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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon OFNR'S


Hope all are fandabbydosey :D



Okay i just recently came into this new baby over the weekend for a trade.






Now the boat is 18ft the trailor is 20ft so it is way to big for the boat. Towing it back home saterday we had to stop half way as it does not sit on the trailor properly. Also the metal bars you see sticking out under the front of of the boat were really wobbling when it was in motion with this boat on it.


So my question is? Do i see if i can find someone to trade this trailor with that will fit my boat or would it be easy just to modify it to the size of my boat?


Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.




Nauti. ;)

Edited by nautifish

Jen why is it to big, from the pictures it looks like the winch is near the start of the tongue and the transom is fully supported on the bunks the way it should be but the trailer is not sticking out past the transom.

Posted (edited)
  taper said:
Jen why is it to big, from the pictures it looks like the winch is near the start of the tongue and the transom is fully supported on the bunks the way it should be but the trailer is not sticking out past the transom.



JEN? Shakes head :rolleyes:


The boat does not sit on this trailor it is too big. Which is why we had to stop half way. It is neither sitting on the rollers properly or the tounge.


So do i try and trade it for one that fits or modify the trailor? Which would be easier?

Edited by nautifish

Must be the blond hair Nauti, LOL...


Nice boat... wow... and a trade even.


I do not know much about trailers so can't help with your question. Just wanted to say congrats...looks like you will be fishing in style this year!






from what I see it is just fine

you would have trouble with a smaller trailer....

I have never heard of anyone have trouble because the trailer is too big..

trailer too small, now that would be a problem


So why does it not sit on it right then? Is it maybe just the trailor needs some adjustmenst somewhere?


I know squat about trailors......lol...As you can tell. :whistling:

Posted (edited)

Bunks?.......okay what are the bunks?


Thanx jen.

Edited by nautifish
Posted (edited)

it's hard to see in the picture but the bunks or rollers must need to be moved to support the boat better or maybe even extra rollers might need to be added to help

bunks are carpeted 2x6s that the boats sits slides on, or it has rolls that it sits and rolls off and on

you also may need more or less tongue weight by extending the tongue or moving the wheels

really you need someone to take a look at it

someone close by may be able to help

Edited by Terry

Bunks- Them thingies underneath on the trailer under the boat that has carpet on it. The boat sits on these. If the boat is moving around the bunks are not set properly.

YTou'll also need to make sure the trailer tongue weight is correct. It should be ~10% of total weight. So if the whole package weights 1500 pounds, there should be 150 pounds of weight on the tongue itself. If not you can adjust things to make this happen.




Okay then! so basically i am looking at having this modified a little then.


Thanx so much guy's. ;)

  Fisherman said:
If you're about to do any amount of trailering, put some fenders on it and a set of front amber marker lights to keep it legal.



Nope no plans to trailor alot with this boat have the 14ft tinny for that. once she is ready plan on dropping her in at a slip here in dover and keeping her in the water for the season.


By the way it appears in the picture it looks to me that the boat is not sitting flat on the bunks.Like others have said I would take it maybe to a local marina and get there opinion.If its just an adjustment maybe they can set it up for you.As for the trailer being to big ,It looks good from here.Dan


I think the trailer would be fine as others have stated....Minor adjustments and a few moving of parts and you should be good to go..

Congrats. Nice looking boat.


Perch easton thanx so much guys. ;)


I was getting a little concerned.......


Perch u are correct all the weight of the boat is sitting on the bottom end of the trailor. I thought it was because the trailor was to big which is why it was sitting like that. But maybe with the adjustments suggested it can be fixed.

  douG said:
See? And I thought this was a continuation of your 'weirdest thing I have caught' story.



LOL Doug.


Ohhh trust me i have more storys of some of my fishing adventures but that was the 1st one that came to mind then i told the wfn Crew ohh heck no i cannot tell that story but they said yes it would be okay.... :whistling: ....lol..


Check out your local Power and sail Squadron, http://port-dover.cps-ecp.org/


There's probably someone close by that could look at it for you.


The Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons have a new program with Transport Ca. where they will send a person to check your boat for all the necessary safety gear, sort of like a safety check, and you get a certificate to stick on the boat. It gives those who aren't sure what they need an option other than a ticket from the cops and its free. When your ready to put it in the water give them a call and they can tell you what you need to do with the trailer.


I'm sure if you give their contact guy a call he can get someone to help you out.


It looks like the bunks are set high on the front for some reason, probably couldn't get far enough into the water to float the boat so the bunks were raised to make it easier to slide off.


Nice boat ya got yerself there. Trailer like all have said looks to be the right size. I like the bunk idea. Not sure why,but I dont like the roller theroy.Something about not enough support.


As for the fenders. Weather your going 1km or 1000 km you require them.You will get pulled over and ticketed for not having them.


Enjoy your new toy.


I hear ya misfish, I looked at a glass boat that was ruined from sitting on a roller trailer. Every roller had dented the hull. I think if your going to leave a boat out of the water for a long time it would be best to put it on blocks.


It looks like the bunks are set high on the front for some reason, probably couldn't get far enough into the water to float the boat so the bunks were raised to make it easier to slide off.


Now what do u mean by not far enough in the water? are u saying the trailor is too big for this boat? Why would the bunks need to be raised if the boat fitted perfectly thats what is puzzling me.


Thankyou misfish.


I am excited as hell to get her in the water.


Okay so i am going with no rollers then underneath? just lift the bunks? & just change the position of the rollers at the back? My uncle said i should just replace them with new ones. The hull on this boat is in mint condition.

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