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question about fishfinder battery charging


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Recently bought a cheap fishfinder to use for ice fishing and it came with the standard brick size battery. I have a charger that I use for my car batteries. I assume I can use it to charge the fishfinder battery. Also do I use the charger on the 6V setting or 12V setting. lastly, how long does it take to charge the battery completely?


Its the first time I'm dealing with a battery like this so sorry for the newb questions :lol:

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Most likely its 12v DC, voltage and AH (Amp Hour) rating should be specified on the battery, some of them will even say the charge rate.

As for the charging, Most of those batteries are around 7 to 12 AH (Amp Hour), Yours is most likely a 7.2 AH,

Recommended charge rate for those batteries is 30 to 40% of their AH rating, Personally I don't go above 30%,

An automatic charger @ 2 Amp setting should be good, nothing wrong with those 1 Amp chargers either, it will just take longer.

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You not got an old modem power supply around??? The perfect charger for the standard 7 to 9 aH Battery in our fish finders is a 500 to 1000ma converter. Your simple 120 volt plug in to 12 v DC power supply. Look around the house, your probably have one.

I do have plenty of of power cords at home and was actually thinking of how to make one. I have a modem cord and a few chargers from my old cell phones.


So what do I do with this power cord? Sorry I am clueless when it comes to electrical stuff.

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