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Stay classy Vancouver!!!!


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The fans in the building were definitely respectful from what I seen. I too laughed when the crowd booed Bettman.


Unfortunately acts like this are almost inevitable. I'm sure similar things would happen in any other city.


What I don't understand is when did it become acceptable to celebrate a win, or in this case a loss, in a violent fashion??? At some point this type of action became normal in various sports.


Quick question though, do any of the hooligans get charged with serious crimes? To me destroying parts of your own city is similar to an act of terrorism. Or do they get petty charges, like vandalism???

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Maybe they'll ban all the dirty hippies that like to frequent that city.

Bill, dirty hippies is something my grandfather would say. Hippies are into peace man. B)


More pictures of Canuck fans *cough* I mean hooligans from last night.



Hooligans is the best way to describe them. Drunken males in their 20's rampaging like in Europe after a soccer match. :blink:

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"IF" Toronto wins the cup the same thing will happen.............HAHA we will NEVER know(not in my lifetime) :thumbsup_anim:



I dunno, when the Jays took the MLB title for the first time ever there was lots of partying and very little if any destruction.

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I dunno, when the Jays took the MLB title for the first time ever there was lots of partying and very little if any destruction.


I was watching the game at the dome when they won and afterwards went up Younge to party with everyone else and never saw any Bull at all. It was high 5's and revelrie all the way. Even the cops were getting in on the action. :good::good:

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I was watching the game at the dome when they won and afterwards went up Younge to party with everyone else and never saw any Bull at all. It was high 5's and revelrie all the way. Even the cops were getting in on the action. :good::good:


That's the way it should be man. Let's hope I'm alive when the Leafs win the cup!

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My buddy wrote this on my Facebook and I find it to be clever, funny, and of value. Enjoy.



I live in the Greater Vancouver area. Have done for roughly 16 years now since leaving Ontario and I'm beyond embarrassed. What happened last night was inexcusable and unforgivable.


Allow me to let you all in on a little secret West Coasters would prefer the rest of the country doesn't hear: Vancouver sucks. That's right I said it. Vancouver sucks. On the face of things it's a beautiful world class city. Really. The place LOOKS great. No doubt about that. Mountains. Ocean. Lots of 'green' (believe me they LOOOVVVEEE being seen as 'green'!). Lots of beautiful, health-conscious, latte-clutching people running around. A lot of obvious 'Hollywood North'-style wealth being flaunted everywhere you look.


Look deeper through that thin Yuppie veneer though and you'll see the following pretty quickly: Squalor that matches and even eclipses the wealth. Until you've experienced the Downtown Eastside you don't know what skid row looks like. And I say that as someone who also knows T.O., Detroit, Chicago, and Atlanta.There's the drugs and gangs too. Some of the worst and most active violent gangs in the country operate out of Van. You've also never met as many casual and serious drug abusers as you will if you come out here for a year. Add to that incredibly high, almost 'impossible' cost-of-living standards, a corrupt, greedy Provincial government, and some of the higher taxes and unemployment rates we can boast and I for one often find myself wondering just what the damn is the appeal!?!


I see fewer 'peacenik', eclectic, 'laid back', thinking types in Van than I do ruthless Yuppies, testosterone-fuelled jocks, angry 'career protesters', and smarmy, holier-than-thou young professional types. Underneath all of the crap about being a 'world class city' with a welcoming nature is a lot of pent-up rage, snobbery, and wealthy indifference mixed with a smouldering, growing underclass, a rampant drug/crime culture, and a very worried, shrinking middle class. Don't believe the hype. What you saw last night was a very troubled city shedding it's big nose, glasses, and Charlie Chaplin moustache to reveal what always lays simmering underneath.

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Calgary (2004) and Edmonton (2006) lost the cup in 7 games and this level of destruction did not happen. :dunno:



But neither Calgary or Edmonton were playing at home when they lost.


I contend that very few of the 19000 people inside the arena had anything to do with the mayhem outside on the streets.


And Vancouver lost game 7 in '94 in NYC.

Edited by kickingfrog
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Allow me to let you all in on a little secret West Coasters would prefer the rest of the country doesn't hear: Vancouver sucks. That's right I said it. Vancouver sucks. On the face of things it's a beautiful world class city. Really. The place LOOKS great. No doubt about that. Mountains. Ocean. Lots of 'green' (believe me they LOOOVVVEEE being seen as 'green'!). Lots of beautiful, health-conscious, latte-clutching people running around. A lot of obvious 'Hollywood North'-style wealth being flaunted everywhere you look.


