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I think it has to do with hindu custom... sometimes you can find plastic figurines in there too and carful of any ash you may see in the river as it is most likely the remains of a hindu... really wish they could find a better way to carry out tradition than tossing ashes into a river many, including myself, wade...

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Why change the format after all these years Rick?


Not to ruffle feathers...but I find it funny someone gripping about pictures then gives directions to get there to fish in another thread.

Edited by irishfield
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Snag, the only reason why anyone would post pictures of their fish online to begin with is to increase their e-penile length .


If you don't care about your e-ego , then don't post reports at all, no-one's forcin' ya


I personally have not seen an increase in fishing pressure in urban settings . Anytime I go , I see one or two , or maybe 5 other fishermen walking the shoreline. That doesnt' concern me at all given the size of Lake Ontario.


Hey Rick , it would be pretty awesome if only members could see pix . That would encourage registration for sure.

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I am from Ottawa, was fishing for the very first time near Toronto for the Trout Opener. We were walking the shore-line and I was surprised at the amount of litter I came across. If I owned property along that water and people discarded their garbage I would definitely rethink allowing anyone access. A little more consideration and respect would definitely go a long way. I no doubt will bring an empty plastic bag next time and pick up as I go...as long as the guys haven't weighed me down too much with the backpack. :)

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well maybe I would just die and then I'd be a martyr

I guess crusader would then be more correct. Or newfound elitist.


Why change the format after all these years Rick?


Not to ruffle feathers...but I find it funny someone gripping about pictures then gives directions to get there to fish in another thread.

The whole point of this forum was to help and encourage people to fish for a pastime, at least thats what i thought 3-4 yrs ago.

Reports w/ pics were the heart of this board. Remember 'we like pictures', 'Great report' and the like.


Its like something is changing in the climate of conciousness on this board, these days.



Edited by ehg
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How many "no fishing zones" have you seen switched back to "ok to fish" spots? I could be WAY wrong on this call though, because I am still newish to the GTA.


Im pretty sure all of Erindale Park was closed to fishing at one point because of garbage as was Port credit, and you still cant fish from the pier side.


The credit does get some religious "offerings" but i find theres way more garbage than coconuts.

I hate hearing people complianing about garbage, but never doing anything about it.

I filled 8 bags on the credit this past week and intend to fill a couple more.


As for the whole keeping fish thing, i think this thread was more about fishing spots being ruined by garbage and not fished out.


The member only viewing thing would probably just mean more members with 0 posts.

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I think we had some long talks about this in person, and I still dont agree fully - but that probably becuase im in and out of the province so often it doenst bother me.


When I first joined OFC there were few, if any TO fishermen. Clearly there are quite a few now, but i have faith that everyone here treats the fishery as respectfully as you and I. (I know this probably isnt the case)


To me fishign is about adventure, and exploration as much as it about catching fish. I love to share locations and see my friend produce big fish. I'll make an effort to disguise any photos of fishing locations we share though - I just dont like censorship.

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Hey Grant,

After the first year of posting on the old, old board it had become obvious to me that the cat was out of the bag. In a large part due to my posts and the posts of the other GTA crew. The internet has really changed things and because of this some of us made a deliberate decision to not post as much or wait till the season was almost over to post anything. In a lot of ways it really did piss me off that I did all the leg work and after posting all my spots were being used and abused but I also though that the board would be a great tool to help make people aware of preservation, C&R and plain and out right respect for the fishery. Yes there will always be bad apples out there. Unfortunately the fishing scene seems to bring out quite a few of them. For the life of me I still can't understand why people can't clean up after them selves but it's something we here in the Toronto area are just going to have to deal with. Sad really. Just sad.




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Hey Grant,

After the first year of posting on the old, old board it had become obvious to me that the cat was out of the bag. In a large part due to my posts and the posts of the other GTA crew. The internet has really changed things and because of this some of us made a deliberate decision to not post as much or wait till the season was almost over to post anything. In a lot of ways it really did piss me off that I did all the leg work and after posting all my spots were being used and abused but I also though that the board would be a great tool to help make people aware of preservation, C&R and plain and out right respect for the fishery. Yes there will always be bad apples out there. Unfortunately the fishing scene seems to bring out quite a few of them. For the life of me I still can't understand why people can't clean up after them selves but it's something we here in the Toronto area are just going to have to deal with. Sad really. Just sad.




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I agree with you snog. Can't trust anyone til they prove they are trust worthy. Specially browsers that make thier first post a "pm" directly to you asking for your locations. :P


Like to told my one other friend, not all fishermen are neat and tidy. slobs. :w00t: Take a look at their tackle boxes and you'll know. :lol:



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I agree with snog and Brian,maybe we could suggest ways or taking pics,Many OFC'er's are quite good with cameras and could provide assistance and some tricks in cropping.

