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5 hours in the ER makes for a lousy day


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Good to hear you are on the mend Lew...nasty buggers them wasps...


We have killed off two separate underground nests since we moved up this way...both times I poured gasoline down the entrance in the late evening then stuffed an old towel in the hole as far down as I could with a broom handle then more gasoline...


I removed a nest from the crawl space late in the fall one year after they had died off for the year then set it on fire to make sure the queen was dead...still amazed how they chewed through a metal screen...

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I remeber mowing my lawn one day and rolling over one of their underground nests. Two of the buggers came out and stung me on each leg. Painful and all these red blotches started breaking out on my body.


Anyhoo, I have no idea how I could have handled an attack of that many, Lew. Pain must have been excruciating!

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I'm with you on that Lew in 1985 in Kap(junior Ranger program) I stepped into a burrowing bees nest my foot actually broke ground 165 bee stings from the knee down(glad the foreman was there with a water gun and knocked the rest of them off) in the Kap hospital for over a week now if I get stung it could be fatal

I never felt that much pain and I'v broken a lot of bones ripped ligaments stabbed by an Ex not fun at all

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Did you get rid of the buggers yet Lew?.Maybe I missed that.?.


The deed will be done later this evening around sunset davey.


Sposed to happen last night but plans got changed around abit.

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Looks like Ill be heading in now.


Just noticed one of my stings appears to be infected.


day after I was stung in that spot I had a quarter sized red spot


Stupid me I never bothered looking at it(as its near my hip), I look today and its about 8"s long and the only reason I looked aas because of how itchy it was

Edited by manitoubass2
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Glad you're OK Lew,

Could have been a lot worst. now go and blast those nasty buggers :D


I just walked in the door and the job is done and hopefully I got them all.


I emptied 2 cans of RAID wasp killer into the hole and the surrounding area 30 minutes ago and so far haven't seen another one. I got a good look at a couple of the dead ones and it looks like they were yellow jackets for sure.


Rick, sure hope you haven't got too much of an infection in those welts of yours.

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Lew hope your on the mend , reminded me about 8 years back when I used to cut the lawn at moms house after my dad passed, they were in old town Woodbridge, 3/4 acre , tractor was not working so I got the lawn mower out, started cutting, stung twice, but wanted to finish the job, as my wife were living in Barrie area, went back out got zapped 3 more time, ran in the house one bugger was still flying in my shirt , got zapped before I could get him, all I could find was a dust covered old bottle of Dettol LOL


Got back Barrie and went to emerg, the one arm was swelling like a baseball bat But where I got stung on the legs were not swollen, the doc said some have a venom and some dont,


My son used to laugh for a few months after, bacaue when ever a fly or mosquito landed on me I would jump about a foot off the ground


Take care and keep the spray handy


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