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Ever since Wolfville began fishing our regular fishing hole, it seems that bly and I cant catch Carp in that spot!!! I put the blame soley on him!!! j/k :D It does seem the evening bite has been off there so we were looking for a new spot to fish. We shine a bright light in the water every night as we are leaving, and the Carp seems to have left the building at night.


Basskicker tipped me off to a great little spot....that hardly anyone knows about, so we decided to try and find it! It's off the beaten path and about a kilometer away from where you park, but hey...we walk a LOT more on the tribs....haha.


It was very hot and humid last night and by the time we reached a spot that looked good, sweat was already running down my face....I was also bitten by mosquitoes during that little walk. Didn't matter...we wanted to see what the fishing was going to be like!


Our feeders were loaded with ground bait...and our lines were in the water by 8:20pm. We could see all kinds of activity around, so we were hopeful. About 5 minutes later, Bly yells fish on....but lost it after a short time. She threw her line back out there waited. We could both feel line bumps so again, we knew they were there.


At 8:50pm, Bly yells "Fish On" again, and this time it's a good hook set! It took about 10 minutes to land our first fish of the night. Here's a nice 31.5 inch, 15 pounder. Kinda strange that there is still daylight in the pic....LOL



I was hoping that soon it would be my turn to catch one! I didn't have to wait too long. At around 9:20pm, I had one on and began my fight. I could feel this was a little one...only took about 5 minutes to bring in this respectable 30", 13 pounder.



Ahh, that's better a picture in the dark....LOL. The mosquitoes were coming out like crazy!! Even though we had bug spray on, we had to keep batting them away from our faces, so we decided to pack up and leave at about 9:45. Long walk back to the car and when we sat down I said "You ready to go home yet?". Her quick reply was "NO!!", so we headed to our usual spot to see if the carp were in the area.


By 10pm, our lines were back in the water. Ok...this is a very cool/strange thing that happened. (insert Twilight Zone music here). Now, we've seen carp jumping out of the water before...lots of them in fact, but what happened next left us speechless. At around 10:15 we were both looking out over the water when suddenly about 15 to 20 carp jumped out of the water at the exact same time....all in the same area (about 20 yards). When I say this, I dont mean it happened over the span of 5 or 10 seconds....I mean at EXACTLY the same second!!! It reminded me of when researches put an electrical shock in the water and suddenly all the fish jump. We couldn't figure out what would make them do that....when they get to a certain size, there are no real predators...we've seen some big pike in the waters there but the carp just ignore them. Anyone have any ideas what would cause them to do this? At least we knew the carp were back...and we knew exactly where they were hanging out!!


We both cast our lines in that general area and we had LOTS of line bumps and pulls. We knew that there had to be at least one more fish to be had. We normally fish until 1030 or 1100 during the week since I have to be up early in the morning for work. At around 11pm, Bly yells "fish on" again! This put up a really nice fight...ended up being the biggest fish of the night, coming in at 35" and 21 pounds.



Well...that was our evening. Things are back to normal now! Our oldest is back from camp so we were able to fish together again for the first time in a week and a half. Our skunks were short lived and as usual, Bly outfished me....both in numbers and in heaviest fish!! LOL.


Those jumping fish....man....strange indeed!


PS....Thanks Basskicker for the great spot! I'm going to have try it out during the day sometime....when the mosquitoes aren't so bad!!!


As usual, top notch reporting, but . . . . putting up with MILLIONS of 'skeeters? OUCH! I like fishin,' but not enough to put up with those l'il lawyers . . . . . . e r r r r r . . . . I mean bloodsuckers! I'm just on my way to get a nasty wee kidney stone reamed out, hope to be fishin' Friday. Ever tried the boat launch over off Liberty Street at night, they're in the creek thick as thieves by now! Good access, more room for 'em to run. But . . . . it's an extra 15 minutes to drive . . . it's no secret, but rarely do people bother to fish here! Just in case you need a fresh back-up spot . . . . . for those rare occasions your #1 & #2 spots dry up.


Great report Cliff!


i knew the skunk wouldn't last long for both you and bly ... i think the carp at your usual spot is unhappy that you two decided to give free offerings to their neighbours 1km away lol ... just to get your attention so they jump up and said "we want food!!" ... ... maybe not the talking part ;) haha


you should be able to buy a mesh kind of thing that goes over your head/face and they keep the mosquito away ... should find them in Can.Tire or other outdoor shops.


can you guys catch smaller carp?? i guess that's one thing i'm better at :thumbsup_anim:


I noticed that the air is much fresher today. :whistling::P Congrats on another great outting. Good to see that things are back to normal. :thumbsup_anim: Pretty strange how those fish all jumped at the same time, cool to see. B)


No problem Cliff...glad to help out. WTG...some real impressive fish one again. Definately a DAY time spot. Congrats on getting that skunk off your back.....



  Roy said:
I just have to ask. Are you bringing corn to Lakair?



lol Roy I am sure the carp gear will be in the car somewhere....just in case we aren't having luck with the other fish and I promised you a hair rig etc..


Cliff, those fish jumped to tell you that they missed you two. They were abused by me so much that they had to complain ;-)


Seriously though, they respond to sound at certain range. Some places they respond to boat motor noise so boating become dangerous, you could be hit by a carp on your face.


Glad to know fish are back to the area. Hope you two catch a lot of fish tonight (he he he).


Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.

  Golfisher said:
Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.



i have never seen a carp jump so high that it cleared the water, but usually i'd see a good 2/3 to 3/4 of its body above the water

  Golfisher said:
Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.