Look deeper through that thin Yuppie veneer though and you'll see the following pretty quickly: Squalor that matches and even eclipses the wealth. Until you've experienced the Downtown Eastside you don't know what skid row looks like. And I say that as someone who also knows T.O., Detroit, Chicago, and Atlanta.There's the drugs and gangs too. Some of the worst and most active violent gangs in the country operate out of Van. You've also never met as many casual and serious drug abusers as you will if you come out here for a year. Add to that incredibly high, almost 'impossible' cost-of-living standards, a corrupt, greedy Provincial government, and some of the higher taxes and unemployment rates we can boast and I for one often find myself wondering just what the damn is the appeal!?!


I see fewer 'peacenik', eclectic, 'laid back', thinking types in Van than I do ruthless Yuppies, testosterone-fuelled jocks, angry 'career protesters', and smarmy, holier-than-thou young professional types. Underneath all of the crap about being a 'world class city' with a welcoming nature is a lot of pent-up rage, snobbery, and wealthy indifference mixed with a smouldering, growing underclass, a rampant drug/crime culture, and a very worried, shrinking middle class. Don't believe the hype. What you saw last night was a very troubled city shedding it's big nose, glasses, and Charlie Chaplin moustache to reveal what always lays simmering underneath.


Could not agree more. I lived there for 4 years and I was back last week for a conference and it has changed even within 4 years. Very violent undertones there particularly downtown. I was downtown when they won game 2 of the SC and the atmosphere turned on a dime. You felt that something could kick off at any time. Not cool at all.


Vancouver is not a great place to live. For the reasons above. What happened last night was disgraceful and there were more than a "few" canucks fans involved. And fans were involved for sure.

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Calgary (2004) and Edmonton (2006) lost the cup in 7 games and this level of destruction did not happen. :dunno:

Detroit loses to the Penguins in game 7 AT HOME.... I was there... and didn't see anything even CLOSE to what happened in Vancouver !


The reaction to Bettman was the same though !!! haha

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Vancouver and Montreal are the most lefty, liberal, and progressive cities in the country, do you think maybe the type of undisciplined and anarchistic type of environment fosters this sort of behavior? I do. Not only did they riot, people are bragging about it on facebook..just what kind of society are we building here and does anyone think that this would have happened the way it did a few decades ago...with people feeling free to be photographed and openly brag about it? That is what happens in a society where there are few if any consequnces.

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Vancouver and Montreal are the most lefty, liberal, and progressive cities in the country, do you think maybe the type of undisciplined and anarchistic type of environment fosters this sort of behavior? I do. Not only did they riot, people are bragging about it on facebook..just what kind of society are we building here and does anyone think that this would have happened the way it did a few decades ago...with people feeling free to be photographed and openly brag about it? That is what happens in a society where there are few if any consequnces.


What nonsense. Complete drivel. Do you know what progressive means? Would you like a more reactionary world? Mindless babble.

Edited by Grimace
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Not only did they riot, people are bragging about it on facebook..just what kind of society are we building here and does anyone think that this would have happened the way it did a few decades ago...with people feeling free to be photographed and openly brag about it? That is what happens in a society where there are few if any consequnces.


Unfortunately you are right. Anyone who looks for 30 mins on facebook or even on Global BC will see people really not giving a rats ass about being photographed. Teenagers, people in there early twenties, smashing cars, including one pic of a guy lighting the gas tank on a police car. They don't care, cause even if they are caught they will get a slap on the wrist, nothing more. There is something seriously wrong nowadays with the youth.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

Here is a realistic take on all of this by eklund from hockeybuzz.com:


What happened last night was horrible. It was horrible for the city of Vancouver. It was horrible for the country of Canada. It was horrible for the game of hockey. It was horrible for those who are forced to rebuild today....And more than anything, it was horrible for those critically injured.


However none of this gives anyone the right to use this event as a way to sensationalize a stereotype or justify a warped generalization about Vancouver Canucks fans. And I am seeing this hatred towards Vancouver and their fans being propagated everywhere this morning and it is flat out wrong.


Now, I am not saying there weren't drunken Canucks fans who got caught up in the mob mentality and I hope those people are prosecuted fully, but understand this...All throughout the Olympics last year this size group of people met up downtown and peacefully disbursed. Throughout the playoffs, and especially during the Cup Final, thousands of people were gathering for every game. They even watched their team get essentially killed three times in Boston and dispersed without incident.


And it was because of this peaceful recent history the idiots who lit the fuse last night were successful.


From being there and talking to people all night long, I am convinced that last night was a well planned terrorist attack, pulled out by a few idiots who took advantage of a ripe situation. They wore Canucks jerseys to blend in, as any good terrorist would, but they also brought canisters of pepper spray (used to deter bears) and they brought black scarves to wear around their faces..as no good FAN would.


