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G1 to G2 to G

davey buoy

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Good morning,my oldest son has dragged his rear with his G1. He now has a real good job and wants to get his license. Yesterday he started a refresh drivers course. 5 lessens,two hours per appointment, than use his car for the G2 driving test.

Now here is where I believe the problem arises. By moths end,all goes well he'll have his G2. Fine,he now says his G1 ends in June at 5 years. Meaning he believes he has to have at least a year with the G2 before final G. May have to start all over again as now This coming June would not be 12 mths with a g2.

My question,is if everything is in motion,will they extend the timeline? .Even a slight penalty for letting this go on for so long would be ok.

It would be a shame to start over but if so what can you do. Thanks for any help. I hope this makes some sense.

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to the best of my knowledge you have 5 years to go from g1 - g2, once you get your g2 you have so long to get your g. call the MOT, they will give you the correct info.


Thanks,he will call Monday, I don't know if the instructor told him that yesterday or not,but he was getting a bit upset or worried.

The new job,12hr shifts,two hour commute each way. Six days a week till Jan. The four hour daily commute is tough on it's own.

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Perhaps moving into an apartment is worth looking at as well, 12 hours shifts plus 4 hours of driving is 16 hours a day. That leaves only 8 hours for sleeping. Just something to consider.

When you get the answer please share it, I have a son in the same position, he is taking is sweet time getting his G2 as well.

Edited by HTHM
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Perhaps moving into an apartment is worth looking at as well, 12 hours shifts plus 4 hours of driving is 16 hours a day. That leaves only 8 hours for sleeping. Just something to consider.

When you get the answer please share it, I have a son in the same position, he is taking is sweet time getting his G2 as well.


From what I gather from the website Roy posted,is if the G2 runs out of time,you re-write the G1 test,if pass again,they grant you a G2 automatically up to another 5 years. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.Thanks Roy.


Further reading says you have to redo your G1 road test again to get 5 more years as a G2

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funny how some kids wait an wait an wait....my daughter is in the same situation...i dont get it!!..i remember when i turned 16 i got my 365 that same day and fully licensed by months end....todays kids dont give a rats ass i guess...


i told her to get it cleared up...if she doesnt im buying her a metro pass for xmas!!

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funny how some kids wait an wait an wait....my daughter is in the same situation...i dont get it!!..i remember when i turned 16 i got my 365 that same day and fully licensed by months end....todays kids dont give a rats ass i guess...


i told her to get it cleared up...if she doesnt im buying her a metro pass for xmas!!


Lol,myself as well,Birthday wrote and passed,had to wait 3 mths,drivers test passed. They were the good ole days of the 365:D

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Perhaps moving into an apartment is worth looking at as well, 12 hours shifts plus 4 hours of driving is 16 hours a day. That leaves only 8 hours for sleeping. Just something to consider.

When you get the answer please share it, I have a son in the same position, he is taking is sweet time getting his G2 as well.


Four hours of bus, 25 min max in car each way,big, big difference. Humber north Rexdale area to Mississauga rd/401 area.

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you have 5 years to complete the graduated licencing program...if you don't have a G after 5 years, he will start over


you have to have your G2 for 1 year before you can take the G2 road test and pass to a full G licence


after the 5 years expires, and you re-enter the program but there is no wait times...I failed my G2 test and had a conflict with my college exams, they granted an extension and I failed again I had to restart....(same instructor - don't even get me started on the bias towards males 18-25...)



the great thing is there is no wait times, I was there at the door when they opened, wrote the G1 paper test and said I'd wait all day for a cancelled driving test...I think I found the only government employee with any sense of reasonability...she really helped me get 2 road tests in one day...there at 8am and gone at 3pm with a full G licence




it's all a money grab, tell your son to wait until it expires and re-enter...it'll be cheaper that way, unless he has a valid reason and they grant an extension



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they don't hand out extensions just because...I had to provide proof of my exam scheduling, signed by the college


if he obtains his g2 this month, that is 7 months....perhaps he could say he is required to have a licence for his job and hope for the best, make sure he has no tickets for anything either when he asks for an extension

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It is possible for your son to get an extension if he books his G test as soon as he can.


