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just read this over at a gun site and thought some of you may be just as angry as we are over there. this is downright pathetic....








Joe WarmingtonTue, June 19, 2007


City order burns troops


Pulling fire, ambulance ribbons is wrong




Our brave troops will still be fighting in Afghanistan this September even if the magnetic ribbon support decals on Toronto Fire trucks and ambulances won't be.


The city has ordered the Support Our Troop decals to be removed from all fire trucks and EMS vehicles on Sept. 4, the Sun has learned.


The reason? It depends on who you talk to. And there are lots of contradictions.


Some say it is because it was not brought to council for proper approval, others say protocol was not followed. Another reason given is it was a one-year project.


But many City Hall sources tell me it has everything to do with some complaints from a few anti-war citizens who have the ear of some leftist councillors -- and felt the ribbons were in support of the war in Afghanistan and not just in support of the troops.






"It was a decision I made in conversations I had with the two chiefs," said city manager Shirley Hoy, who was good enough to return a call yesterday on this and own up.


Several members of council did not extend the courtesy. Having said that, Hoy, though, still attempted to dance around this by saying it was a "one-year support program" and that the decision was made to remove the decals when the vehicles were scheduled for "regular maintenance."


Surely, Shirley, every vehicle is not going in on the same day for repairs?


Later she admitted the support ribbons did not meet "certain corporate standards" for the city.


Maybe we can arrange to give the troops over there some parking tickets and send over a bylaw officer to make sure they are complying with the smoking rules? Corporate standards! What the hell are they talking about?


The whole thing is outrageous but at least now we are on to what this is really all about. They should just say it. This is the politically correct leftist crowd getting their way -- at the expense of our amazing troops in the battle of their lives. This has got to be a moral victory for the Taliban.


The guys really on the spot here are Fire Chief Bill Stewart and Ambulance Chief Bill Farr. Two very good guys who essentially answer to council and to senior administration and have their hands tied. Also, there is no way the paramedics and firefighters in this town would approve. I know many and their respect for the troops is unwavering.


While Chief Stewart said the decals "did not meet corporate standards ... and the corporate policy must be adhered to," decals or no decals he also emphasized "we certainly support the Canadian troops." He said firefighters have had fundraisers and other initiatives to show that.


If they do, no political pressure from some leftist anti-war activist should be able to stop that.


Shame on anybody who is messing with that. Like it or not, this country is at war and it's imperative we support the men and women doing the heavy lifting every chance we get. Hoy told me the decals were put on a year ago and were to be removed at the end of one year. No one else indicated this was the plan.


If it was, it would be unprecedented in Canadian military history. Imagine if they'd put up yellow ribbons during World War II for just the year 1942? There is at least one veteran upset about this.


"I can guarantee that no one on city council has ever served in the Armed Forces but they are always eager to jump to the front of the line when a Forces photo opportunity comes along and shout that they support the troops," said Don Ashfield.


"City council can vote approval to bump their pay, pad their expense accounts and attend many meetings where free food is given, but Support Our Troops? Never."


A spokesman in the mayor's office said he "didn't know anything about this." Same goes for several other councillors -- all of whom did not return calls.


Yeah, sure!


Scott Marks, president of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association, said the reaction of members ranges from some who are not too worked up to others who are outraged. It was the association who designed and paid for the decals on the fire trucks -- the EMS ones were paid for with taxpayers' money.


More than a month ago pressure was brought to bear by Now magazine, which quoted specifically Councillor Janet Davis. "I do connect the Afghan mission to the Support Our Troops sticker. That is where our troops are being killed," she told Now reporter Andrew Cash in May.


"Not only does this not communicate a City of Toronto policy, but it also sends a political message about a public policy matter that is quite contentious. And we shouldn't be using public funds for it."




But if we are going to be by the book about public money at City Hall, let's not start at the expense of the at-risk troops -- 57 of whom have died in battle.


This is not the issue to try to show corporate precision and integrity. Try doing it when you are quietly voting yourselves an 11% raise.


Whatever you think of this, a decision has been made to have those decals removed. "I think it's crazy," said one firefighter. "We sent over a video to the troops to show them these ribbons on the trucks. I hope they know we still support them."


Perhaps this is not over yet. It's actually up to you. This might be a time for us to collectively speak up. If there is public reaction against this nonsense, maybe we can turn this around and they will leave those decals right where they are -- and leave them there until every member of our Canadian Armed Forces is back from this conflict and not a moment before.


Our troops will still be fighting in Afghanistan in September and if we make enough noise perhaps those decals supporting them will remain on the side of our municipal emergency vehicles.




• You can call Joe Warmington at (416) 947-2392 or e-mail at joe.warmington@tor.sunpub.com


This is not a surprise to me because of the NDP leaning municipal council in Toronto. It goes along with all the new taxes they want to impose instead of dealing with cutting fat and inefficiency. I emailed my Councillor to give him a piece of my mind, but suspect it will fall on deaf ears. I suggest all those in TO do the same ASAP since the radio says they're debating this TODAY.


