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Locked Threads & Repeat Offenders - Food For Thought


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You know, i was just reading the latest thread to get locked and also looked back through the last 6 pages to see other locked threads. Sometimes the lockdown revolves around politics which of course get's people worked up. Sometimes it is someone hijacking a topic which is not fair to the original poster. Things seem to really go south when people start getting personal. I don't get it.


Questions for those here that are repeat offenders:


  • Do you know that person you are attacking personally? If so, take it off line we don't all need to see the back and forth. If you don't know them, how would you feel if you met that person at a boat launch or better yet at a resort? You would feel like a real tool, especially when you find out that the person is very decent.


  • Are you sitting in front of the keyboard drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs and just going on a rant? If the answer is yes you should refrain from any replies and "read only".


  • Do you put yourself in their shoes before you type something? For example, there are members here who are married to, living with, or friends with First Nations Folks. Attacking these people with general comments is not fair and puts people on the defensive. How would you feel in that situation? It does not matter what someones background is, we all deserve the same level of respect.

In my own life, when I get upset or angry with someone, I always sit back and think about what I am going to say. I never reply or call right away, I will make notes to discuss over the phone or save an email as a draft until the next day and review what I intended to say. Some of you should try taking this advice and calm down.


It is no wonder why so many great contributors to OFC have either left the site or post very little. I have never been a big poster, more of a daily reader and I find it really off putting to see what goes on here sometimes.


This is a great site. Just show others respect and courtesy and remember your audience. Sometimes there are women, children and visible minorities reading this board.




Warren Goodman

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Well said I am surprised at some of the things that I have to delete. For the most part things people say on the internet are not what they would say when sitting next to each other. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and usually with a quick P.M. they will understand that we have rules that are designed to prevent a lot of the hard feelings that can happen. I am for the most part in charge of enforcing the rules and in doing that I am the bad guy either I let threads go to long or lock them to fast I am o.k. with that though. I haven't had to mod Q anyone in a year since adopting the P.M. warnings. I will urge anyone who sees a thread going bad to hit the report button it alerts the owners who can then read and moderate the situation.



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You know, i was just reading the latest thread to get locked and also looked back through the last 6 pages to see other locked threads. Sometimes the lockdown revolves around politics which of course get's people worked up. Sometimes it is someone hijacking a topic which is not fair to the original poster. Things seem to really go south when people start getting personal. I don't get it.


Questions for those here that are repeat offenders:


  • Do you know that person you are attacking personally? If so, take it off line we don't all need to see the back and forth. If you don't know them, how would you feel if you met that person at a boat launch or better yet at a resort? You would feel like a real tool, especially when you find out that the person is very decent.
  • Are you sitting in front of the keyboard drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs and just going on a rant? If the answer is yes you should refrain from any replies and "read only".
  • Do you put yourself in their shoes before you type something? For example, there are members here who are married to, living with, or friends with First Nations Folks. Attacking these people with general comments is not fair and puts people on the defensive. How would you feel in that situation? It does not matter what someones background is, we all deserve the same level of respect.
In my own life, when I get upset or angry with someone, I always sit back and think about what I am going to say. I never reply or call right away, I will make notes to discuss over the phone or save an email as a draft until the next day and review what I intended to say. Some of you should try taking this advice and calm down.


It is no wonder why so many great contributors to OFC have either left the site or post very little. I have never been a big poster, more of a daily reader and I find it really off putting to see what goes on here sometimes.


This is a great site. Just show others respect and courtesy and remember your audience. Sometimes there are women, children and visible minorities reading this board.




Warren Goodman


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I would not assume for one second that alcohol or drug use as anything to do with what some people post....an :asshat: is an :asshat: and we have had a few large :asshat: `s here over the years and we have had a few guys that just like to stir the pot and a couple these guys are respected members who post a lot and seem to like to get involved in the fray.....IMHO posts like this just have the potential to attract exactly the kind of conversation we don`t want.... IMHO

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I would not assume for one second that alcohol or drug use as anything to do with what some people post....an :asshat: is an :asshat: and we have had a few large :asshat: `s here over the years and we have had a few guys that just like to stir the pot and a couple these guys are respected members who post a lot and seem to like to get involved in the fray.....IMHO posts like this just have the potential to attract exactly the kind of conversation we don`t want.... IMHO

Bingo!! Beat me to it..Damn Habs fans... ha ha ha

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