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GB Salmon

jimmy v

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Took a drive up north last night,fished Thornbury then Meaford for a couple hours each.Hooked 2 at the Beaver and 3 in Meaford.Fish are bright but not very large(5-8 pounds) and fought well. .The fish at the Sound seemed larger last time I was there.There certainly aren`t many fish around yet but even seeing a few is very encouraging. At both places it was typical salmon activity-a few splashing around,then a couple quick hits,then all quiet for the longest time.Decision time-grind it out or move on - I chose to move on,last nite it was the right decision,often times better to grind it out till their next active time.Salmon in harbors or lower ends can really be moody!Anyway it was good to get out.

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Please stop posting names, the ease of finding information just compounds the snagging idiot problem.




CBC airs a piece about thousands of salmon at Bownmanville stuck below the damn, meanwhile, OP mentions a measly couple of 5 pounders 2 hours north of the GTA and you're worried?


Methinks you worry too much. :lol:

Edited by jonnybass
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Please stop posting names, the ease of finding information just compounds the snagging idiot problem.


So all posts should read something like this:


" was out in the world today....that is all"


Thornbury/Meaford/the Sound/ Saugeen aren't exactly secrets so who cares if OP posts where he was. Your posting this just compounds the reasons so many fisherman i know don't even join this site....

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I used to think it didn't matter either, until I posted something I thought was harmless and a tiny creek got grenaded.


I understand these places aren't a secret, but why directly mention names? There's a huge audience on this site, and we fish small systems where fish are essentially trapped in a barrel for 5 months a year.


Just my opinion guys. Take it, leave it, flame me for it if you like.

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So all posts should read something like this:


" was out in the world today....that is all"


Thornbury/Meaford/the Sound/ Saugeen aren't exactly secrets so who cares if OP posts where he was. Your posting this just compounds the reasons so many fisherman i know don't even join this site....


How about this as a good example:


"I was river fishing for Salmon today and got a few."


Talk about the size, the fight, what bait you got it on etc. etc.

Specific locations or naming the river are not necessary at all.

Edited by laszlo
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Please stop posting names, the ease of finding information just compounds the snagging idiot problem.


Splain please? This hardly makes sense and your post is very cryptic. Because we're new doesn't mean we are idiots or like being spoken too as if we were. PM me if you please. Will admin weigh in on this as well.

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Splain please? This hardly makes sense and your post is very cryptic. Because we're new doesn't mean we are idiots or like being spoken too as if we were. PM me if you please. Will admin weigh in on this as well.



dont think hes calling you guys idiots.... but the lurkers that leach off of your scouting and trial and error that will show up and keep EVERYTHING they catch... then bring all their friends the next time and so on...


i didnt know about A LOT of rivers until i became a member of this site.... i only knew of 2 rivers that had salmon runs...now i know PLENTY more because of people posting names of rivers...

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So the issue is how do we ask the question or pass info along? One forum has a hidden thread, to gain access members require a minimum post count. The other would be to PM then answer. I had a question that pertains to 2 river locations.


I can appreciate the importance of controlling how our information is used and exactly who benifits from it. I did a full days recce today looking for river access for salmon. I drove all day and it hardly seems fair for a lurker to cash in and maybe even cause the site to be over fished.




dont think hes calling you guys idiots.... but the lurkers that leach off of your scouting and trial and error that will show up and keep EVERYTHING they catch... then bring all their friends the next time and so on...


i didnt know about A LOT of rivers until i became a member of this site.... i only knew of 2 rivers that had salmon runs...now i know PLENTY more because of people posting names of rivers...

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So there are about 500 page views. Mostly return visits.

Whoever looks at the thread will be recorded as a page view.

There is no thousands of lurkers mysteriously or invisibly lurking.

If anyone looks it is recorded as a page view.


Have fished around Thornbury etc...it ain't that great.

Went to the headwaters and caught brookies to avoid wasting too much time.

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Splain please? This hardly makes sense and your post is very cryptic. Because we're new doesn't mean we are idiots or like being spoken too as if we were. PM me if you please. Will admin weigh in on this as well.


Nothing cryptic here, and certainly not calling anyone an idiot. As per the board rules, please avoid naming rivers (especially at this time of year). And before the "a river is no different than a lake" argument comes, consider that one of the places named has about 500m of water before a dam.


Everyone comes on these boards and posts locations, and it always seems to be the same guys that are complaining the next weekend that more and more guys are "in their spot".


Keep in mind that I live 200 km from any of these places, so I'm not trying to protect my backyard.

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Welcome jimmyv to the board, you're bound to come across all different types of characters while you peruse and contribute to this forum.


Like others have said, generalized info is always better to protect your spots ;)


If in doubt, focus on the fishing experience that day and how the bite was. We like seeing lots of photos (strategically taken to avoid obvious identifying features) and we always like hearing about how good/bad/ugly your time fishing was.


Many users don't get out as much as they'd like to and as such like to live vicariously though others.


Don't let this thread prevent you from contributing in the future! I for one am very interested in hearing how your fishing adventures pan out.





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Welcome Jimmy.


Ya keeping the spots quiet is a good thing. Fished a riv or two,caught some nice fish,is pretty much all that needs to be said. Keeps them guessing. :rofl2: Oh,watch for back ground shots,many frown on that here as well. :sarcasm:

Edited by Misfish
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Is this okay to post?

I went brook trout fishing in central southern ontario this past weekend. saturday I woke at 6am, cold, brisk, damp misty morning. shuffled into my waders, tied on a royal wulff dry fly, size small as heck! the mist was so thick I could hardly see 50 feet, I edged up to the river bank staying low and quiet, just long enough to observe a couple rises just down stream of me. beside a fallen tree and undercut bank about 12-18 inched deep,I just know there must be a trout there! i creep on my knees and hand to a suitably casting range, I let the fly land close to the outside seam, nothing, a little further in.. drag free drift, no bite... another 18 inches closer to the bank,it drifts 5-6 feet and BANG! slight stiff wrist and I hooked a gorgeous 11 3/4 inch spec not 10 min after being on the water, the little fella(big fella) for this particular system gave me a whirl, a jump,a kick and a few darts into the brush later and he was in my hand, hooked the fish nicely in the corner of the mouth! Im sorry i have no pictures as the camera was hidden in the tent with my sleeping GF. HEAVEN FORBID I wake her. I let the fish go healthy and strong for one of you fellow forum pals to find the stream and where the trout like to live!

happy fishing all and keep the rivers clean dont poach and dont be rude asses or ill hate you all :) all the best Jordan

if you need a picture google ontario brook trout and royal wulff dry fly :P

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salmon in georgian bay around river mouths?! who knew???




been fishing the spectacular here in owen sound and it's been real quiet in our boat. had lymans and spoons at every depth between 60' and 125', over anywhere from 85' to 180', and only managed to get into one fish (probably on the slider, as it was gone before we could get a hook set.)


seen some fish caught around sundown, but other than that, things seem slow yet. i guess the lack of rain means the fish are mostly still out in the deep water? unfortunately, i'm not going to have time to fish them later :angry:

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