I am a volunteer Firefighter and have been for over 30 years. We take GREAT pride in our country and our military (I have a son in the US Air Force).


On our fire truck we have a sticker that says "Remember 9-11" and underneath it is a waverly USA flag that says "These Colors Don't Run".


How quickly some folks forget, but then again many don't. My son was trying to get home dress in uniform on a flight from Texas to Buffalo on stand by. A women offered up her seat so he could get home on time. And just recently he was stopped for speeding on the NYS Thruway by a state trooper. When he went to pull his license from his wallet the state trooper seen his military ID, asked him if he was in the military and then handed him back his driver license and told him to have a nice day.

Posted (edited)

This has made me so mad, it makes my blood just boil! :angry: They have the nerve to sit there and complain about the decals and how they should not be on our emergency vehicles, people should know by now that these decals DO NOT support the war BUT THEY DO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!!!! So by taking these decals off, what is Toronto saying???? Exactly! Our soldiers are the reason why we have what we have today, and they are the reason why these so called people are sitting in MILLION DOLLAR homes and driving their fancy cars !!!!! :spam::wallbash: And all they want to do is sit there and b&*$h about how wrong these decals are! They should all be ashamed of themselves, and who would be the first city bawling if something ever happend here in Canada???? I thought so! They should not forget that Toronto is one of the main targets for an attack! Can't SOME people read anymore, it says in plain english, Support Our Troops, it does NOT say Support The War! There is a BIG difference. Total disrespect to OUR soldiers, my brother-in-law and the families of these wonderful HEROS.

Edited by fishergirl72

Thanks for posting this.


As a Toronto FireFighter we need the support now from the taxpayers in Toronto. They need to phone today and voice there opinions to help us out. With all the media in the last two days I'm sure they will stay but there are lots of groups out there wanting them off the trucks.


As fishergirl stated, It's not a statement For or Against the war but a show of support for our Brothers and Sisters over there risking there lives to make the world a better place. They need support from the whole country.






Yet another example of how this communist government in Toronto has dragged some very sound and dedicated people through the mud!

As Tony said, if there was any money in it for them, they'd have all cars in Toronto waving a sticker. I'd make the call to my council member, if I didn't know it would fall on deaf ears! She's one of the leading communist's there are!

Keep the faith folks... we are supporting the right people here... eventually it will become "popular" to support the troops... I hope they know that we do support them, it's those imbeciles at city hall that don't have their priorities right!


Posted (edited)
  Headhunter said:
Yet another example of how this communist government in Toronto has dragged some very sound and dedicated people through the mud!

As Tony said, if there was any money in it for them, they'd have all cars in Toronto waving a sticker. I'd make the call to my council member, if I didn't know it would fall on deaf ears! She's one of the leading communist's there are!

Keep the faith folks... we are supporting the right people here... eventually it will become "popular" to support the troops... I hope they know that we do support them, it's those imbeciles at city hall that don't have their priorities right!



Hi HH, I just wanted to let you know that some of them do know about this site, when my brother-in-law was over there, I told him about this site and all of the support that shown from here and I passed on all of the thank yous and prayers to him and his comrades, so yes they do know how much WE support them. I made sure of it. :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by fishergirl72

Time to vote out these idiots. I'm ashamed to say the least. City hall is so far left that it can't walk straight. Stop voting for these idiots please!?!? Supporting our troops has nothing to do with your views on Afghanistan. When I was visiting Ottawa, the radio stations broadcasted weather reports for both Ottawa and Kandahar. Wonder how these twits would feel if our radio stations did the same? Toronto is a moderate city at heart that's been highjacked by the extreme left...


Sadly, we just lost three more our our boys today. What's happening is that we have political correctness gone mad.


100% of us supporting our troops does not mean 100% of canadians are supporting the war. What a bunch of idiots we have running our city.


So unbelievable that people can not understand the idea of supporting our troops. You can hate war and government all you want, I wont argue that with you........but don't confuse the subject. The troops are over there doing a job ordered to them by their country (well it's leaders). When you join the army you don't get to pick and choose what wars you want to partake in. What would have happened if Canadian soldiers just up and choose not to fight and defend freedom in WW1 or 2? Where would this world possibly be. Please don't be ignorant, support our troops.


I wear my red ribbon dog tag every day and I am proud of it!!


Funny it is too touchy for Toronto's government to support our troops now but not too touchy to call them in when there was a big snowfall a few years ago to get the city back functioning.


As Smokey and others stated, whether you do or don't support the war etc, Support our Troops.

Guest Johnny Bass

If you really support the troops, you should be fighting to get them back home. This war is not about terrorism, but about profits and control. Canadian soldiers are basically just being used as an extension of the American military. Peace keeping mission? Hardly.


well I support our troops..and I was in the armed forces and I was more then willing to go to different parts of the world and fight for freedom ...