These carp didn't clear the water but hit the surface hard enough that we heard them...difficult to say how far out of the water they were as it was dark. Cliff has better night vision than I do....he might be able to tell you more.


Common carp will jump and clear the water. A year ago I wouldn't have thought they could but I have seen many do it in the past weeks...even get some serious air now and then. The 21lb carp from last night also jumped and cleared the water during the fight.

  bly said:
Common carp will jump and clear the water. A year ago I wouldn't have thought they could but I have seen many do it in the past weeks...even get some serious air now and then. The 21lb carp from last night also jumped and cleared the water during the fight.


:blink: whoah crazy!


out of all the carp i have fought, none of them have jumped during a fight (maybe i just haven't caught enough to see it lol) ... that's gotta be exciting ...

  Golfisher said:
Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.


We've seen lots of rolling and splashing...this was different...on very active nights it goes on for hours. What we saw last night was indeed very strange.


Picture this...you're fishing....the line is in the water...no wind....water smooth as glass. There was no activity that we could see. Suddenly...in an flash I saw all those carp jumping at the exact same time...one jump...that was it. It was surreal. They didn't come completely out of the water, but I'd say at least 1/2 their body was out of the water. Then as quickly as that started it was over....water smooth as glass again.


As far as them coming right out of the water, we've seen it a few times...completely out of the water. The one last night, while bly was fighting it, it completely took us by surprise. I think it was confused and thought it was a steelhead!!! LOL.

  Photoz said:
Ever tried the boat launch over off Liberty Street at night, they're in the creek thick as thieves by now! Good access, more room for 'em to run. But . . . . it's an extra 15 minutes to drive . . . it's no secret, but rarely do people bother to fish here! Just in case you need a fresh back-up spot . . . . . for those rare occasions your #1 & #2 spots dry up.


Thanks for the info! We haven't tried there yet....we're still discovering just how many spots there are within a 20 minute drive of our house. I'm sure we'll give it a try one of these days. So...boat launch...if there are panfish there too then we can take our little one there and try this daylight fishing thing...LOL. Her for panfish and bly and I for carp......

Posted (edited)

Awesome report as always. :thumbsup_anim: Thanks for sharing. Pretty soon we will be calling you two, the "Carp King and Queen". Not to take anything away from any of the other avid Carp fisherman, but the quantity and size of some Carp you two have caught, has been a great accomplishment. I see a 25 pounder in your future. ;)




Edited by fishinonthebrain

Great report and pics


Each report is a dagger to my motivation to do well at university...I can fish now and study later...Opportunity cost?...Marginal benefit of fishing is still greater than marginal cost (or torture) or studying. Therefore I CAN go fishing...I hope I don't write this on my managerial economics exam...If I do, it's because of you and Bly.


As far as B-ville goes, it's a wide open estuary at the ramps. Not the greatest place to catch panfish but I do remember getting the odd rock-bass and bullhead there at night while drowning worms. Bring the bug spray during summer...Lots of mozzies.


Just in case you're interested, I can verify that there are a fair number of Carp near the mouth of Bowmanville Creek. I just got back from a day of exploring the Creek. Seems Soper holds all the nice Brownies.......BC just holds the spawning Lampreys, out of season Smallies and those giant Goldfish like creatures.... :whistling:

Posted (edited)
  MJL said:
Great report and pics


Each report is a dagger to my motivation to do well at university...I can fish now and study later...Opportunity cost?...Marginal benefit of fishing is still greater than marginal cost (or torture) or studying. Therefore I CAN go fishing...I hope I don't write this on my managerial economics exam...If I do, it's because of you and Bly.


As far as B-ville goes, it's a wide open estuary at the ramps. Not the greatest place to catch panfish but I do remember getting the odd rock-bass and bullhead there at night while drowning worms. Bring the bug spray during summer...Lots of mozzies.


Just a quick note... the fish will still be there when exams are done... thought you might need someone to remind you of that!


Cliff and Carol... OMG is all I have to say. Each night when I come home I look forward to your reports. Well written to say the least... Your passion not only for fishing but for one another is inspirational . Reading your reports always puts a smile on my face, knowing that you are both doing something you love and TOGETHER. WOW>>> YOU ROCK!





Edited by Jen
  Mike the Pike said:
You know you guys are getting to be the most Physically fit members on this board toning your bodies lifting all those heavy fish .Another great report.


MTP :clapping:


Funny you mention that Mike. Every winter, I usually put on 10 pounds...you know...the hibernating/no exercise time period for me. That weight comes off during the summer, but every winter like clockwork I'd gain that weight. That translates to evenings watching TV eating nothing but junk. With bly and I discovering trib fishing this winter/spring, we found ourselves walking miles and miles 3 days a week. If we were night fishing, we'd be in one spot, but the key is no snacking. Same with Carp fishing now...no snacking.


I actually LOST 10 pounds and 2 inches off my waist this past winter and have kept it off...for the past 10 years I've been going to a tailor locally to have my pants let out....now I gotta take them back to have them taken in...LOL


I would think that without a doubt, the reason all of those carp jumped out of the water at the same time is because they were spooked by one hell of an aggressive fish. I know you've seen the carp "mingle" with pike there, but if its a big enough, aggressive enough, predator taking runs at them under the surface there all gonna take notice and move ASAP.

just my thoughts, interesting thing to see no doubt!


Hey ccmtcanada


Great report. I like your reports better than mine. You seem to adventure out more than I do. My reports are just quick and not much detail. :lol: You hike through bushes and do the night fishing thing. That's amazing. I have never done a night carp outing before. I probably won't either cause I know I'll get eaten alive. But I hear so much they bite more at night or are more active.




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