I dont share much or show much,posting reports and pic is a personal decision,I dont think ego has any merrits.I like to read the reports and trips from all,where they fish has no interest for me.Maybe some its important,I'd rather be fishing where 90% of the fisherman are not so just because someone caught a fish or great big fish somewhere holds no importance to me,anyone who pays attention to it,well they are with the crowds


As far as sharing spots,My advice advice ,be clear on what you want from them

They either respect you or in the long run,they will loose more than just earning a spot

If the spot is so important,well you will fail to understand all the why's that fish bite


Just remeber,Have water fish will swim

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Snag, the only reason why anyone would post pictures of their fish online to begin with is to increase their e-penile length .


Here I thought I posted pictures of a fishing trip so you all can see other places and styles of fishin. I guess Glen should stop sending them winter time care packages that he puts together to help us all thru the cold season. I post a fishing trip not just pictures of fish, I like that shot of up the river and the sunset or the heron even if their is a sign that says Occuquan Bay in front of it. I also like to show what the days effort has yielded in fish for the table or the results of a good hunt. Break out the cameras people take pictures of what you love to do add a few photos of areas that you drove by that have no fish mix them in if you are afraid of fishing stalkers. I have yet to envy someone from the number of big fish they have photos of I however have been fishing with some really great fisherman who have shared knowledge and trips that impressed me for life and by their wishes still go unnamed. So please dont think of it a E braggin that would make me stop posting my trips because it is not the spirit/reason that I post in.




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Wow...this subject is always a bit touchy. My reports have lots of pictures in them...I try to make my reports stories...and not just "here my pics". Snog does a great job at this as well...and in a lot of cases, his story is more interesting than the pic!! His pic only helps tell the story...dont care if they are blurred...it still added to the story.


Bly and I have a few secret spots, but we are fortunate that those spots produce only at night...so there is no background anyways. I am very conscious about what's in the background in pics....it is possible to take them where it's still nice and scenic, avoiding the blurred out photoshopping. If I post a pic that even remotely is questionable, I always say "PM me if you have any issues about these pics". I have never received a PM wanting me to take down a pic.


I think both sides have valid points....if someone posts something questionable, perhaps just send a friendly PM asking them to edit the pic....I'd venture to say that 99% of them will thank you for pointing it out to them....as most are newer to the board and just dont know.

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Its a tough one; for example what if the report states "I went over the bridge just past xxx town and hung a right and went by that old dock and caught non stop 30 inch+ pike." then has a picture of a big fish. Hiding the picture won't help. If I recall the post that started this was a 'friend' being taken to a site who then ruined the site - didn't start with a picture here at all. I totally understand the blurring of pictures to hide sites but I've learned more about locations from this site from descriptions then from pictures (being new to the GTA fishing scene I don't recognize landmarks but I can google place names and learn from the rest of the description).


Anyhow, I have no problem with blurring photos to hide locations or making people sign up to see them (besides which more users = more advertising fees for the site = less slow loading days) but I don't think thats the only problem, people writing reports (AND PLEASE DON'T STOP WRITING THEM - WE LOVE THEM) just need to take the whole report into consideration if its a spot they'd like to keep to themselves.

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That's why I appreciate this site and you.


Sorry but time is short, I have to feed my 1yr. old son, and,


I am too technically challenged to respond individually so I'll say this;


1. I support Rick O's thread which is a great idea initiated by: Bill Parker, I believe,


2. Grilw, For the record, My ego's an exageration, I enjoy participation, . A true egotist would divulge locations for self gratification.


3. Please see what is happening now.

Brian (Misfish) has it right; view convervation now to preserve future opportunities


4. Chrome Hen and Fish on thanks; We need to clean up after ourselves and others unfortunately


5. Peace, EHG


6. Mepps (stumpy a la more') I'm not a fan of censorship. I'm only interested in preservation and conservation here. We bare the responsibility of information disemination to deter unrightious exploitation .


7. Dsn, we've shared many a spot and the wanting emails requesting locals. I'm trying to save one of our spots.


8. Mr.Thorpe knows a thing or two about preservation, Thanks Marc!!!!!!!!!!


9. Aplumma, RIGHT ON! Post it baby! big, small, quantity, skunk and all beloved misc. , just do it.


10. CCMT, Can't wait to meet you two.


11. Ricola, Thanks for getting me on board and some great trips together.

You are right. The internet is too powerful sometimes and I think we all forget that.


In addition everyone, Please remember this post years from now. We are at a turning point in immediate information exchange. There are Bad apples inside and outside this site. We can only control our own house.

So, lets just take responsibility here at least.


Babies crying, adios!!





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