They brought a truck, with the lone intention to set on fire...win or lose. They had tools to aid in looting. Their intention was clear...to destroy property and make Vancouver Canucks fans look terrible.


And much of the media has bought it. hook, line, and sinker.


Again before you go at Canucks fans, remember this. The owners of those properties and car destroyed were Canucks fans.


Since there were no trains, taxi's running I walked last night to my hotel on Granville street. I saw people in front of the hospital getting treated for tear gas. I saw broken glass, I saw police helicopters shining lights on the streets..


But what I also saw were way more REAL Vancouver Canucks fans who were way more saddened and embarrassed by what had happened since the Cup had been awarded then anything prior. The game they lost...it lost all meaning.


I saw good, and frankly braver than I am, people trying to reclaim their city from the terrorists. Screaming to stop the violence and destruction. Helping those hurt. Helping police. Video taping incidents and posting them online to aid police..


There was an explosion outside my hotel late last night, and I felt the need to get out of the building in case the building might be in danger. It was then I met even more people who continued to all tell me the same stories...."Anarchists in Canucks jerseys and black scarves running from one very calculated hot spot to the next, lighting the fuse and trying to draw a drunken, frantic crowd into the fray."


So why am I defending Canucks fans?


Because I know these fans. I spent three weeks here during the Olympics. I lived with a host family of Canucks fans. I met countless Canucks fans during that time who impressed me endlessly with their humility and kindness.


I was in a building last night that was full of the most real/die-hard Canucks fans alive....as the clock ticked down inside the building I was blown away by the Canucks fans ability to maintain perspective and stay positive. It had taken them 40 years to see a game 7 Stanley Cup game in their building, but there was no sense at all they would be violent despite watching a very mundane performance by their team at the most critical time. They were chanting "LU" on Luongo saves right to the end. The common refrain was "can't blame it all on Luongo, he can't score."


Where I come from it would have been ALL Luongo's fault. Canadians know their hockey, that's for sure.


Vancouver Canucks fans aren't about violence. They are incredible fans.


Later last night, as the destruction and tension continued to rise, a few Vancouver fans started a Facebook page where thousands upon thousands of other Canucks fans committed to meeting at noon the next day to help aid in the clean up.


So if you ask me about Canucks fans, all I can say is "those are the fans I know." Those were the fans who were making sure everything was freshly painted and ready to go. During the Olympics we all saw that same pride.


I ask some of you Canadians who are into tearing down Vancouver today to remember how amazingly well they represented your great and vast country during the Olympics. At that time the people of Vancouver knew they were the ones the world would judge Canada on and they came through with an amazing example of the kind of warmth, respect, and decency that I, and American, think of when I think of Canadians.


They had your back.and last night they just got attacked. Plain and simple. You weren't attacked. They were. And it sucks enough for them right now to have to rebuild and live with the embarrassment. An embarrassment they feel so strongly due to their character. Don't pile it on because you have some personal prejudice against BC people or what have you.


Terrorists are not Muslims, or Canadiensm or Asians, or Americans, or Canucks fans, etc.. Terrorists are darn terrorists. They look for opportunities and they break things. It's the most wimpy thing a human being can do: Breaking something when it is not being protected. It's so frigging easy to be a Terrorist. It takes years and courage to build things, but it can take a terrorist loser seconds to destroy something.


The 24 hour news world, a world pushed to sensationalism as they are pushed to extinction, wants to classify people by saying "The Vancouver Canucks fans rioted last night." And they will show you a picture of a guy in a Canucks shirt standing near a car on fire. Don't get sucked in by it. It wasn't all that last night. I was there. It wasn't.


I wanted to thank you for allowing me this forum to express my views. I know you don't come to my site for this, and I promise you between now and the middle of July I will be all about trying to find out as much as I can about trades and UFAs. Starting later today. Thanks.

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I think what we are seeing is a generation of kids who live without consequence, and it's a byproduct of parents who've been neutered by child abuse laws.


Don't misunderstand me. I don't condone child abuse in any way, but there are times when all the talking and explaining in the world doesn't sink in nearly as fast as a swift kick.


My dad always gave me the option of listening and behaving FIRST, and it was only when I waived my rights as a child that he exercised his as a father. I don't resent him one bit, actually I am better off for it. I'm not some softy, Justin Beiber looking, me me me first baby....there's a lot of those today.


This is by far the best and most realistic post I have ever read on this board. It couldnt be closer to the truth and I wish the generations that are included in the above would get there :asshat: kicked back to reality.


Thank you Sinclair. Finally!

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

just because they are a bunch of spoiled drunken frat boys and wanna-be badasses doesn't mean they aren't terrorists.


i think they should be punished as such.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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