and started fishing. I had no shortage of marks on the finder all day, but I just couldn't get them to bite. My buddy Natty always tries something different and it often works out for him. This day was no different as he caught a small laker on a pinkie (!!!). That was it for the day, but I still loved it. I got pretty sick in Feb 18 and my ice season ended early so it was really awesome to be back on ice again. Today I hit a GTA trib with my buddy Frankie. It was pretty cold early on (you had to clear your eyelets every two drifts) but it eventually warmed up and was a nice day. Called it quits and was home around lunchtime. Two days, no fish, and I had a blast and feel great. Gotta love it. I'll be at it again Wednesday and Saturday. Lakers will be open at least! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year and all the best to you in 2019! Dutch
    1 point
  5. https://canoe.com/sports/hockey/nhl/toronto-maple-leafs/traikos-leafs-fans-booing-of-gardiner-not-the-booing-of-old/wcm/823b6008-2b55-4e08-84b3-06dce56caa3f
    1 point
  6. Justin, I will certainly agree with David on that, if you are young, new to fishing, whatever, it can be an information overload, and everyone has their own opinions on what is best.
    1 point
  7. Yes, a frog on the 50 lbs. braid would be great! It’s never that you can’t fish a particular bait on a particular setup, it’s what is the best setup to fish this bait most efficiently and gives you the highest percentage of Hook-ups plus landing fish! I will be at the Ottawa Boat Show presenting seminars as well, so feel free to come down and see me there!
    1 point
  8. A nice job making that!
    1 point
  9. John Bacon is bang on!
    1 point
  10. Awesome project! Well done!
    1 point
  11. Your a fit monster, but you will be swapping those runners for the new skis these days. Been there.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Didnt I say this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ all ? LOL LMAO David knows I am joking around. Hope ya all do too. LOL Flipping for buckets, I will tie direct in stained water and heavy cover.
    1 point
  14. Thanks for posting this....it is something I am looking to get for the new boat, well when I finally pick what kind of boat that is....LOL! Chrispy!
    1 point
  15. I also read it completely. There was no reason for them not to give me my money back, that is why they eventually gave me 2000, after a MASSIVE fight. So now I am out $500. Am I gonna take them to court over 500? No...too much trouble. That my friend is an absolute scam. Try to steal my 2500, but if you know I am gonna put up a fight, just give 2000 back to shut me up and make it so I won't go to court. The clause they referred to in my "denial" letter didn't even exist! Over and over I asked them to send me proof of this clause in my contract...nobody ever did. In my case it was a clause that I had to provide service records. This clause was NOWHERE to be found, yet it was what they tried to use to not give me my money.
    1 point
  16. I read the paperwork completely. The wording does not say that it would be invalid if you go over100k. Furthermore, the signed letter that I have by the dealership and the slideshow also contradict what the xwrp company is saying. xwrp is scamming people 100%. The original company went bankrupt and this new one is trying to save money by defrauding people. You are not being devils advocate if you are uninformed yourself.
    1 point
  17. Right. Try calling the local police or fire department for an ice thickness report. Do you really think they have set foot on the ice anywhere? Do you think they even have a spud or an auger to check? All they know is stay off the ice. And try contacting a CO.....LMAO.....good luck with that. Just try it.... The only safe ice FOR ME is ice ive checked myself, that's under my feet, at the moment I'm on it. Any other reports are just hear say. S.
    1 point
  18. No problem. Yes true people were a lot kinder. You’re welcome! dsn???
    1 point
  19. I can solve that issue for you once and for all. You can have my “Shimano EXAGE S.T.C. TE comes with a hard case, rod bag, guide guard and the telescopic rod. I haven’t used it for awhile. Been too busy with life. It’s in great condition. Just have to find away to get it to you. ??? Let me know “If you want it.” dsn
    1 point
  20. Natty's hut (mine would give away the lake cause of the background!)
    1 point
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