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Lousy thieves


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There was more outrage on the recent thread concerning the musky kill. It makes me just sick. We are very isolated here, especially off season when all the cottagers head back to the city. Minor cottage break ins were once common place around here. All the security systems in the world really won't help if they are pros because of response time, but they can be a deterrent I suppose.. I always say if they want it they will get it. I don't know why but petty thefts have dropped in the last 15 years. That's good. However a few years back a friend and fishing buddy nearly lost his life when a home invasion went bad and he took a 12 gauge blast in the left arm. He confronted the goofs and pulled on the sawed off, not good. His wife was dying of cancer and they wanted her Oxycontin. It seems when break ins do happen they are not minor.


30 years ago in Hamilton next to Ivor Wynne Stadium a man hid on his garage roof and killed a teenager for stealing vegetables from his garden, he was acquitted at trial.


If I get my weapon from the safe, load it and give it to them I should be charged, it's only stuff, if my families welfare has been threatened then circumstances change and I'd rather do time and know my family went unharmed. I just don't know anymore. No ones life is worth a TV or boat, let them have it, pay the deductible and move on if it's a B and E and no one was home.


My Uncle in southern Illinois says his security company is Smith and Wesson.


There isn't an answer. I just pray it doesn't happen when someone is home and I'm not.

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shoot first ...ask questions later ? Population control ...your ballsy enough to enter my property with bad intentions ..Maybe I'm ballsy enough to pull that trigger..with uncle sam watching our every move ..and our bleeding heart government..its no wonder its turning into a free for all

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That sucks Lew. Somebody broke into my car the other day too and instead of just stealing the change, which they did, they dumped the ashtray all over the car and went through the CD's and I guess tossed the ones they didn't want all over the car and then pulled everything out of the glove compartment and left that lying all over the place ( just insurance papers and the car manual etc).


Ticked me off pretty good.

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A good friend of mine, a cop, actually told me once that: If you did decide to shoot at someone who was threatening your property or family make sure they are facing you when you shoot them and make sure you kill them!. If their back is turned they might not be conceived as a threat and dead men can't sue you!


I find it really sad that our world is in the state it is, kids are brought up with no accountability, no wonder they have a feeling of entitlement. Take a a switch to your childs backside and your life gets ruined. (you older guys know what a switch is, how did you turn out?)


We are a society of bleeding hearts, don't spank your kids, don't fail your kids in school, don't raise your voice to your kids, it isn't if you win or loose, it's how you play the game! BULL SPIT!


If you really love your kids teach them life lessons: Your bedroom door isn't "your" door, it is my door, I just let you use it. Slam my door and I will take it away from you! (did that with my daughter when she was 7. Popped it right off the hinges and kept it for two weeks. She never did slam it again.


Don't want to help carry wood in for the fire; no problem! Woops your bedroom window stays open all night, cold yes, freeze to death not! The rest of us work together to make sure we are all comfortable, you don't want to help carry wood, you don't get to enjoy the heat. (Did that to my son when he was 5, never refused to help carry wood again!) (Didn't freeze to death eather but it was cold)


You ran up a $400.00 phone bill and now they are going to cut you off? You want me to pay it for you? NOT!. Yup, me again! Daughter had no phone for a few months until she could pay it off.


Thankfully today both our son and daughter have turned out to be well adjusted self sufficient kids with their own families. The funny thing is that I now often see them doing the same things with their kids that we did with them. Love doesn't have to be unconditional giving, sometimes the best form of love is teaching, sometimes it is called Tough Love for a reason!

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A good friend of mine, a cop, actually told me once that: If you did decide to shoot at someone who was threatening your property or family make sure they are facing you when you shoot them and make sure you kill them!. If their back is turned they might not be conceived as a threat and dead men can't sue you!


I find it really sad that our world is in the state it is, kids are brought up with no accountability, no wonder they have a feeling of entitlement. Take a a switch to your childs backside and your life gets ruined. (you older guys know what a switch is, how did you turn out?)


We are a society of bleeding hearts, don't spank your kids, don't fail your kids in school, don't raise your voice to your kids, it isn't if you win or loose, it's how you play the game! BULL SPIT!


If you really love your kids teach them life lessons: Your bedroom door isn't "your" door, it is my door, I just let you use it. Slam my door and I will take it away from you! (did that with my daughter when she was 7. Popped it right off the hinges and kept it for two weeks. She never did slam it again.


