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Some Fishin' It Up Like The Pros!


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You just can't keep a Viking Warrior from landing a beauty blond Mermaid. You got me on that one. What's the best way to handle a blond as to not harm them when you handle her?


A great report Bunk and very refreshing, no same old same old from Bunk. Reading your early prose out load I swear I'm back visiting at Sydney Steel in the 80's. There was a transplanted Irishman at the plant who's favorite saying was

" Me can't says fer sure but I heerd it." Classic.


I have always enjoyed your Winter pics. What camera are you using if I may ask Bunk?


Please see PM.


Thanks for the great read and see.


Johnny D

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Been here before, but....


Got to a computer that would let me watch that. Had seen it, still funny.


As someone who has targeted splake multiple times with zero success I tip my hat to you.


Splake are my nemesis. You have no idea. Funny but, I would go to this lake from time to time and probably a half dozen or more over the years. Never a fish. This fall I was kinda sorta guiding an American friend here for 4 days, take him to the lake so he can try for his first splake and of course... he bangs a 21.5 incher. Catching a few this time around, that really is because of the backwoods trout knowledge my buddy Mike has. He's "Pro" and always has been. ;)


Noice one Bunk! But thanking China... wouldn't that be, as the Brits so adeptly put it... taking the piss?!?! :tease:


Is that how they put it? Didn't know. But I could see those stuffy teapot, banger and mash munchers saying something like that.


What's the best way to handle a blond as to not harm them when you handle her?


I have always enjoyed your Winter pics. What camera are you using if I may ask Bunk?


Please see PM.

Johnny D


Wondering if there's a punch-line a coming to handling blondes or, if you're asking John?


Camera most often used now is a Nikon D40X but, still use the Lumix plenty too.

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Had to read the first part a second time. Tons of good laughs had.

No better way to prep myself for the nerds with knives than getting out with you pro staffing. lol


BTW all this talk about hash taggn has made me so hungry I'm hash taggn #hashbrowns


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Had to read the first part a second time. Tons of good laughs had.

No better way to prep myself for the nerds with knives than getting out with you pro staffing. lol


BTW all this talk about hash taggn has made me so hungry I'm hash taggn #hashbrowns



Good luck bud, and safe and speedy recoveries.


Great stuff, man! And that is a fine looking beard if I do say so myself.

Thanks beard brother Clive.


Hahahaha, funny and great at the same time - awesome reports!

Appreciated Joey. Thanks lovey.

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