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NF - Beaver Captured on Trail Cam (Ottawa - Nov. 17)


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Hello All,


Earlier this week, while hiking one of my favourite spots for photographing whitetails, I came upon a marshy area. Approximately 50 yards inland, a beaver had been busy cutting down trees and dragging them to the water.
I decided to set up my trail camera on Monday in hopes of catching him in the act. That night I filmed him eating tree bark, preening, and rubbing his belly like their was no tomorrow.


The following night the marsh was frozen solid, so this will be the last I will see of him this year.


I also captured a fisher quickly grabbing a drink, just two hours before the beaver appeared!


(watch in 1080p HD for best quality)









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Very cool Justin as always.


We have some real big one here on the river. See them a lot.


I have a pic of this one and a video. I seen this long black thing swimming towards me,but got the camera out way to late.





I was surprised to hear there have been a few deaths from beaver attacks. Apparently,if you are very close to them and taking a pic,they will leap and grab a hold of your leg,causing extensive bleeding . The persons blead to death. :dunno:



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Brian B. - Great footage. I have been fishing in late evening when one of these guys 'slaps' their tail! Certainly can give you a fright!! lol


Very cool, Matt. Surprised it wasn't a bit more aggressive to you. Still, probably not a good idea to pet one ;)


And thanks for all of the other kind comments. Being out in nature and recording it, either with camera or trail cam, is definitely a passion. Always happy to share...





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