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worst hotel/motel youve ever stayed at!?

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I’ve got an update to this one unfortunately.

went to Los Angeles a couple of weeks back, hotel prices are ridiculous however I dug hard and found what I thought was a decent deal in east Hollywood. $280 us per night.

get to the hotel, the front door is locked, we eventually get in, the place is essentially under permanent lock down. 

get to our room, it’s clean enough I guess but the glob of someone’s hair on the wall is whatever, the what looks to be blood stains on the towels, ok…then my wife notices some ants making their way across the ceiling following along the wall. I think whatever it’s a few ants passing through it’s not the end of the world we will manage, we get ready for bed and that’s when the “ghetto birds” start chirping, non stop LAPD helicopter pass overs at low altitude, hovering around directly by our hotel for a couple of hours, finally they buzz off, I can try to sleep on the rock hard double that they called a queen.

3:30am I wake up in a daze and I feel something crawling on me, I’m thinking I’m just delusional, I turn on my phone flashlight and there’s an ant crawling down my arm. I then notice the bites all over my hand, I stand up and ants have taken over our bed!

I wake dawn up and say let’s get the absolute hell out of here, we pack up and go to the desk to explain that we are leaving and that we would like to cancel the rest of our stay and the guy at the desk tells me he’s not giving me any of my $1000 for the rest of our stay back. Had to go through my credit card, but still had to pay for my 4 hours of sleep with the ants.

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One of the all time worst was Penny's Motel in Thornbury, back in the day. Mice running across my bed all night long, and enough mold in the shower to start a mushroom farm. The place was flea bag central...but a cheap place to pass out after a day of chasing Steelies.

Of course, now it's hipster central...some urban refugees bought it, did a complete reno with pastel colours....and now as per their website... it "evokes a laid back 70's vibe" with "complimentary S'mores around the fire pit" and "bespoke cocktails at the reclaimed wood bar"....

Quadruple the price...and I don't think anyone's stomping in there with their muddy waders anymore...oh well 


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Maple Leaf Motel in Goderich. Didn't tell us the rest of the place was rented out to a biker club for the weekend. Nice people but they partied all night and we couldn't sleep. 

We decided to leave the following morning but the manager wouldn't give us a refund for the second night. We later found out they rented our room out to the bikers. Nice deal for them but pissed me off.

Never stayed there again.

Daytona Beach, almost the same thing happened but we were only there for the one night, found out that many rooms were rented out to bikers, they partied until the wee hours. I "accidentally " hit the car alarm as we were slowly leaving at 5 am. 😊

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  • 10 months later...

There was this one motel I stayed at that was a total disaster. From the moment I walked in, I could tell it was going to be a rough night. The room smelled musty, the bed felt like a slab of concrete, and the bathroom looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages. To make matters worse, the noise from the nearby highway kept me up all night. It was definitely a stay to forget!
But you know what they say, every traveler has their fair share of horror stories. It's all part of the adventure, right? And hey, if you're ever in need of some travel advice or want to make sure you avoid experiences like mine, I'd recommend checking out https://travelbusinessclass.com/. They've got some great insights and recommendations that can help ensure your next trip is a lot smoother than mine!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Atlantic hotel in New Brunswick has a basement under the whole lenght of it and we could hear someone down there.. 😅.. plus the sink for the bathroom wasn't even in the bathroom..

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About 30 years ago I’m in The Pas, Manitoba, overnighting on the way to a fly-in.  We’re staying in this disgusting roach hotel with an attached bar.  It’s 2:00 in the afternoon, the place is just packed, and 90% of the people there are already completely hammered. 

We just gave our drink order when two skanky looking girls at the next table start fighting. And when I say fighting, I don’t mean raised voices and a shove or two, I mean all of a sudden it’s Rocky and Apollo Creed in the 15th round and they’re going for the KO. They’re rolling around on the floor throwing haymakers and landing about half of them, just beating the living daylights out of each other. Bartender and a couple of other guys grab them by the hair and literally drag them across the floor and out the door, as they continue kicking, screaming and pummelling each other the whole time. As he returns, bartender just smiles at us and goes "Welcome to The Pas."

Fast forward 10 minutes and the girls are back at the table, they have a couple of beers and they’re sharing a plate of fries and gravy. Turns out they’re the entertainment. Once they finish eating, one girl gets up on the bar with a crappy old boom box, hits play, and starts peeling while the other one goes from table to table to collect tips. After the first girl’s done her three songs, they switch it up and girl no. 2 starts peeling while the first one collects the dollar bills. I coughed up a tip both times, mainly so they would go away. I think these girls had maybe a dozen teeth between them, and you could already see they were going to have shiners and some good bruises the next morning. 

I remember it being really hot and clammy inside that bar, because even though it was the middle of summer they had this huge pot of something simmering away on a wood stove in the corner. At some point one of the staff went over and lifted this big French fry basket out of the pot, and there stewing away were a couple of muskrats. 

I didn’t eat a single thing till we got to the lodge the next afternoon.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/4/2024 at 3:22 PM, craigdritchie said:

About 30 years ago I’m in The Pas, Manitoba


sounds like you may have been staying in the same hotel that my brother stayed at during a science fair trip in the early 90's 😆

He specifically remembers there being literal chain link fence over the windows and being woken up in the mdidle of the night to someone firing a lot of rounds out of a gun 

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