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How did I miss this? (non fishing)


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If any one of you think you would have the time to get your gun during a home invasion or what ever senario then your kiding yourself.


You have all the same rights in Canada as you would in the USA.

The only real differance is.



Take a course.

No criminal record.

Register your guns and store them properly along with ammo.

Whats the problem????

Dont forget that In Canada its a privalidge not a rite to own or bare fire arms...


the home invasion stuff is different up here


in some US states, you can pop somebody for being on your property, with no repercussions, very few questions asked


a buddy's neighbor in Oakville ON, woke up to a guy in his basement, a struggle ensued (no guns, just fists), the home owner subdued the intruder and later had charges brought against him for assaulting the intruder who broke into his house

Edited by chris.brock
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the home invasion stuff is different up here


in some US states, you can pop somebody for being on your property, with no repercussions, very few questions asked


a buddy's neighbor in Oakville ON, woke up to a guy in his basement, a struggle ensued (no guns, just fists), the home owner subdued the intruder and later had charges brought against him for assaulting the intruder who broke into his house

What's wrong with this picture?,Someone breaks into YOUR house,and you get charged. What a crock!

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Come on Davey buoy, criminals have right too......don't they?


Not in my house! I will happily go to jail for defending my family or home. If someone breaks in my place while I'm here they better be a good shot, and really quick! I will be shooting first, and asking questions later.


My friend and his wife are still suffering from their home invasion. His first mistake was taking the time to call the cops. If he'd spent that time unlocking one of his guns, he'd be in much better shape!



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There is a clause in our laws that allow you to use "equal and opposite force".

(I hope thats spelled rite)


It pretty much means you cant take a gun to a knife fight. (laymans terms)


Having said that..


IN Canada the second you piont a gun at somone for whatever reason its concidered as intent and therefore crimminal charges will likely follow.

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As for you BillM I suggest you read this book. http://www.amazon.ca/More-Guns-Less-Crime-Understanding/dp/0226493636 rather than being close minded on a subject learn and educate yourself from both points of views, and pay attention to all details and statistics.


I figured as much, you can't prove anything you said. Typical fresh outta school kid who thinks he knows it all..

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I figured as much, you can't prove anything you said. Typical fresh outta school kid who thinks he knows it all..

How about you prove to me that they do kill in areas where the legal gun ownership is very high? If you want me to include graphs, and charts into these forums I will, but I suggest you read the book gives a good base knowledge. The thing with most people is they pick 1 side then close their minds on it. You really need to expand, research from every possible angle and make a decision for yourself. I'm done in here though because arguing with a pro gun control person is like playing chess with a pigeon...you can be the greatest player in the world but the pigeon with knock over all the pieces, crap on the board and walk around triumphantly

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makes me think we need an American style revolt on the tax grab.

Really? Those bugger provincial Fiberals have pillaged the village into bankruptcy for 9 years and now a revolt over a few xtra bucks to possess firearms and weapons? Wrong issue and target. Horse left that barn ages ago.

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That paragraph is one giant oxymoron.. just sayin'

How so ? I'm sure a majority of pro gun control people on this site only listen to government and media to make their decisions rather than study every detail of it before making their decision.

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How about you prove to me that they do kill in areas where the legal gun ownership is very high? If you want me to include graphs, and charts into these forums I will, but I suggest you read the book gives a good base knowledge. The thing with most people is they pick 1 side then close their minds on it. You really need to expand, research from every possible angle and make a decision for yourself. I'm done in here though because arguing with a pro gun control person is like playing chess with a pigeon...you can be the greatest player in the world but the pigeon with knock over all the pieces, crap on the board and walk around triumphantly


Just a sec kid, aren't YOU the one telling everyone that the states with the least amount of gun control are the safest ones? Same with the countries around the world? More guns = less gun crime? Don't try and turn this around on me, I'm simply asking you to prove your points with simple facts. If you can't, I suggest you remove yourself from this debate. BTW, I'm an avid hunter and owner of guns, so don't try to paint me with some pro gun control brush.

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Here's some articles showing that states with higher gun ownership have lower gun homicides and crime rates. Also that countries with higher gun ownership have lower crime/homicide rates.







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Good articles Dan, the first essay I have to write on the topic next year I will post on here with plenty of supporting facts and charts, I just finished school on Thursday so the last thing I want to do now is study and support any issues at all.

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Here's some articles showing that states with higher gun ownership have lower gun homicides and crime rates. Also that countries with higher gun ownership have lower crime/homicide rates.








Did you even read the first paragraph of the USA Today article? LOL Thanks for helping me prove my point.


States with more gun laws have fewer gun-related deaths, according to a new study released Wednesday by Boston Children's Hospital.

Edited by BillM
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BTW, I'd much rather be reading fishing reports then debating about gun laws, lol. Let's hope mother winter releases her grip, this weather is getting silly.

Amen to that, its killing me seeing my brand new boat sitting in the yard tarped up rather than being out on the water. I spent all day today, piercing holes through my painted jig heads just so I wouldn't have to worry about it once on the water just one of those kinds of days outside today lol.

Edited by Tayzak15
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LOL!!! I've got so much crap to install, I'm just waiting for it to get here. (Trolling motor, new Humminbird, etc etc) The only good thing about this weather is it's giving me time before Lake O heats up to get all this stuff done.

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LOL!!! I've got so much crap to install, I'm just waiting for it to get here. (Trolling motor, new Humminbird, etc etc) The only good thing about this weather is it's giving me time before Lake O heats up to get all this stuff done.

Ah yeah, I've got a good month until the ice is out up here. All I need to do is install my new lowrance elite 5 dsi, mount the drivers seat (picked up a lund fury) then just wait for the ice to leave.

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BTW, I'd much rather be reading fishing reports then debating about gun laws, lol. Let's hope mother winter releases her grip, this weather is getting silly.

Funny you must be in the minority. I put up reports they get 5-10 replies , while ones that have nothing to do with fishing, or this country, or our business get 80 pages of meaningless banter.

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