Don't want to help carry wood in for the fire; no problem! Woops your bedroom window stays open all night, cold yes, freeze to death not! The rest of us work together to make sure we are all comfortable, you don't want to help carry wood, you don't get to enjoy the heat. (Did that to my son when he was 5, never refused to help carry wood again!) (Didn't freeze to death eather but it was cold)


You ran up a $400.00 phone bill and now they are going to cut you off? You want me to pay it for you? NOT!. Yup, me again! Daughter had no phone for a few months until she could pay it off.


Thankfully today both our son and daughter have turned out to be well adjusted self sufficient kids with their own families. The funny thing is that I now often see them doing the same things with their kids that we did with them. Love doesn't have to be unconditional giving, sometimes the best form of love is teaching, sometimes it is called Tough Love for a reason!

Very nicely said Cliff,I had the belt more than a few times as well.The kids today know the law,and will tell you it.What a sad state where discipline is frowned upon.I'm not saying the belt was good,but a spank on the rear and a bit of grounding didn't hurt anyone I know of. New days,new ways I guess?.

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Tough love.


I can tell you a story about that.


Remember here,I was 10 or so.


Ya my pop and grandfather ( my pops father) were one of those tough love guys. My grandmother had them beat,but she was a god loving women, I never crossed her.

Everytime I did some wrong/bad,I got the belt or a good cuff to the back of the head. Did it deter me,NO. Why I dont know.


Maybe it was the wish of my grandmother.


Hope you have a son just like you.


I did petty stuff. Stealing from corner stores (candy mostly) or the odd bike to get to where I had to go. I never knew why I did it,just did it. I didnt feel a rush from it.

As I got older,it was just bikes I stole. Agin,it was just to get to where I was going.


One day after being charged more times then I can remember,the judge says your a menace. Time for correctional for you.


Did that deter me,,,,,,,,,,, NOPE.


In and out for 6 years.


So that makes me what 16 now.


Im told when or if i get caught doing something stupid again,it,s prison. They will treat me as an adult.


Lets just say,,,,,,,




Finished high school at 18. Got married and had two boys. One on the right street now,the other well,thats another story. Today,s world is not so different as it was back when I was young,except the population has tripled or more,and the drugs are hard core and the need is much more.


My mother never wished me to have a son like me.


I wanted more for my two boys then I got out of life. We all do.


I was one to give when asked with my boys. I gave when they proved themselves. I supported them through all sports. If they showed one inkling of no interest,I pulled the plug. Not wasting money.


Youngest was in to skate boarding. Cool. Love watching him on the board. It,s a hobby and thats cool with me.

Oldest was a goaltender,that went as far as trying out for jr,s. I put all my effort and money I could to help him make it. Then the crash came and it was all down hill then.


I guess you can say,i was trying to keep them away from troubles like I found. Well,trouble found them. It,s out there,every where. We can only do what we can do.


I strongly feel I did my best as a father.Trying to teach them from my mistakes in life.


The saying ,I been there done that to them,seem to mean,well lets see.


Not sure where Im going with this. Just spilling out what I went through. (been locked up inside for a long while)

Tried my best to bring them up the right way and I guess,it wasnt good enough. Do I feel bad,ya I do. But once they leave the nest,they are on their own to learn. I cant be there 24/7 to protect them .


Ya you can call the punks,pukes. They probly deserve it.


I was a punk,a prick,little puke. Do I care? Not the least.




Was I misguided ? NO. I lead my own path. I learned from my path.


Sorry for taking up your reading time. I just felt the need to share this.

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I've lost all faith in our police force here in Ottawa. Don't mean to hijack this post but a few years ago at the local gym had some teenagers that broke into my locker and went on a spending spree with my CC. I immediately canceled it but they already had spent over 1K on it. I wasn't responsible for this and Visa ate it. However they did tell me what stores the spending happened at and my son was with me at the gym when it happened and he could ID the crooks. I even went to the one store and the manager there (who at the time thought it was odd that teens were using a Gold company visa) didn't process the transaction and the kids bolted. He did however ID the teens when we showed him their pics on their Facebook page and agreed that he could do the same if the cops showed up. Great we're almost ready for justice....NOT. Upon calling the cops they didn't seem to give a rats ass and the fact that the CC company was reimbursing me was good enough for them. I told them the store manager could ID them and their answer was that they'd only get a slap on the wrist...Couldn't believe what I was hearing.

That's justice for ya!!

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