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Last Minute Decision - Paid Off - Deer Hunt - NF


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For those interested, here's an update on our hunt so far. Sorry no pics since we killed late yesterday afternoon and came back out of the bush well after sunset. Pics were taken by our friend on his cell phone and when I receive them via email, will post them. Keep reading and you'll understand :)


The location we hunt in, is in a gulley / valley type along the one side, a steep mountain... in the bottom, it's full of pine trees and swampy, on top, a section, is all hard wood and sort of flat :thumbsup_anim: but to get there, it's a real pain climbing a steep hill, so we positioned ourselves in the gulley, on each side of it, at opposite ends, since deer will at some point visit to hide in (mostly at sunset).


The weather was excellent this weekend, with clear sky's and moderate winds and temps dropping below zero at night :w00t: First morning and snow had fallen, making it all white but during the afternoon, it melted, making it nice and comfy with above zero temps :)


To make a long story short, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning, I heard cracking noise, in front of me at the top of the mountain, so is my brother, and from where we were positioned, no way to see what caused it.... Had a suspicion it was a deer but could not confirm :wallbash:


Well Sunday, late afternoon, that suspicion was confirmed :D The plan was for my brother and friend do a chase on top of the mountain while I sit in the blind, positioned down in the gorge and see if they could push a deer my way. Best decision we ever made :D So we proceeded... I got in position and waited while they climbed up the mountain.


Not 15 minutes went by and hear a cracking sound :w00t: No worries... it was my brother going by :lol: Then a few second later I hear a gun shot BANG :w00t:


This is when I reach for my two way radio and wait... I then hear my brother say "Jacques, viens-t'en nous rejoindre.... monte en face d'la cache pit tu vas nous trouver..." To translate for our none French members "Jacques, come and meet us... climb up the mountain in front of the blind and you'll find us"


So I proceeded to leave the blind, my back pack full of gear and tackle my ascension... Took a good 20 minutes to reach the top but couldn't see them. So I use my radio to locate them.... once arrived at destination, laying sideways, was a nice buck :D A spike B) My brother was real happy B)


So now, the fun part past us, came the work part.... the gutting and the dragging :o Our friend ask, do we have a rope and a bag??? Nope I replied!!! it's in my back pack in the deer blind down in the gorge :wallbash: He says, it's all good, will have to put the liver and kidneys in my vest pockets :w00t: So he did :lol:


By then, I look at my watch and it's 4h45pm, not much day light remaining... up on top, you could see for miles but looking down in the gulley, it was getting dark :o


Our friend says to me "Jacques, take the riffles and follow us" :w00t: I don't know about you but carrying 3 riffles going down a steep hill was quite a challenge and not to mention that I was dressed in multi layers to sit in a blind while they did the chase.... so by the time we got the deer next to the blind, it was pitch dark and all of us, was soaking wet from the hard work :o


There's more that follows but I'm affraid I'd be typing for ever :lol:


We got to our friends place around 6h15pm and celebrated our efforts with a nice cold beer, then we hung our guess outside to cool him down, finished cleaning him, removed the tender loins :) The ultimate treat for hunters :D The spike is guesstimated @ around 110Lbs, field dressed.


Got back home late last night.... happy to be back with a successful hunt. Next weekend going back for more... hope to get to use my tag for another :)


Forgot to mentioned that a 12 pointer was spotted by locals going into the gulley... that in itself has my blood pumping for next weekend :D


Hope the story make sense!!!

Tight Line


Edited by Leechman
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Congrats Jacques, nothing like a tenderloin and liver snack. Sure makes all that hardwork worthwhile.



I had a story similar to that 6 years ago and the first thing that I did when I got to the truck all sweaty and totally exhausted was light up a cigarette. I loooked at the cigarette and said that there was something wrong with this. And decided right there and then that I was done with smoking, and I am still off of them.

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I am glad to hear that all your hard work paid off :thumbsup_anim: I'm afraid that at my age, you guys would have been carrying me out of the bush as well as the deer by that point LOL. Looking forward to seeing the pictures!


Thanks Cliff!!! LOL The little bit of dragging I did at the end was all on adrenaline... just wanted to see Mr. Buck get to the truck safely :lol:


Great start to the season Jacques! SOund like it was a heavy workout just to get your deer out of the bush.

Hope I'll see some 12 point photos next week.thumbsup_anim.gif

Bonne chance avec le gros chevreuil!


Thanks Chad!!! It sure is B) Had I not have so many layers on, would of made the trip up and down that steep hill a little easier for me :)

Just got word from my friend that a 6 & 8 pointer was spotted on the property :w00t: Saturday morning can't come soon enough :)


good job leech now its your turn


Thanks Corvy!!! I'll give it my best :angel:


congrats Jacques - keep up the good work


Thanks K_F!!! I sure will :)


Congrats Jacques, nothing like a tenderloin and liver snack. Sure makes all that hardwork worthwhile.

I had a story similar to that 6 years ago and the first thing that I did when I got to the truck all sweaty and totally exhausted was light up a cigarette. I loooked at the cigarette and said that there was something wrong with this. And decided right there and then that I was done with smoking, and I am still off of them.


Thanks Dan!!! Had the tenderloins tonight with my brother and they tasted great B) After having Mr. Buck out of the bush and in the truck, the thought of a cigarette never came to mind... All I could think of was a nice cold beer :D:lol:


congrats and good work :canadian: sounds like a good time.


Thanks CJR!!!


********* Photo Update *********


Got a pic in the mail tonight from my friend's daughter that she took Sunday with her cell phone... not the greatest shot but you can see the happy hunters and Mr. Buck




And the infamous hunters dream meal :D




Tight lines


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********* Photo Update *********


Got a pic in the mail tonight from my friend's daughter that she took Sunday with her cell phone... not the greatest shot but you can see the happy hunters and Mr. Buck



And the infamous hunters dream meal :D




Tight lines



I know I just had breakfast but DAMN, this photo is making me hungry again !

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well done boys well deserved !!! :thumbsup_anim::canadian::clapping:


Thanks fishindevil!!!


I know I just had breakfast but DAMN, this photo is making me hungry again !


I know... It was delicious woodenboater :)


Congrats on the deer, you guys earned that one! I bet those back straps tasted real good after all that work.


Thanks outdoorsman!!! You bet :D

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Awesome report! I cant get the visual of you guys hiking out of the bush with the liver and kidneys hanging out of the vest pockett...lol Gots to do what a guys gotta do! Thanks for your report..


Thanks tb4me!!! After removing the kidneys & liver and putting them in his pockets, our friend reached for the heart and was about to remove it and I immediately told him... Your running out of pockets, best to just leave it attached :lol:

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