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Anything in fishing that you've never been able to do?

Dave Bailey

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I'm sure many of us have something that has always eluded us, but I've got two that are very frustrating. First, I've never been able to 'walk the dog', no matter how much I try. I have been trying for years, with different rods, reels, lines, and yet that damned Zara Spook refuses to act the way anyone else can get it. Never. I even had a guy try to show me once, and after trying for about half an hour we both gave up. I guess my wrists just aren't configured properly (bones, ligaments, whatever) so I can't get the proper action going.


Oh well, there are plenty of other techniques, so I've permanently given up on ever getting it to save myself the frustration. I just have to live with the undeniable fact that it isn't possible for me to do it.


The second is a lot more frustrating. I've rarely been able to go more than a dozen casts without having a massive birdnest develop that is usually only corrected by cutting off massive amounts of line. I was once told that it's the sign of a problem with whatever spinning reel I'm using, if so, it must be catching because every reel I've ever used goes the same way. So I've developed a routine; about a dozen casts, and then hook the end of the line to something, walk back until the reel is empty, and then walk forward reeling it back in under tension. Doesn't always work, sometimes it'll happen sooner so I'm reduced to hacking at line again. A couple of times I've made two trips in one day to the closest tackle shop to where I'm fishing just to have a new line spooled on.


Other than giving up fishing, any suggestions?

Edited by Dave Bailey
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dont sweat it dave.......ive managed to get a few serious birds nests on a real that is supposed to be backlash proof.!!!!!


the dc calais....just ask jose


i can still hear him laughing at me whenever i pick that reel up


im pretty sure tho its just takes a few tweaks of the setting on your baitcaster

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Walk the dog, here too. I bought 4 Badonk-a-Donks(cause i like the nameunsure.gif ) and i cant make then walk if my life depended on it.

The other is, i LH retrieve with a Spinning reel, and i RH retrieve with a baitcater, but i cant do the opposite.It just feels like i am all thumbs when i try.dunno.gif People think its weird.

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i would have to say the wallice cast.....i can do it after 6 or 7 attempts but the next day its like someone hit the "reset" button in my brain and i have to start from scratch all over again .....hence the reason im a fulltime spinning sidecaster.....


for your backlask problem....try a different pound test of line ...until you find onethat flows to your liking....for me its 14 pond on the baitcaster....12 and i get problems



edit to add with out editing- Im a master of typonese

Edited by Twocoda
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He said spincast, maybe a mistake. If it is a spincast, then he's reeling while the spool is turning on the reel and that causes line twist.


No, I said a spinning reel, one of them open face thingies. And how do you manage to NOT reel in while it's turning? It can't wind back in on its own. You have to turn the handle to retrieve the lure, right? And doesn't that turn the spool? Don't tell me I've even been getting that wrong. :D

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Yes, or he's putting his line on backwards.


If so, then it's been put on backward every time by myself or whoever else has done it, including a number of tackle shops. Hard to believe...



for your backlask problem....try a different pound test of line ...until you find onethat flows to your liking....for me its 14 pond on the baitcaster....12 and i get problems



I've tried all sorts of brands in all sorts of tests from 6 to around 12, no difference.

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I'd like to know what line you're using with a walk the dog bait. You'll have a lot more trouble if you're using fluorocarbon or braid especially when first starting out. Use a heavy mono line 12lb +


I don't care about not being able to walk the dog, it's something I'll never get. But I would like to solve the reel problem.

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Other than giving up fishing, any suggestions?


Not in my vocabulary!! Sounds like a combo of casting style. Hang time on lure & are you using a swivel. Stick a 5 gal bucket in yard or driveway & attack it side cast, loft cast or line drive cast. Find one inbetween that works. You can also turn this into a drinking game miss the bucket & drink!!!!!!!!!!


Oh & use an old jig or old lure with no hooks!!!

Edited by pikehunters
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A birdnest every dozen casts? You must be a very patient man.


Here is a link that shows you how to spool line on a spinning reel to reduce birdnests



Also, if you are not doing so already, try closing the bail manually after you cast and give the line a tug before starting to reel.


Good luck



Edit to fix link

Edited by Wolf 3
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A birdnest every dozen casts? You must be a very patient man.


Here is a link that shows you how to spool line on a spinning reel to reduce birdnests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwGSTZ-c4Rc.


Also, if you are not doing so already, try closing the bail manually after you cast and give the line a tug before starting to reel.


Good luck


As I said a couple of times before, it's been spooled many times by many people, hasn't made any difference. And I've also tried closing the bail by hand, no joy.

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As I said a couple of times before, it's been spooled many times by many people, hasn't made any difference. And I've also tried closing the bail by hand, no joy.


on a spinning reel? hmmmm i would say make sure your drag is set to "tight" when spooling it ...when retrieving your line from fishing make sure you are tight enough that the drag isnt fighting your line...this will cause no movement in your line but the reel is still rotating causing the line twist....



dont give up fishing ....but maybe lawn darts could become a primary sport...lol...

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on a spinning reel? hmmmm i would say make sure your drag is set to "tight" when spooling it ...when retrieving your line from fishing make sure you are tight enough that the drag isnt fighting your line...this will cause no movement in your line but the reel is still rotating causing the line twist....


I always keep the drag tightened right up until the action starts.

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