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Wind Power is NOT a good thing!


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If you move in next to a windmill that's your business but if you were there first and then someone slaps down a windmill that's not fair. Properties next to windmills devalue significantly. You have no say in the building of a windmill .... that's whats unfair. If they put a highway through your property they need to expropriate and compensate. Not so with a windmill.

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Breathe moxie breathe....it`s going to be a nice day to day try and relax go for a nice walk and try and forget about....wind and wynne,quinoa,solar panels,cfl`s etc... :)


Try not to be so angry all the time....it`s not healthy!!!

Always breathing man and living fine so far. Lots of hot air here and it has to go somewhere. Too old so little patience or time for small talk unlike yourself it seems. Also too bad your focus is on me instead of the real issues. Have a good one.

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I tend to think more compassionate, then anger.


Some very good points made.


Nuclear is not as safe as we are told.


With the various problems they have presented over the years,

it's pretty obvious that in the future there's going to be one

that goes catastrophic.

Chernobyl comes to mind. That said there is no easy answer, we are a technological species, and it all requires energy... ultimately I am afraid it will be our species demise. We are to dependant on tech, to know any other way in which to survive. Warmth, food and shelter without any "modern" implements would be the challenge. One in which most on the planet will fail miserably.... Myself included.



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Chernobyl comes to mind. That said there is no easy answer, we are a technological species, and it all requires energy... ultimately I am afraid it will be our species demise. We are to dependant on tech, to know any other way in which to survive. Warmth, food and shelter without any "modern" implements would be the challenge. One in which most on the planet will fail miserably.... Myself included.




When you think of nuclear, you should be thinking of France... They are what? 90% powered by nuclear energy? No meltdowns....ever? Let's burn coal instead, lol.

Edited by BillM
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you shouldn't think about Chernobyl at all :) what happen there wasn't a nuclear explosion as most people believe. Out of control over pressurized steam boilers exploded destroying the reactor and exposing the radioactive contaminated material and spreading it over a large area. And all that was possible cause the comminust russians at the time were in a big competition over technology with the west and willing to ignore any reasonable safety rules and put even human lives at risk. Today's reactors are enclosed in a 2 meter thick concrete housing that supposed to withstand any explosion and radiation spread which Chernobyl didn't have, it was built very much like a coal plant furnace :P and also, uranium used in power plants isn't the same as the ones used in atomic bombs which is much more enriched. An out of control power plant reactor would never explode, would just over heat and melt everything around it, which the one in Chernobyl still does as the reaction was never stopped , they just buried it in concrete :P


and besides all that, Canadian reactors are the safest ones in the world as they use a less enriched uranium which makes them a little less efficient but much easier to control.

so really nothing to fear about nuclear power in Canada ;)

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Went trolling for Bows and had a great day spent with friends and a few fish. A happy day in fact but just had to respond to this trash.


Green? Makes me chuckle when I hear that word. Just another way to fuel guilt for living in the western world. U think countries like China, India and Pakistan give a rats ass about being green? We are paying them to manufacture what was once produced here(Which is mostly junk in quality) and dump tonnes of waste into the atmosphere doing it and we're the ones shamed into feeling guilty? Why should we in the western world feel guilty for what we have built and attained? Why should we be penalized for doing our part? That's a form of extortion to me.


There are clean ways to incinerate our garbage and generate electricity doing it but we choose to pay to truck it into someone elses backyard. Why?


There is clean coal technology that is viable and cost effective but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! We don't dare .China is choking out its own people with dirty coal that's fine. Which planets' atmosphere do all the brain surgeons among us think that air resides in?


Yes we should do everything we can to minimize our footprint going forward but at what expense? Am I to believe we are to go backwards to where developing countries are trying to dig themselves out from? For what reason exactly? The Green movement is just another way to separate us from our money.


We treat waste, recycle everything, use those useless cfl bulbs, install energy efficient windows, high efficiency heating and cooling systems, programmable stats, extra blankets, use rechargeable everything. When is enough really enough?


Take your solar panels and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, your windmills where the wind only blows outward and let me live my life on my own terms. I don't need nor appreciate some big brained, Quinoa eating, over educated meat wad finding new ways to spend my money. They want to change the world they should sell all they own, pack up and take a solar powered sail boat to the other side of the world and spend the rest of their days showing the real environmental culprits how to live up to their unrealistic expectations.

Very well said, moxie ... you covered all the key points that I would have made. :clapping:


to the '(why) so much anger' crowd I say, Darn right, I'm angry, and passionate, at the same time, about this ruse being forced down Ontario taxpayers throats. Those European countries that went all in, are backing away, knowing full well that the solar / wind industry cannot sustain itself without the ongoing, heavy subsidies they have been receiving. The same goes for here in Ontario. But so far, the lemmings keep re-electing the Ontario Liberals. $1.1Billion wasted on aborted gas plants! awe that's ok, didn't somebody apologize for that, and besides, I gotta get to work, and pick up the kids, and then there's the grocery shopping. Just too busy ... oh, and the subsidies are covered by the Liberal Government" anyway ... right?! Oh wait, that's us ... the TAXPAYER.


