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Leechman's Speckle log.... Supplemental


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Well folks, today got back into hunting the pokadots that eluded me since opening day :blink: along the shoreline of my favorite lake :) to see if they were hungry :blink: Winds were from the West and like the old saying goes "winds from the West... they byte the best" well that statement hold true today :)


The action was fast and furious B) Didn't even have time to take pics.... sorry :wallbash: Hour and a half is all it took to limit out B) So since I don't have pics.... here's the story.... hope you enjoy the reading :) It's a long one :D


Left home around 9:15am and got to destination around 10:50am, there was a couple of boats out on the water and my favorite spot on shore was all mine :good: No one around B) Lots of wind today so that meant no BUGS :Gonefishing:B) I could see clouds of minnows cruising tight to shore where I was :good:


Going solo, I always text my Mrs when I get to destination to let her know that I arrived and I'm still alive :lol: Suffice to say that today I decided to setup my rod and then text but as soon as I had it in the water.... got a hit and miss :wallbash: Reeled in my line to check on the dewie and what do you know :blink: It's gone :wallbash:


Got another nice piece on and setup again.... not 15 seconds went by and I get hit... this time I set the hook and land my first :clapping: a small one but it goes into the cooler on ice :) Then the thought of texting came about and proceeded to do it with the first fish in the box :)


The action never stopped until I got my limit.... an hour and half (11:11am - 12:33pm to be exact :whistling:) :D A lot of them got off the hook just reeling in at shore and some were just miss hook sets due to having a big piece of dewie on the hook :wallbash: I ajusted that quickly by just putting a smaller piece covering the point of the hook, since they were so hungry :whistling: Boy that sure is a change from the previous outings I had.


I went 10 for 20.... they were hungry to say the least :) I'm sure I could of caught more but after I had reach my limit, decided to pack it in... got the gear put away in the car and I'm just about ready to hit the send button on my phone to text my Mrs to tell her I'm leaving when I notice from the corner of my eye, a couple guys walking on the road coming towards me :blink:


Now they were well dressed and not looking like the locals at all :lol:

They got closer and then I see the badge and the gun in the holster.... knew then it was the CO's... got talking and after a few words back and forth they did the routine check (license, fish in the cooler)and were quite nice about it.....


I was clean :lol: so they went about their business and I left after.... got to say that it was a very long time since I had been checked by CO's and was real happy to see that :good: It's nice to see that they are doing their job B)


All in all, drove 3 1/2 hours, fish for 1 hour 1/2 for my limit of pokadots B) and finished the bucket of worms I had purchased in April for opener :lol: I'm a happy camper now :D


P.S. Forgot to mention that them boats out on the water... did not see them catch nothing :w00t: I bet they were anxious for me to leave so to conquer my honey hole :whistling::lol:

Thanks for reading

Until next time!

Tight lines


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Thanks for the report Jacquesclapping.gif Great day for fishing.


Thanks Paul!!! You bet B)


Good fishing Jacques. Now where are the dinner plate pics so I can drool some more. ;)


Thanks Will!!! Them beauts are going to be my Mom next little treat... If she invites me over... I'll be sure to take some pics of my vantage point for you :whistling:;):)


Sounds great Jacques :worthy:


Thanks Terry!!! It certainly was awesome :D


Jacques now a great story like that and no pix.thats not like you and now you probably ate all the evidence.

good thing for those emoticons lol :sarcasm:


I know Mike... Sorry man :o The evidence... well some of it is frozen and will be my Mom's next little treat ;):D


Oh and BTW Jacques here is a very good chance that cell phone you have has a Camera :whistling: so the Texting could be ignored and we could see some pix you know

When I go fishing that phone gets put away and ignored.... :canadian:


LOL I'm fully aware of the phone capabilities and to tell you the truth.... was not even thinking of it with all the action going on :angel: Wish I had a camera man at hand :whistling: want to come up for a day? I'd be glad and honored to share some shoreline with you :canadian:

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Fish first, photos second! haha, good job snapping your cold streak! But, at 11:11 your supposed to think of somebody special, which means you should have texted your wife before the cast. haha.


Congrats on respecting the fishery! The CO's must like running into guys like you.

Hopefully the boaters didn't hurt your honey hole.

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Fish first, photos second! haha, good job snapping your cold streak! But, at 11:11 your supposed to think of somebody special, which means you should have texted your wife before the cast. haha.

Congrats on respecting the fishery! The CO's must like running into guys like you.

Hopefully the boaters didn't hurt your honey hole.


Thanks Chad!!! LOL yeah the texting thingy came back to mind after I had boxed the first fish :lol: Actually, I totally forgot about my lunch in the cooler too :lol:


Them CO's were friendly and had a good chat with them while they were doing their check.... it's great to see them out there :thumbsup_anim:


The boaters were targeting the top of the water column and them beauts were staying deep... that is why I was using slip bobber type rigs and had so much action :)

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LOL Jacques...great fishing for sure!


Gotta love when the bite is on.


There must be a different breed of fisherman over there....cuz recently i havde had people on an empty lake scoot right over to me and start fishing within yards....unlike the boaters you mentioned waiting till you leave!


NO PICTURES!!!!! thats like smoking without inhaling!

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LOL Jacques...great fishing for sure!

Gotta love when the bite is on.

There must be a different breed of fisherman over there....cuz recently i havde had people on an empty lake scoot right over to me and start fishing within yards....unlike the boaters you mentioned waiting till you leave!

NO PICTURES!!!!! thats like smoking without inhaling!


Thanks Simon!!! Yeah the nerve of some people I tell ya.... one of the two boats did pass within casting range of me and that was it.... guess he saw me land a couple and wanted to see if he could hook into one trolling :o


Speaking of smoking.... hows that going for ya??


awesome trip leech congrats


Thanks Corvy!!! More like epic awesome :D:thumbsup_anim:

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Good report Jacques!! Would love to get out fishing with you some day!

PS---was starting to think that Vince (Vinnimon) was going to take the "emoticon" title away from you, but, after reading this one...THE CROWN is still yours :rofl2:


Thanks Frankie!!! The feeling is mutual :)


LOL yeah them emotion thingy are the only way to express yourself in a pictureless fishing report :whistling::rofl2: I think now you have a pretty good idea how I felt :lol:

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