I believe if the troops don't complete their objective over there before coming home

we will be fighting terrorists over here..and when one building is blown up and 100 or more people die in a single moment instead of 60 brave young men and women in the forces over a couple of years..then I bet all the bleeding hearts will be saying "why didn't you do everything you could to protect me"


again if we don't fight terrorist over there , then expect to fight them over here


I work for toronto ems. This is what happens when a post modern government is allowed to put its

views and police peoples attitudes towards nationalism. When a government takes GOD out of schools beacause it might affect someone elses religion, and promotes gay pride, and allows everyother person who came to this country to have more rights than the people who were born and raised here. Who's families lived here hundreds of years ago-- you will have problems. It burns my ass that these yellow ribbons are coming off the ambulances. I have a friend that served in Afgan. as a sniper. But you watch metro's finest will have their police, fire and ambulances spit polished for the gay pride parade. I would relate what Canada has become to a "Costco" nation.

  Johnny Bass said:
If you really support the troops, you should be fighting to get them back home. This war is not about terrorism, but about profits and control. Canadian soldiers are basically just being used as an extension of the American military. Peace keeping mission? Hardly.


Fair enough, but again, supporting troops has nothing to do with supporting their opps. There is simply no excuse to remove those decals from our public service vehicles.

  luv2drift said:
I work for toronto ems. This is what happens when a post modern government is allowed to put its

views and police peoples attitudes towards nationalism. When a government takes GOD out of schools beacause it might affect someone elses religion, and promotes gay pride, and allows everyother person who came to this country to have more rights than the people who were born and raised here. Who's families lived here hundreds of years ago-- you will have problems. It burns my ass that these yellow ribbons are coming off the ambulances. I have a friend that served in Afgan. as a sniper. But you watch metro's finest will have their police, fire and ambulances spit polished for the gay pride parade. I would relate what Canada has become to a "Costco" nation.





Heard on the news on the way home from work that Toronto Council voted unanimously to reverse the decision from yesterday....the stickers are staying indefinitely.

Guest Johnny Bass
  Terry said:
well I support our troops..and I was in the armed forces and I was more then willing to go to different parts of the world and fight for freedom ...

I believe if the troops don't complete their objective over there before coming home

we will be fighting terrorists over here..and when one building is blown up and 100 or more people die in a single moment instead of 60 brave young men and women in the forces over a couple of years..then I bet all the bleeding hearts will be saying "why didn't you do everything you could to protect me"


again if we don't fight terrorist over there , then expect to fight them over here


I support our troops also. Though they are not fighting for freedom. Thats US propoganda.


We will be fighting terrorists over here??? First define terrorists. Secondly are the Taliban terrorists? NO, though apparently according to the States they are harbouring a Terrorist. Osama.


Now these people see Osama as a saint. Therefore they are fighting to protect him. The Taliban we are fighting are no terrorists and do not pose any danger whatsoever to Canada. They want to be left alone.


The thing that really burns me up is they say they attacked Afghan to get Osama the 9/11 mastermind and then bush states that he doesn't care about Osama. Ok bush... Why did you invade and are still occupying Afghanistan if you dont care about Osama? To destroy the Taliban???The taliban were funded and trained and put in power by the USA, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

  Johnny Bass said:
I support our troops also. Though they are not fighting for freedom. Thats US propoganda.


We will be fighting terrorists over here??? First define terrorists. Secondly are the Taliban terrorists? NO, though apparently according to the States they are harbouring a Terrorist. Osama.


Now these people see Osama as a saint. Therefore they are fighting to protect him. The Taliban we are fighting are no terrorists and do not pose any danger whatsoever to Canada. They want to be left alone.


The thing that really burns me up is they say they attacked Afghan to get Osama the 9/11 mastermind and then bush states that he doesn't care about Osama. Ok bush... Why did you invade and are still occupying Afghanistan if you dont care about Osama? To destroy the Taliban???The taliban were funded and trained and put in power by the USA, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Try LISTENING to their OWN WORDS== They want to KILL ALL INFIDELS--Establish a world wide KINGDOM OF ALLAH--- I think worldwide may include Canada.

Guest Trophymuskie

It was all over the Ottawa talk shows this morning, the mayor must of goten thousands of e-mails from Ottawa. LOL Enough that he reversed his stupid decision this afternoon.

Guest Johnny Bass
  gussser said:
Try LISTENING to their OWN WORDS== They want to KILL ALL INFIDELS--Establish a world wide KINGDOM OF ALLAH--- I think worldwide may include Canada.


The extremists say things like that and only after they were provoked by the war. How many infidels did the Taliban kill in Canada or the USA for that matter before 9/11??


This is all hype. They get a few crazies on TV and make it seem like they are all out to kill us.They want to be left alone and leave us alone.They dont want their way of life disturbed.


The basically want the infidels off their land.

  Trophymuskie said:
It was all over the Ottawa talk shows this morning, the mayor must of goten thousands of e-mails from Ottawa. LOL Enough that he reversed his stupid decision this afternoon.


lol half of those were probably from people over at CGN and other canadian gun forums :thumbsup_anim: great job whoever sent emails or phoned in :clapping:

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