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If you breath air and need water to live you need to see this. We are coming to the point of no return and we all need to act together and demand a radical change Our future and the planet and that of our offspring demands it WE DON’T CONTROL NATURE IT CONTROLS US This Changes Everything Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 8 PM on CBC-TV http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/this-changes-everything

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As far as doom and gloom over our environment, it is everywhere. Those that have bought in believe, I do. Then I drive my 4 wheel drive V8's because I don't want my wife to die in a ditch coming home in the dark after work here in the boonies in a blizzard or take our flight south that makes, per passenger, more CO2 than our vehicle does in 300K on the road. Every satellite launched into space for our cell phones and WiFi are equal to a few thousand cars spewing C02 for a lifetime. We buy an "electric car" and burn copious amounts of coal or produce Nuclear waste to charge it. If you have WiFi or a cell phone or have electricity in your home you are a major C02 contributor. So What is your radical solution ? Ride a bike, burn wood to stay warm that isn't good. Windmills, the offset is mining the copper and smelting it for the wiring plus the steel to produce to hold it in the air and, and, and. I'm to badly because I have a water and air polluting 2 stroke, bite me. And I'm supposed to feel guilty. So their point is? Or yours Biteme? I've met you, you seemed cool. Nothing personal for my rant but:


Don't believe everything you think you or I know.


edit, did I say a few thousand cars for the C02 produced from rocket fuel a few 100,000 cars I read from the internet environmentalists. And a few millions of litres of diesel for a ship per year to bring cheap underwear from China to Walmart. Ever shopped there? I apologize for being harsh but once I feed my family, keep a warm dry roof over their head, get to work, home and the Pharmacy back safely out in the country, and choose to pay 10 bucks for 4 pair of socks and underwear instead of 4 bucks a pair I will continue to pollute. I'm guilty, mia cullpa, so is everyone else. Sorry.


By the way the link didn't work, I didn't need to read it to know what it said. That's sad isn't it.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Perhaps the importance of the message lies less with you changing your personal actions, as your perceptions and understanding, so that others might achieve results that address the condition. And prejudice ( to pre judge in the absence of knowing the details of that which you are passing judgement on) is more than sad.

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I take no offence its the way we are doing things its the way we extract and rape and pillage without a thought of the outcome just to please a shareholder the ability to switch directions and do things a different way is there it will be abit painful at first but the benifit to that is certainly better then what will be coming soon if we don't. the link works cut and paste it


anyway the science is there we have the tools we just need to make a change

I see a change over the last 30 years in my area not to mention what I have seen on the news and places I go I truly am fearful

it may sound strange to hear this I can tell you I'm apprehensive saying it

I can feel it something is different for the last 10 years or so its like I'm out of sync with something trust me I'm as sane as it gets but something is way off


anyway I'm going to do what I can I'm going to become active and hope for the best




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As far as doom and gloom over our environment, it is everywhere. Those that have bought in believe, I do. Then I drive my 4 wheel drive V8's because I don't want my wife to die in a ditch coming home in the dark after work here in the boonies in a blizzard or take our flight south that makes, per passenger, more CO2 than our vehicle does in 300K on the road. Every satellite launched into space for our cell phones and WiFi are equal to a few thousand cars spewing C02 for a lifetime. We buy an "electric car" and burn copious amounts of coal or produce Nuclear waste to charge it. If you have WiFi or a cell phone or have electricity in your home you are a major C02 contributor. So What is your radical solution ? Ride a bike, burn wood to stay warm that isn't good. Windmills, the offset is mining the copper and smelting it for the wiring plus the steel to produce to hold it in the air and, and, and. I'm to badly because I have a water and air polluting 2 stroke, bite me. And I'm supposed to feel guilty. So their point is? Or yours Biteme? I've met you, you seemed cool. Nothing personal for my rant but:


Don't believe everything you think you or I know.


edit, did I say a few thousand cars for the C02 produced from rocket fuel a few 100,000 cars I read from the internet environmentalists. And a few millions of litres of diesel for a ship per year to bring cheap underwear from China to Walmart. Ever shopped there? I apologize for being harsh but once I feed my family, keep a warm dry roof over their head, get to work, home and the Pharmacy back safely out in the country, and choose to pay 10 bucks for 4 pair of socks and underwear instead of 4 bucks a pair I will continue to pollute. I'm guilty, mia cullpa, so is everyone else. Sorry.


By the way the link didn't work, I didn't need to read it to know what it said. That's sad isn't it.

That's the spirit!


I'm not going to get up on my high horse and say I'm doing any better, but I have to ask you how much of your lifestyle is something you chose, rather than something you have to do. Living out in the sticks and taking flights to the south on a regular basis? And by the way, I'm not sure how ugly the roads might get down in Selkirk, but I grew up on a backroad that got plowed once the snow maybe got to be 18" deep and we drove a diesel Jetta and a V6 Dodge Caravan and no one ever ended up dead in a ditch. How many kids do you have? I'm sure they're your pride and joy, and that's fair, but I have to question the mindset of people who have 3+ kids (not assuming you do, but just setting up a strawman to help with my rant) in a world that's barely sustainable as it is and only getting worse. And then to complain that there won't be any jobs for the next generation while giving in to the Walton's and buying the cheap crap from China (that may cost about 25% as much, but might only last about 25% as long as quality stuff made here). And to top it off complain that China is polluting too much while the average Chinese person is living in such poverty they can't figure out where to find their next meal while sending their kids to work in the factories to make your cheap underwear. Well, it's nice to sit in your ivory tower and demand the Chinese government do something, but the fact of the matter is we've elected our governments and given into the corporations who push for NAFTA and the coming TPP that have and will allow this type of crap to continue.


And again, I make no illusions that the unsustainable lifestyle is something I someday dream of attaining for myself. We're all selfish, no matter what generation we were born into. It's basic human/animal nature.


On the topic of electricity, I'm pretty sure there isn't any more coal electric plants in Ontario, and I'd much rather deal with a small amount of nuclear waste than burn any amount of fossil fuel for electricity, be it coal, natural gas or whatever. I'm not even real keen on hydroelectric, as I'd rather see a lot of wasteful dams and locks removed to restore the river system to its former glory.


We have the technology to make things better, and I'm pretty sure my generation and the generation younger than me are willing to pick up the slack and help clean up the mess. But you can't just throw your hands up and say, "Well, that was a fun party! Sorry kids and grandkids. You were a bit late to this so I guess you get cleanup duty. And oh, by the way, there's a big fire over there you may want to put out because it looks like it's spreading pretty quickly."

Edited by netminder
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seen the documentary Cowspiracy?

I haven't done any research myself on the matter but apparently CO2 from carbon emissions is responsible for only 15% or so of the greenhouse gases pollution. And also, plants breath CO2 and release O2

Apparently the worse is the methane from caw farming which make 50% or so of the greenhouse gases but nobody actually mentions anything about it, no environmental agency has anything on the subject even on their websites...and that's very easy to understand, it's a huge money industry and everybody likes burgers and stakes :P

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The animals may cause it the root is industrialized farming

Grow what food you can and eat wildlife that you need buy local food if this doesn't appeal to you


If there was a "like" button you would have got it there.


People are freaking out with the new exchange rate about how the cost of groceries is going up. My advice is to stick to locally grown produce and meats and you'll do just fine. Being in season helps but we have the technology to overcome that too.

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