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Another Day on Lake O


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It's not everyday that you get invited to fish in a salmon derby so when it happens you tend to jump at the opportunity. Big problem usually for me is a work schedule conflict (& short notice with the invite), especially this time of year as my work is in a GMP maintenance shutdown so I was stoked when I got to have a day off to go fishing, HELL YES I'm going to this derby!!! I'm not going to say this was a small derby but more so local. Put on by Grimsby Tackle & I believe Straight Line Anglers (correct me if I'm wrong) out of Jordon Harbor, it was to be the best/biggest 2 fish with a bonus of a largest/smallest fish prize. Alarm fires off at 3:20am & out the door by 3:30ish, off to Burlington to meet up with team Roughneck by 4:30am then trek to Jordon & launch. Blast off was 6:30am & we were met with this....



FOG!! Man was it thick, rolled in out of nowhere & stuck around for a few hours, needless to say the "Blast Off" wasn't as crazy as it would have been!!! Humidity was incredibly stupid as well. We jet off to our starting point, somewhere off of St Catharines a few KM's out but who the hell could tell the fog was so bad. Apparently these are major shipping lanes (sarcasm) .......was waiting for a tanker to magically appear. It wasn't long getting our lines out & trolling around when a Dipsy SCREAMS!! It was a HUGE fish, peeled line like no other, then a screech followed by a huge jerk & the rod goes limp. Apparently the 5 colour line or the spool seized up, not really sure what happened but that rod almost found itself sleeping with the fishes, lost a Spindoctor & fly.

It wasn't 5 minutes later when a rigger fires, set the hook & the fight is on... only it seemed to be a Laker, a fairly big one judging by the fight but as with our luck so far it became unbuttoned about half way to the boat. A few hours pass with not much action, marking very few fish when the other rigger fires, I leap for it, start to reel up, feel the tension build, set the hook & NOTHING!!! This trend would continue... The plainer starts to walk, grab it fight whatever for 2 seconds then GONE!!! Rigger fires again, have a small salmon on, gets to the surface & becomes unbuttoned!!!! Another rigger fires, fight whatever for abit but becomes unhinged. So we fire up the BBQ have some sausages & spend the next 4 hours cruising around Lake O just trying to mark fish. One of the team mates decides to have a snooze......NOPE!



We finally decide to pull the plug around 1:20pm, weight in was at 2:30 so we thought we'd make it back before the rush. The guy's start to reel in the rods one by one, the last 3 rods (2 being reeled in & 1 still trolling) when it looked like something hit the rigger...."ah no that was me reeling in, think I hit it", pull that rod & start to reel..." hey man I think there's a fish on it" & so the fight starts



Get it topside & it was a small Laker, perfect way to end the day



And as luck would have it, we started making allot of fish!!! We head in & stick around to see how other folks made out, pretty dire. The top 3 boxes were decent, all having at least one fish past the 20lbs mark. The top box had 2 fish just shy of 26lbs each & they walked away with $1500.00 cash. Biggest fish on the day was a 28 pounder $600.00, smallest fish on the day was just over 5oz they won a rod & reel combo. There was 28 boats entered in this derby, they barely had 10 boxes to weight, last place was something close to 6 lbs, fishing was hard this day. I think the top 3 teams ran to Toronto but most lips were tightly sealed.







It was a great little derby with some great people & great food, sucks we didn't land a target fish but hell I could have been at work.........dammit I'm there tomorrow!


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From what I was hearing around the derby, the salmon are very hard to figure out this season. "They should be hear/there, but aren't" nobody knows where the numbers are, but good luck to you Freshtrax, hope you have a banner day!!


Fish are stuffed, look at all the bait out there. I probably wouldn't be chasing down a SD + fly either if my belly was full, lol!

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Funny you say that bill because i had 3 different meat options out at one point and only took 1 hit on meat all day which is very unusual, without my flasher fly combos i would have been screwed.

I guess they are tired of the main course and are looking for dessert!

There is a lot of bait out there and ive done better by staying away from it cause those fish are stuffed!

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