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Not all natives are guilty....


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After seeing and reading about the protests that are going on today, I feel as though I need to make a comment on behalf of the natives (like myself) that have nothing to do with these, and are getting stereotyped because of these.


Like I just said, I am part native (with status).


I DO NOT agree with what certian people are doing today with these protests. There is no need to inconvenience millions of people because of certain things that happend a long time ago. I DO agree that the natives do have something to be ticked about, and do deserve to voice their opinions about the issues. But protesting on public roadways is NOT the place to do so.


But for people to just automatically think that since a person is native, they get everything for FREE. That is NOT the case.

I recommend NOT commenting on an issue that you know nothing about.


Not all natives get certain benefits that others get. There are many types of natives. I, myself am Metis. I am NOT First nations (which are the ones protesting).

Yes, there are exceptions to everything, and yes there are many natives that do take advantage of their benefits, but I am not one of those people.


With me not being First Nations, I am not entitled to fishing whenever/wherever I want, nor do I get anything for FREE, like a few people think (in the other thread).


I am a hard working, hard playing person just like anyone else. I purchase a fishing license every year, and obey ALL of the fishing regulations. I do not think that just because I am native, that I deserve any special treatment. I am sorry to see that just because a few people do something that all of us are being labelled for it.


Just because someone in Toronto is a poacher, does that make all Torontoians poachers?? NO!


So I would appreciate before making a comment (especially on a certain type of person) that you make sure you know something about the topic before blurting out how disrespectful they are being, and taking advantage of their benefits.


I am sorry to bring this topic up again, nor do I want to start anything, but I had to make a comment about this whole thing and how innocent people are being labelled for the actions of others.

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I tell people all the time, it doesn't matter what you race, religion or heritage is. the example I bring up all the time is to go through the projects and look at all the white slobs living there on welfare. These people should get jobs and stop living off my tax dollar. There are also other people who leech off society, it doesn't have anything to do with what colour or religion you are. There are good and bad people from every walk of life.


I do disagree with shutting down the 401 though. There is no claim to the land the 401 is built on and as far as I am concerned it's an illegal protest.


What do you think would happen if me and my friends were holed up and announced we had our guns with us. Do you think the police would just sit back and watch?


As much as I agree that we have done the native people harm, we have also done them good as well. They want all the perks from the treaties they signed, but nowhere in the treaties did it say we would provide them with electricity, gasoline, modern building supplies, health care or education. Let's give them their land, and take away all forms of energy they have, all the modern ammenities and all healthcare and education they have and see what they think about their treaties then.


I am sure their tune will change.


I also disagree with them acting like a militia, to me, this is an act of war and no matter how many guns they have, they still wouldn't win a battle. It only took shooting one, in Dudley George to get them to cower the last time. What are they going to do when .50 cal rounds come flying from nowhere and knock em down like bowling pins?



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Unfortunately for you we don’t know the names of all the bad natives, so we just call them natives, its not personal, just stating fact, natives are blocking roads in protest of blah blah blah. (I could think of a lot worse names to call them but it wouldn’t be politically correct and probably get me banned)

I do find it strange that i could get arrested for voicing my true feelings about this kind of people and their mentality (or lack there of) but they are allowed to get away with this type of childish and idiotic behaviour, but hey , thats Canada, different laws for different races, no wonder so many people are racist. We have the natives destroying their own land to spite the other Canadians, we have a province that wants to separate and not be Canadian and a spineless government over seeing it all with a blind eye.

Oh well, gives us something to b!tch/laugh about. I’ll be thinking of those people standing on the side/middle of the 401 while i am in my boat fishing this afternoon.....lol

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I totaly agree with you. There are bad apples everywhere in every culture. It seems that somewhere along the way most people have forgotten how to treat one another, treat others as you want to be treated.

I travel 4 hrs a day to go to work and back I see a lot of idiots out there, but there is nothing I can do about this but just smile and wave. Please forgive my langauge in my last post, was uncalled for.



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I say more power to them, they've been given the muddy end of the stick for centuries by our ancestors and it should be up to our current leaders to do right by them. All these perks you've touched on in the past few threads pale in comparison to the oppression and poverty that OUR government has subjected these peoples to.


Canadians in general love to spout off about how fair and compassionate we all are, yet we treat our natives like second class citizens and it appears like this will continue for years to come (in my opinion I can see it in some of your posts above and before, pretty sad in my opinion) . Some make comments about racism and opression south of the border, yet right here in our own backyards were relegating natives to "reservations" and government handouts! Its time these people are heard and appropriate opportunities are afforded to em.


just my opinion...

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I agree with you 100% Stoty. It's difficult being a Status Indian and living a regular lifestyle off of the reservation. Natives living on the reserve frown upon Natives with status off the reserve, and non-natives frown upon natives with status claiming that 'our time is up' for the benefits realized by being a native.


It's no different than any other type of stereotyping or discrimination. The fact is that there will always be people who ruin it for others regardless of the situation.



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I don't think it is a race thing as much as just the average person (pawn) once again getting caught in a chess game/power struggle that is in the end all about money. The truckers like to blockade traffic when diesel prices are high... How does that make sense, I've got no input on what Petro Canada charges, yet I'm the one stuck in traffic. Same with the teachers union when they want more money, use our kids as ammo. Same with the TTC and OPSEU and any union that can utilize us as leverage for their "cause". Us average people are always the victims of these "negotiating" tactics and it really sucks but it's become an accepted tactic and I don't think it is ever going away...


I feel for anyone affected by the blockades but hope that cooler heads prevail.



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WELL said. I totally agree with you.


Like I said at the start, I agree with them protesting about their concerns, but I dont agree with how they are doing it, causing difficulties for the average person.

The same with the teachers, truckers, and whoever else. if you have an issue, protest to the people who can make a difference (the gov't), DONT take it out of the person who has nothing to do with it!

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I was lied to and mislead in my younger years concerning Native peoples. I personally do not know all of the issues. I have experience (not much) in witnessing wrongs done to many people of all races and afflictions. Yet I do have a soft spot for our Native peoples. They at least are getting some attention and hopefully making a big enough impact.

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Well, I was going to reply with this big thing. What's the point. I will say this though.


As far as I'm concerned it's a criminal offence and these people should have been given 2 options stand down or be shot. They are criminals who cares what your race is YOUR A CRIMINAL!

You don't get to stand on the 401 with guns!


The whole lot should be thrown in jail for a very long time!




Edited by RangerGuy
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OK....so much for the "not getting nasty".


Admins....... I suggest locking this thread.


This is NOT what I wanted with this thread.

Sad that a bunch of adults cant just talk/express themselves normally without getting all worked up.

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Just a reminder:


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Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL!


Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism..........

Edited by keram
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I agree, RangerGuy could have use a little tact in his post. But I agree with some of what he said. If I stood on the road with a gun. Should I go to jail? YES.


Now I don't know what is going on down there, but is it true? They were blocking the 401 with guns?

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