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Need Advice


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I don't normally post about stuff like this, but I am at the end of my rope with this and I need help!!!


We live in a condo and recently received a threatening letter from the condo corporation head office stating that our account is in arrears. We were completely unaware of any payments pending against us. Attached to the letter is another letter which was supposedly sent to us a month ago by the office at our condo. This original letter was never given to us.


This is the second time that this has happened, that we have received a threatening letter from the head office because the lady that works in the office has failed to do her job. I don't appreciate being threatened with legal action, etc for something that we were completely unaware of.


My question is, what can I do about this? In my opinion, they should be keeping track of important letters such as these such as sending them via registered mail, etc. Now, it is her word against ours and my thinking is that they will believe her because she an employee. I am fed up with her laziness and failure to perform her duties.


Please help!

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Sandy, I assume that you are talking about being in arrears of your monthly assesment fees, do you have your records to show that things are in order on your part, and if so ask them in writing that you want to see your files which you have every right to do.If they have made an error ask for a written apology from the management office or their district office manager. A letter from your lawyer would also go a long way to solve this problem, as they do not like dealing with lawyers.Just make sure that you get every thing in writing from them, and clear this matter up as quickly as possible or they will put a lien on your unit.

Also take some time to read the Ont Condo Act which can be obtained on line for some free advice

Good luck

PS we are also Condo owners

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Guest mistyriver1

Sandy, I'm not sure if you have any folks in your building that you are close with, but if you can, see if they have been getting any similar type letters. When I used to own a condo, I received a similar type letter and it turns out the mangement company had mishandled funds for a number of people. We had an onwer's meeting and out they went.


Good luck


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Actually, the overdue payments are for repairs which the lady in the office led us to believe would be covered by the corporation. We have never had a problem with our monthly payments thankfully.


That is good advice Jim. Perhaps I will look into talking to the other owners to see if they have been experiencing similar problems.

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Rule of business is,


If its not it writting it never happend.


If you don't have a signiture of recieving it , It never happened.


Send back a letter (registered with signiture required) stateing such and if it continues in such a matter you will request a harrasement suit.


if all else fails. Toss muskie baits at them.

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"If its not it writting it never happend."


"If you don't have a signiture of recieving it , It never happened."


Geeze LeXX...You sound like Meely...


"Did you get it into the boat?...No...Then it's only a story !"


Sandy:...Sic Adam on to them...That should scare the crap out of them !!!

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. . . . . . . and when ya go for a l'il c h i t-chat, have a small voice activated tape recorder in a pocket. Test it BEFORE you use it, be certain it clearly picks up voices. I have an excellent l'il Sony . . 'bout $55.00. (It IS legal to record YOUR voice, unfortunate for them if their voice gets on the tape too!) Then, based on what you have on tape, put it all in writing, as taped . . . and DO NOT disclose you have them on tape, until it becomes necessary . . . like catching them in an outright contradiction! Just remember . . . a conversation is not worth the breath it takes to discuss the matter . . . the second you're out the door, there is no proof ('he said . . . she said') of anything. All oral discussions should be taped, all communications . . . LEAVE A PAPER TRAIL!! Good luck!

Edited by Photoz
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you can request that they only email you it is a legal Document and acts as a signature for contract disputes. 50% of our bussness is run this way to create work orders and we have taken propertiy groups to court for funds and have won everytime. Most of my personal bussness is done this way and have found no probloms with it. Secound of all ask for proof that they sent it because, you are demanding to see it. Peace Ken

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