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Hey AK, 

I know all those guys!  

Above ^^  you know Alex Honold from the movie Free Solo.  This was a year ago in the fall of 2019, I took this pic of him working their new free climb.  Me:  "Hey Alex, how many seasons will it take you to free climb your new route?"  Alex:  "Oh, we'll get it this season."  Me:  "But it took Kevin and Tommy ten years to free climb Dawn Wall! How can you climb it so fast?!"  Alex: "This route is easy.  it's only 5.13d. Dawn Wall is 5.14d..."  


With Alex on the wall, and Kevin Jorgeson.  Crap, I can't see what's uploading here.  Geez, why is the photo upside-down?  Anyway, that's us. 

OK, third photo looks right.  That's, like, me and Tommy Caldwell, showing his "good" hand with all five fingers. The other hand, well, you know...  




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I've never been afraid of heights but that's a whole nuther ball game right there  LOL

Good on you guys for having the guts to pull that off.

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Ivermectin is another treatment that I read is being used in the US, hopefully Canada is checking into it. Seems like it is readily available .

  On 12/24/2020 at 10:48 AM, lew said:

I've never been afraid of heights but that's a whole nuther ball game right there  LOL


I almost get woozy looking at the picture with the ground far, far below. That’s impressive.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/24/2020 at 2:57 PM, mikeh said:

Ivermectin is another treatment that I read is being used in the US, hopefully Canada is checking into it. Seems like it is readily available .


Sad to say it isn't allowed since no formal testing/trialing can be done on it for covid unless Big Pharma sees profit in it. The company that makes it provides it free (maybe at cost) to any country for use as a parasitic disease treatment and it won the Nobel medicine award in 2015 and is listed by the WHO on its list of essential medications. BUT no mention of it on MSM or by our Ontario government. I am reading reports of India starting to use it due to the impossibility of social distancing and closures (which they found more deadly than the virus re starvation and such). India is calling it a good treatment and also for prevention.

Here is what is going on in the US which IMHO is same as here in Canada/Ontario where political knee bends to Big Pharma.

Here is a renowned  Dr. who represents a group of medical experts with over 2,000 published works. His group is being ignored both by MSM, Big Pharma, and politicians and the gov't agencies who are supposed to be screening medications for the benefit of their employers... the people. Sad IMHO and what is being held back is all for the dollar and possibly for genocide. Sociopaths. 

Oh and I am a social scientist with education and this is what I now must conclude. If anyone here or a loved one catches covid and can't get Ivermectin of HCQ with zinc you should realize that these medications are being denied you and your loved ones.

Watch the vid and hear what he says about who is dying the most around him in ICU. Also realize that $billions$ are being 'saved' by the death of pensioners on Medicare, social security and so forth. I see a few hidden agendas going on and these at the expense of our elderly, sickly and retired.

I have 'politely' asked various levels of gov't to please find a way to get Ivermectin trialed to hopefully get this possible 'cure' allowed but NO response.


Edited by cisco
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  On 12/27/2020 at 5:07 PM, MJIG said:

The study timing info in that link states:
Actual Study Start Date  :December 7, 2020

Estimated Primary Completion Date  :March 2021

Estimated Study Completion Date  :March 2021

I guess more info will be available then. 


If you also noted the location? Columbia. We aren't the only ones searching for answers?

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  On 12/27/2020 at 1:55 PM, cisco said:

Watch the vid and hear what he says about who is dying the most around him in ICU. Also realize that $billions$ are being 'saved' by the death of pensioners on Medicare, social security and so forth. I see a few hidden agendas going on and these at the expense of our elderly, sickly and retired


Cisco, you potentiall make some interesting points for discussion about this drug...Sure it should be studied and it sounds like it is in Columbia. 

but your logic for it not being used due to a “hidden agenda” is where the reasonability ends and  makes absolutely 0 sense. I’m sorry but if you look at the impact that this pandemic has had on the economy in Canada in comparison to the number of dollars being saved by killing off old people the math with plainly show that this is so far from reality that it’s not even worth discussing. 

