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Musky fishing with a long time pal


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For about the last 25 years my buddy Malcolm and I have ended our season musky fishing in the Kawarthas. Last year would be the 1st we had ever missed so it was great to have him back in the boat. The day started off slowly and very surreal as another boat was nowhere to be found. We were coming up on the end of our second spot when I looked down and saw my bait being followed by a flash of green and fish on! Love seeing them take the bait. Nothing huge but a nice clean 40incher.







Shortly afterwards I had another smaller one on and was quickly released




It was after this fish I happen to notice that Malcolm had brought a banana on the boat. It didn't seem to be affecting my fishing but I didn't hold out hopes for Malcolm. He claims he had no idea about the banana in the boat curse. Then things were quiet for a while, too quiet, felt like I was fishing alone….and I was. Feeling a bit tired after a night on the town, I looked and found my partner having a siesta.





We hit a couple more spots and Malcolm finally got into a decent fish. Maybe his naivety about bananas saved him this time.










One of the fun toys of the day was the new camera. (Panasonic DMC-TS3) Didn't take many pictures (just what you've seen) but I did play with the underwater and shot this release of Malcolm's fish.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid105.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm240%2FFishnsled%2FFall%2520Muskies%2F2011111314073212.mp4">




We hit a couple other spots and only had one follow to add to the day. But what a fish to have follow up, we both agreed that this beast was pushing the high 40's to 50" mark. I've got her address and will be back hopefully before seasons end. It was great to have spent the day with a long time fishing partner and with some success. Lots of laughs, stories told, fish caught and memories made. A great day on the water indeed.

Edited by fishnsled
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great way to end the season wil..!!! some decent kawartha skis too boot... :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Normally this would have been the closing weekend for us for when the season closed on Nov 15. Now with it extended another month, I hope to be back out there in a week or 2. B)



nice looking fish... very clean...


good luck on stalking that big girl...


the anticipation will be awesome the next time you fish that spot...


SO true Mike.


That's awesome Will, and the release video is great. That old banana in the boat is a myth too ;)


It's great to see them swim away but to have the underwater certainly kicks it up a notch. As for the banana myth, it could have been very true if we didn't catch anything. :D

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