Now we are selling lots of our Ontario electricity to the States, and other jurisdictions, right? ... so that must be good. What's that? We're selling it at a net LOSS? Why would we do that? oh never mind, I'm sure it's all good, and I'm so busy, busy, busy ... there's that phone again. Gah!


Vote for a different party than the Ontario Liberals in the next election? why do that? They're all the same right ... fibers all of them. Now the Conservatives are on record as saying they would put a moratorium on further subsidies for solar / gas. But do we believe them? Well I for one, plan to give them ONE chance to prove themselves, cuz the status quo for the last decade in this province sure as h*ll has created a dark cloud for my kids, and grandkids financial, future.


See, not too angry ... just passionate, and actually very worried about this Province. Let's Go Fishin!!

Edited by JimC
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Ok...someone educate me on why wind power is so bad


Here's a few reasons...


  • People surrounded by Turbines are unable to sell their homes or farms.
  • A community that disputes approval for a wind farm may apply to the Environmental Review Tribunal. But the ERT hearings are nothing more than a kangaroo court that are controlled by MOE and Wind Energy Companies lawyers. A community has never won a dispute.
  • Wind Companies pay less tax per turbine than the average home owner. Assessments were capped by the Liberals at a rate approximately of 3% of actual value. Where a turbine that should be assessed at $2.5 million, the community can only collect taxes on an assessment of $75,000.
  • Wind Companies can violate our Charter of Rights, supersede all municipal bylaws, and environmental & wildlife protection acts.
  • Wind companies perform their own studies regarding potential impacts on people, wildlife and the environment.

    The province does not verify these studies.

  • Wind energy is a welfare business. If there were no subsidizes, there would be no wind companies.
  • Effective July, 2013, they may destroy nests or kill eggs of any type of bird that is in the way of a wind farm including the bald eagle. They are exempt from the usual $10,000 fine. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@about/documents/document/stdprod_105241.pdf Yet the construction of a bridge was shut down for several months because of a barn swallow’s nest.


  • Suing communities who seek security deposits for their own protection.​
  • http://www.owensoundsuntimes.com/2013/06/11/wind-developer-taking-west-grey-to-court
  • Turbines are known as bird and bat blenders. If a blade doesn’t kill a bat, its turbulence will destroy its lungs. Bats are a vital part of our ecosystem and it is estimated that 6500 turbines will kill 65,000 bats per year. Turbines will kill millions of birds as wind farms are being built along every Ontario migratory path.
  • Destroying provincial protected bogs, wetlands and endangered species. The Ministry of Natural Resources continuously changes policies to allow for Wind Farms.

The moral of the story is the Liberal government wants as many wind turbines built as soon and fast as possible regardless of how it effects locals, wildlife, habitat, or hydro rates.

According to this website:


1 Nuclear plant = 60 year lifespan, always produces power, much less space required (50 acres). **That 50 acre figure must be incorrect as the Bruce nuke plant has 2,300 acres of land.

2077 wind turbines to equal one nuke plant = 20 year lifespan, variable power output, requires backup power generation (gas?), more space required (318 square miles or 203,000 acres)

According to this site:


Depending on the model, each turbine requires 32 - 78 acres.

The Liberals want more than 6,000 turbines built in Ontario. Using those numbers, there will need to be 192,000 - 468,000 acres available for the turbines.

Unfortunately, many people are still going to vote red because they have been brainwashed into believing the Bull and/or they want pot legalized.

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you shouldn't think about Chernobyl at all :) what happen there wasn't a nuclear explosion as most people believe. Out of control over pressurized steam boilers exploded destroying the reactor and exposing the radioactive contaminated material and spreading it over a large area. And all that was possible cause the comminust russians at the time were in a big competition over technology with the west and willing to ignore any reasonable safety rules and put even human lives at risk. Today's reactors are enclosed in a 2 meter thick concrete housing that supposed to withstand any explosion and radiation spread which Chernobyl didn't have, it was built very much like a coal plant furnace :P and also, uranium used in power plants isn't the same as the ones used in atomic bombs which is much more enriched. An out of control power plant reactor would never explode, would just over heat and melt everything around it, which the one in Chernobyl still does as the reaction was never stopped , they just buried it in concrete :P


and besides all that, Canadian reactors are the safest ones in the world as they use a less enriched uranium which makes them a little less efficient but much easier to control.

so really nothing to fear about nuclear power in Canada ;)



This ^^^^

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They have ruined my dad’s house and land! They are all around his place.. All I hear in the bush hunting now is WHOOSH, WHOOSH... Every 3-5 seconds. My head hurts everytime I go hunting there. Now a 230Kv is being run 60' behind his house, no matter how much he has fought them!!! There seems to be no rules for these yahoos that just want to destroy the rural communities.


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