From what I've found out now, He won't be able to do his G2 till after 5 more two hour driving sessions. At best G2 by Dec 1st.

This allows him only 6 mths till his G1, 5 year runs out. Not the full year they require. Kids today:wallbash:

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they don't hand out extensions just because...I had to provide proof of my exam scheduling, signed by the college


if he obtains his g2 this month, that is 7 months....perhaps he could say he is required to have a licence for his job and hope for the best, make sure he has no tickets for anything either when he asks for an extension


That will have to be the angle we use ,as it is because of 12 hour continental shifts,and lots of OT. Slow transit ,weekends as well etc. Thanks.

Oh by the way he is 23 turning 24 Jan 29. Maybe his slightly older age may work in his favor?

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it may work in his favour, and being employed where he needs a valid licence may help as well...it all depends on who you encounter at the office and approves the extension


if no luck, it's not the end of the world, i got my full G a week after the initial 5 years expired....I was as polite as I could be, said i would wait all day for a cancelled road test, just graduated, good job, needed a licence


just hope for the best and not much else he can do

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it may work in his favour, and being employed where he needs a valid licence may help as well...it all depends on who you encounter at the office and approves the extension


if no luck, it's not the end of the world, i got my full G a week after the initial 5 years expired....I was as polite as I could be, said i would wait all day for a cancelled road test, just graduated, good job, needed a licence


just hope for the best and not much else he can do


Any idea how much for a G1-G2 road test?

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2003: I got my G1

2008: I got my G2

2012: I got my G


When your son gets his G2, he will have 5 years to get his G.


I got my G2 the day my G1 was going to expire (why get it earlier, how the hell can a young student afford a car, + insurance, + gas ??)


The reason the above posted did not get another 5 years, is because he failed his G2, and thus allowed his G1 to expire. Once your G1 expires, you're back to having to get your G1 so you're starting over again technically. Had he passed his G2, his G2 would have been valid for 5 years, thus giving him another 5 years to get his G.


Call on Monday, because regulations are constantly changing, but I highly doubt they would change this.


Hope that helps.



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this is straight from the website:


"You have up to five years to finish the whole process. After five years, if you do not get your full G licence, you will need to start over."




It also says on the site that you must wait 12 months after passing your G2, to take your G road test, and yet you claim to have done both in one day?


In any case, I am 25, and I wrote out the years in which I did my tests. As I stated, rules change. Despite what the site says, I still think the rules I got still apply, so the OP should call and clarify by telephone. If his son passes his G2 right now, and the rules that I went by still apply, his G2 will be valid for 5 years. If new rules exist, he should figure out exactly what would happen to his son, because if he needs to wait 12 months to do his final road test, but that falls after the 5 years from the date he got his G1, I am not sure what would happen. Also keep in mind, if a new "5 years to do it all" rule was implemented recently, it probably will not apply to his son, who got his G1 5 years ago :)

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after the inital 5 yr period...when you re-enter the graduated licencing program, there is no waiting period between tests


the 5yr rule has been around for a while...I don't doubt you achieved your licence on those dates...I just think you got your info wrong


and yes, his son should call and find out directly he needs to do

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I can't believe how complicated this whole drivers license thing has become.


I got mine waaaay back in 1962 and it was so simple. You got your learners permit, which was for 60 days, then as soon as you felt you were ready to take the test, you went in, took it, and they gave you your full license.....done.


I haven't really payed much attention to the new graduated system so I honestly don't know if it makes for better drivers or not, but it just seems to me to be one more thing the government has messed up and made much more complicated than is necessary.


...drivers license...boaters licence...gun registry...and whatever else


Or maybe I'm just getting old :dunno:

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When I took got my G1 I only had to wait 8 months (instead of 12) to take G2 exam because I took the driving course. Not sure if that changed, but that was in 2001.


That applies to my younger son that will take his G2 at least 2 months earlier than the year. He will try for it when college closes for Christmas break.


We /or he my older son will call Monday to make sure what direction to take. I also believe it is far more difficult than it should be IMO.

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