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Well, I never...


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Here's the story.


Yesterday I caught a dozen nice big rockbass to have for lunch today. I didn't have time to clean them so I put them on a stringer to bring home today.


Anyway, went to my boat this morning and the stringer was empty. So I figured maybe my Dad or a friend grabbed them up. No worries.


So I talked to Dad this morning. It turns out that yesterday evening while at the Marina my Dad saw someone hanging around my boat. (he's a few slips over from me) So he went to investigate. And the guy said "Bass are out of season and I don't want the police coming around and causing trouble". So my Dad explained Rock Bass don't have a season or limits. Then the guy asked why my Dad cared, and Dad explained it was my boat and fish. Then the guy became quite embarrassed because he had released all my fish (or was caught doing it.).


Dad thinks he was either a little on the loonie side or a animal rights wacko.


I just can't believe the nerve it would take to release someone else's catch.



Edited by Patches
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well he thought he was doing a good thing releasing OOS fish...but people should know what they are doing before they take the law into their own hands


if they were my fish the guy would be buying me and the family a dinner or I would be calling the cops....

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He should have at least taken you out for a fish dinner. Boy, I'd hate to be his neighbor? On the other hand he has balls to act upon his beliefs like that. If they had been bronzebacks we'd all think he was a hero. I still think he owes you dinner though. ;)Man Terry, you beat me to the dinner part. I guess I need to type faster LOL. They say great minds think alike .... guess you're in trouble. LOL. Did you take the short bus to school too?? :whistling:

Edited by kennyman
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The nerve of the guy I hope your dad had a few choice words for the busy body.


At first I thought you were going to say a snapper got your catch I have had that happen before years ago 2 nice Bass ready to clean left them on the stringer come back later and all I have left is lips.

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The nerve of the guy I hope your dad had a few choice words for the busy body.


At first I thought you were going to say a snapper got your catch I have had that happen before years ago 2 nice Bass ready to clean left them on the stringer come back later and all I have left is lips.


Did the lips fry up nice? :dunno:


Sorry, but when I imagined that sight it made me laugh out loud!!! :lol:

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If it were my boat and fish and I was the one to catch the guy, he would have a size 12 poop chute! Not too mention he would be swimming after my fish to get them back..haha

If I were illegle then call the MNR, stay off my boat or there is trouble. Let the real cops do their job. Up here, they are quit good at it.

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If you left a Bottle of JD on the seat of your boat and someone took its thier falt. So you find 25,ooo bucks with no ones name on it you will leave it thier. Yes it was on your boat and yes it is trespassing but you might as well had a neon sign free fish, free fish. If you left the keys in your car and someone took it the insurance company is not going to give you a thing. Sorry about the lost time fishing but now you get to do it again sounds ok with me. Peace Ken

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At least they were not a stringer of Pickerel.


Pulling up to shore one time after one amazing day on BOQ (before I had a live-well) and my friend throws a stringer of 8 walleye back into the water to freshen them up and forgot to hook it onto the boat. GONE! He bought dinner that night.



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At least they were not a stringer of Pickerel.


Pulling up to shore one time after one amazing day on BOQ (before I had a live-well) and my friend throws a stringer of 8 walleye back into the water to freshen them up and forgot to hook it onto the boat. GONE! He bought dinner that night.



It would be kind of neat hooking into that bunch minutes later. Who would believe you. If you were on your own you'd get a fine from the MNR. Try explaining that one in court. "Uh huh, Uh huh ..... sure you did ...... Uh huh ....... we're you drinking at all sir?"

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Man Easton imagine what those fish were thinking! Swimmin on the chain gang, that would have sucked for them :clapping::stretcher: . Hope they all didnt decide to swim different directions, OUCH!


You think if the guy was all about the regs he would have known the difference between rockbass and other bass. Unless he thought that all bass were out of season. But still he shouldnt have gone on your boat.

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Well he either thought he was doing right, or he knew he was doing wrong, either way, keep them with you next time, he knows where you park now :lol:


I think that if he knew bass was not in season, he probably also knew rock bass had no season.


It reminds me of a time we were up north fishing and camping and the boat was at the dock to our campsite, not 10 yards away, and the next morning when I got up the bait bucket was gone. They just cut the line in two with a knife and took the whole bait bucket. If someone asked, I would have given them some of my minnows no problem, sheesh!! Had to go buy more minnows and a new bait bucket!!



Edited by Joey
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Keep yerass off my boat and yer hands off my fish... or you'll be sleeping with the fishes!!!



I would never dream of setting foot on a strangers boat OR touching thier fish in any way!!! If I thought they were doing something wrong I'd call the COs or wait for them to board thier boat and then say something.


Soun's like that dummass needs his nadz bashed in!!!

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The nerve of some of these do gooders is off the wall... One time I was on delivery and the starter went in my van. So I got lucky when I had the customer come out and try turing the ignition while I tapped the starter with the tire iron. The van fires up and I get on the cell and call the repair shop and tell them I am coming right over as soon as I finish another two deliveries. So I get to the LAST stop which is a cash call and I get in a line up behind some folks who aren't in any particular hurry... So I was in the call about 8 minutes I come out and some goomer is leaning into the door of the van and shutting it off. Which he did just as I got close enough to grab the clown and ask him what he thinks he is doing. He starts to tell me that we have a 5 minute idling by-law and he was doing his civic duty because he knew for a fact that the van had been idling for at least 6 minutes, because he was timing it while waiting for his wife to come out a shop..... I told him that was all fine and good about the law and all but that if we couldn't get the van restarted he is going to pay for the tow or wish he had of stayed in his car.... So I made him sit in the van and turn the key while I crawled underneath it again and tapped on the starter finally about 10 minutes later we got it going.....


He will never know how lucky he was that I just grabbed him from behind when I saw him "breaking" into my van.... my original thought was to just lay him out and call the cops and report him as an attempted car thief.


I bet he tells everyone about the day he single handledly saved the world from green house gas....

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