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Manitoba Elk Slaughter Video (NF)


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Just saw this pop up on Yahoo and though it may be relevant to what is going on in our province. Obviously these are some bad apples but it brings up the question, why should methods that would be clearly illegal in licensed practices be allowed for sustenance? Just sayin'.





Edited by Kingsalmon
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It's been long enough, make the Natives follow the rules of the rest of us. Taxes, Hunting, Fishing. No more long netting, no more unlimited kills, no more free rides.


While your at it....call the President of the USA to abolish the second ammendment...OUR ride here in Canada has been free to OUR government to prosper ...Like it or not ....WE are the problem...not the natives....if the treaties were honoured then the indigenous peoples wouldnt be on the brink of assimilation and would be equally as wealthy as our Government when it comes to profit from the resources their/our land yields....Dont forget ...this is their house...we are bad tennents that have been trying to take it from them for hundreds of years...Im not trying to single you out here...but before you make a bold statement of ignorance ...you need to do your homework on the subject so you dont look like a follower of ignorance...


we used to have 25 in our hunting party and it was nothing to see 8 to 17 dead deer laying on the ground after the hunt...the fact that these are Wapiti is a bit disturbing but the natives live in harmony with the land so im sure the is a justifiable cull for this area...

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we used to have 25 in our hunting party and it was nothing to see 8 to 17 dead deer laying on the ground after the hunt...the fact that these are Wapiti is a bit disturbing but the natives live in harmony with the land so im sure the is a justifiable cull for this area...


Must be something like what I used to witness in Manitoba years back, natives driving around in pick up trucks, doing drive by shooting of the deer and leaving them to rot. Keeps of land eh? :angry:

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What a joke... Lets get over what happened 200 years ago. Nobody is stopping them from becoming tax paying citizens, giving them the same rights as everyone else... Handouts are much easier, and the more they get, the more they want.


your uninformed perception is a bigger joke....why do you have to wait until the natives get restless to point out the flaws and injustices of OUR government...is it because you think the PM can push legislation through as law and you have no choice but to accept it ?...or is it because you think future politicians deserve better retirement packages instead of dealing with the charges of inhumanities the United Nations has cited against OUR government.... this should be a hint to you to try to understand what is going on right now in our country that has WORLD attention instead of talking about a war that never happened because Treaty's were made with the Crown....

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Dont forget ...this is their house...we are bad tennents that have been trying to take it from them for hundreds of years...


but the natives live in harmony with the land so im sure the is a justifiable cull for this area...



I don't subscribe to the "this is their land" idea....I know my history very well, I just believe enough is enough, the sense of entitlement needs to end...this is OUR land, enough said


there are very few bands that "live in harmony" with the land, that statement right there is ignorant to reality

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I don't subscribe to the "this is their land" idea....I know my history very well, I just believe enough is enough, the sense of entitlement needs to end...this is OUR land, enough said


there are very few bands that "live in harmony" with the land, that statement right there is ignorant to reality


Start rewriting our national anthem then...."Our Home....and....Native Land" ....the very foundation of this country is built on harmony....why else would Canadians be loved all over the world...


If as you say that this is OUR land and only OUR land then you sound more like a product of American Media...


funny....sence of entitlement needs to end....but then.....this is our land....funny!!!!

Edited by Twocoda
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Start rewriting our national anthem then...."Our Home....and....Native Land" ....the very foundation of this country is built on harmony....why else would Canadians be loved all over the world...


If as you say that this is OUR land and only OUR land then you sound more like a product of American Media...


funny....sence of entitlement needs to end....but then.....this is our land....funny!!!!



I like how you interpret written word LOL


when I said our, I was referring to first nations, "Canadians", immigrants, chinese, etc, etc....basically if you hold residenc status, you should have just as much rights as anybody else who holds residency status


funny you should mention how we developed our perception of first nations issues...what is the first nations population on the saugeen shores? which one of us is getting their opinion from the media?

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They need to learn how to contribute to society, stop complaining and earn stuff for themselves rather than rely on government. Im sick and tired of them claiming it is their land. History shows asians were on the east coat well before any recorded Aboriginal people were here. Im honestly tired of it. Living up in Northern Ontario you see them all over the place being responsible for a majority of the crimes in my town because they aren't working.

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The treaties are an agreement that we, the Europeans made with the natives. This kind of behaviour and the "hand outs"/ dfferent set of laws are what we traded for the peace and prosperity that we have enjoyed since our forefathers arrived here. Its antiquated so lets get rid of those treaties. The natives should get full/market value for those treaty rights. We bite the bullet financially now, but in the long run we are a better country for it..

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The treaties are an agreement that we, the Europeans made with the natives. This kind of behaviour and the "hand outs"/ dfferent set of laws are what we traded for the peace and prosperity that we have enjoyed since our forefathers arrived here. Its antiquated so lets get rid of those treaties. The natives should get full/market value for those treaty rights. We bite the bullet financially now, but in the long run we are a better country for it..


Totally agree its about time they start contributing

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While your at it....call the President of the USA to abolish the second ammendment...OUR ride here in Canada has been free to OUR government to prosper ...Like it or not ....WE are the problem...not the natives....if the treaties were honoured then the indigenous peoples wouldnt be on the brink of assimilation and would be equally as wealthy as our Government when it comes to profit from the resources their/our land yields....Dont forget ...this is their house...we are bad tennents that have been trying to take it from them for hundreds of years...Im not trying to single you out here...but before you make a bold statement of ignorance ...you need to do your homework on the subject so you dont look like a follower of ignorance...


we used to have 25 in our hunting party and it was nothing to see 8 to 17 dead deer laying on the ground after the hunt...the fact that these are Wapiti is a bit disturbing but the natives live in harmony with the land so im sure the is a justifiable cull for this area...


Well said Twocoda. Sooo much I would like to say, but I will take the high road on this one.mellow.gif

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Thats why its history get over it....the American natives were much worse off when the eurpeans came over and they aren't rewarded anywhere near what the Canadian ones are. They don't deserve it anymore this stuff happened 5-6 generations ago.

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I think the natives should be paid and paid VERY well. If what happened here (Canada) a few hundred years ago happened in 2012, there'd be world wars over it.

Or we could have had a policy of extermination like the Americans.




But its time to end apartheid and pay up

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The sence of entitelment within Canadin culture is discusting to say the least.

Personaly I feel that the treaties are a joke... the only people that gain are corporations that use the (so called Native land)

Our forfathers/pioneres made these treaties with (native)peoples in order to stave off gorilla warfare...

The same can be said about peoples just east of Ontario?

If the old time generals had their way than we would all be governd by 1 goverment regardless of province culture or sence of entitlment ??


The long and short is that if Canada did not have to deal with bleeding hart liberals or the sence of entitlment that so many in this country abuse/Or so called native concernes/or a social system that allows abuse/Or free hand outs to newly arived immagrants..


Stop the blatent abuse and we all might have somthing to stand on.


Personaly Im sick of people thinking that they have a right to a stanard of living that alows them the same standard as a person that WORKS every day to provide for their family..


I am a liberal.

But if you dont work or go to school or have a lagitiment dissability.

Then screw you.

Get off your but and get a job....

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