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Daddys name didnt save him


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I finds stories like this very sad.

Alcohol distorts reality, and causes people to do irrational things. Its defiantely not an excuse, dont get me wrong, but he was not in his right mind. I do feel the the punishment fits the crime in this case.



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Now by 24 I was married and already had 2 kids and one on the way... but from the ages of 15 to 19 that could have been me on any given night and I'm sure that applies to many around here. Don't be toooo quick to judge! :o


No way judging,been there done that.Lucky for many of us,nothing happened,or was killed. Close though.


BTW,Married 18,2 kids by 19.Like you,still with same. :blahblah1:

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I finds stories like this very sad.

Alcohol distorts reality, and causes people to do irrational things. Its defiantely not an excuse, dont get me wrong, but he was not in his right mind. I do feel the the punishment fits the crime in this case.


Care to say why Paul?



And to everyone that replies,PLEASE BE CIVIL. TY

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when I was young, I could have/would have done stupid things like that when drinking.....seems many of us learn the hard way


wasn't it his friend he killed who was part of the "FUN"



I think less time say 18 months and longer probation with zero booze or drug with random testing............ 10 years drug/alcohol free...with a 5 year driving ban

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3 years in prison


7 years no licence


Every night for the rest of his life when he closes his eyes---gonna re-live this tragedy


His own punishment will be far worse than any judge would give him


And Yes...Any one of us on this board can put themselves here.


Sorry Bri--Not jumpin on ya here---it's just a bad deal all round

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Care to say why Paul?



And to everyone that replies,PLEASE BE CIVIL. TY



Why the pinishment fits the crime? Well, it wasnt murder, so a longer sentence would be too stiff a penalty. If he hadnt been drinking, this would not have happened, so other than this fatal mistake, he has no priors. Judges are under pressure to crack down on DUI, and felt that this would send the proper message.

This kind of story makes me sad, because But for the grace of God, there go I. I drove drunk on a daily basis, sometimes unable to see the road at all.In my mind i was in complete control, maybe even in better control than normal. Today, in sobriety, i would never think of doing something like that, but i undestand his state of mind when it happened.You can not think sanely while drunk.

He will carry what he did, long after his sentence is up. If he has a drinking problem, hopefully this will help him get sober.


Hope this makes sensedunno.gif It makes me nervous when asked to explain myself on a forum, because its hard to get a point accross clearly when you cant see the face of the person you are talking to.whistling.gif

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Why the pinishment fits the crime? Well, it wasnt murder, so a longer sentence would be too stiff a penalty. If he hadnt been drinking, this would not have happened, so other than this fatal mistake, he has no priors. Judges are under pressure to crack down on DUI, and felt that this would send the proper message.

This kind of story makes me sad, because But for the grace of God, there go I. I drove drunk on a daily basis, sometimes unable to see the road at all.In my mind i was in complete control, maybe even in better control than normal. Today, in sobriety, i would never think of doing something like that, but i undestand his state of mind when it happened.You can not think sanely while drunk.

He will carry what he did, long after his sentence is up. If he has a drinking problem, hopefully this will help him get sober.


Hope this makes sensedunno.gif It makes me nervous when asked to explain myself on a forum, because its hard to get a point accross clearly when you cant see the face of the person you are talking to.whistling.gif


yeah I find it hard to explain myself too, so I just ramble and post a lot hoping one day to say it right...LOL


but you said it just fine Paul

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It's always sad when this kinda stuff happens, a couple buds out having some laffs and a few beers, then in seconds it's all over. One friends is dead and the others life is ruined forever.


A terrible tragedy all around.

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I personally take the drinking and driving thing very seriously. I lost 2 good friends just over 20yrs ago when I was a younger lad in Apsley. One of them could've been me but I was "too tired" to go out that night. Needless to say, the driver was drunk and split his camero in two while running from the cops in Peterborough. The driver, who survived, was sentenced to 7yrs vehicular manslaugher. My 2 buddies, Jack and Ray were killed.

Does any sentence really fit the crime if a death is involved....I don't know. I truley hope Tobin learned his lesson. I know my buddy that did live learned his and regrets his decision every day of his life.




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He screwed up, he showed remorse, he plead quilty, he's being sent to prison...Whats his Daddy's name got to do with anything??? As far as I'm concerned that comment was.... :huh:


My point, his father was a high profile member of the goverment. I state,,,,,,,WAS.


It seems these days if your an important/famous figure and your child gets in trouble,the name gets you off with less.


Paul TY.


I too come accross the same,and it wasnt a call out.


I have lost friends aswell. This is one reason I dont own a motor bike.Best driver I seen,but was taken to young.

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The reason these things even make it to the news is the relative importance of the parents....kids from 'ordinary' families rarely get this exposure when charged with a crime. And we are used to the 'priviledged' ones getting a break in punishment.


The fellow convicted and sentenced had a long list of speeding tickets prior to this event which denotes he wasn't that responsible to begin with. Reminds me of the kids of rich parents in Muskoka several years back who died in a drunk driving accident. Expensive car, previous driving convictions, waiters at a private club intimidated by wealthy guests so wouldn't cut off the drinks....recipe for disaster. Where were the parents?

Edited by blue pickeral
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Now by 24 I was married and already had 2 kids and one on the way... but from the ages of 15 to 19 that could have been me on any given night and I'm sure that applies to many around here. Don't be toooo quick to judge! :o



Not judging at all.


Judge Lise Maisonneuve said she took into account Tobin's extreme remorse and his decision to plead guilty and forgo a trial in reaching her decision. But she also considered Tobin's previous record with alcohol and cars.


Seems like it has been a problem in the past and that is all I meant by my statement.


I'm sure, as you said Wayne, it could have been anyone of us in our younger years. Some of us were lucky, I have a fishing buddy who was not. Been in a wheel chair for 30+ years now.


A terrible tragedy for everyone when something like this happens.

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