14,964 people have died from covid in canada...you can quite literally do the math and yourself and quickly realize that killing off that many people on social security...maybe some of our boys on Cpp can tell you how much per month they are getting from the government lol. I sure bet they wish they were getting anywhere near the $74,000 per person per year that you are claiming the government is saving by having these people die in order to save 1 billion dollars.

the lockdown, shutdown and straight impact that this pandemic has had on the stock market and the economy alone so far exceeds 1 billion dollars, your math is off by a factor of probably close to a million lol.

air canada (one single company) alone  posted a $685,000,000 loss in the third quarter of 2020.


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AKP So after all your negativity you seem to agree that Ivermectin is worth testing/trialing? Sad that you didn't understand that this was all that I and the 'u-tube medical experts' have been seeking. 

Here FYI is a very neutral perspective methinks of several covid treatment possibilities. 

But understand that the 'new' proposed trials will take 5 months to do. This is totally unacceptable. The vaccine took how long to 'approve'? So trials end in 5 months then the approval system kicks in until?? This means the vaccine will be well established and administered with no competition by a possible cheap and effective 'actual treatment/cure until past May 2021. Other countries are acting now and seem pleased with results. Me, I want review and if positive I want Emergency Use declared to allow physicians to try and increase survival rates.


If and I say IF other countries are using Ivermectin successfully to save lives it should be EASY to have our own medical experts speak to the pros over there to gather information quickly to determine it's merits.

Re your number crunching it is all meaningless since the assumptions you made about what I said are wrong. Canada is a wee entity in the whole central banking system. But the approx 15,000 deaths here is a GROWING number as is the 320,000 deaths in the US which is a GROWING number. After a while the numbers will have GROWN as would the accompanying savings re pensions, Medicare and so forth. I can't see how you are missing that gov't and pension firms save money the less they have to pay out. I am not saying this is why the pandemic happened but it doesn't seem that the pandemic is hurting gov't and the central bankers in this regard. From a business standpoint when profits and revenues go down you may try and reduce expenditures. When POTUS (Trump) and his wife supposedly got covid their recovery was vaguely given as....POTUS got a 'cocktail of medical sorts' and his wife said she took a more 'herbal' approach. Isn't it strange that no proper listing of their successful medications is available? Big secret? IMO he was previously proclaiming that HCQ and zinc was good but he got shouted down by the media.  He LOL also advised bleach drinking too. But IMO they both got something not allowed by the present approval's system. That is apparent or else why not disclose their exact treatments? 

No idea at all why you're mixing up airline and ? industries into your perspective. Of course they are all losing money. But their plight and methods to make money isn't the same as Big Pharma which has its own agenda and the people with approval authority for drugs are very quiet about other-than-Big Pharma products. Why hasn't Fauci even mentioned Ivermectin and/or encouraged trialing? Not a peep. Maybe theorize about that.

If you or an aged loved one is facing ICU with covid I hope any and all useful treatment options are available regardless of whether it may cause a (oh the horrors!) skin rash. LOL!

Re the economy perhaps you are unaware but in the months before the pandemic the US Federal Reserve began buying bank securities in order to pump billions$ cash per day into the system. Economic crash seemed imminent. Then the pandemic hit. OK huge coincidence. One-in-a million but OK fine. Now the WHO says lock downs are bad idea. OK why are we all doing it except for big monopoly growing stores?   

Here the seniors homes are privately run yet gov't has not mandated better pay and sick days so staff keep going to work because they need the money.  No wonder outbreaks and death happens. Why no legislation to ,say, mandate gov't overview of profit margins and mandate no profit while covid is present? Why not put all profits into PPEs and staffing resources temporarily? 





O.K. we still can't seem to talk politly on the Covid so all of the threads will be locked. If you three want to discuss this use P.M. or you will be ModQed. 

Last chance


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