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After finishing my exams and fishing the Trout Opener, I went for a 18 day trip with my parents, visiting relative and sightseeing. With only 18 days, our schedule was tight and packed with unique experiences!


Throughout the whole trip:

- 4 flights totaling almost 30 hrs

- High speed bullet train (@400km/h)

- 6 different cities

- 1 massive wedding with over 200+ guests

- Every meal was a feast! My belt actually popped loose on its own

- 2 fishing occasions


Enjoy the pictures!


Leaving Pearson for the 12.5 hr flight. Toronto -> Beijing



First meal of the trip, the beginning of many to come!



The apartment we have in Beijing, we are the second floor with the AC radiator.



As a result of the 2008 Summer Olympic, the city had many new 5-star plus hotels. Including this one that wrapped around our neighborhood!





The ancient structures remain, while many residential areas were moved to the outskirt.



Fancy dining atmosphere at a top-end restaurant



First fishing trip in Shanghai with my father and my uncle. Driving range combine with fishing farm.



Different mix of dough as bait



Pole fishing



Slightly more complex and advance pole fishing techniques



2 of many caught on this trip, the red spots are most likely some sort of infection due to high concentration of farmed fish. Probably not harmful.



High speed (bullet) train, much better and more efficient than our GO Train! City @~200km/h. Countryside @<400km/h



2nd or 3rd generation of Tibetan Mastiff, the ultimate guard dog, they only go for the neck!




My 2nd fishing trip in a different province, the temperature reached 38*C around noon!




Typical fishing/countryside-experience resort





The result/massacre!



Surprisingly very tasty




Halal BBQ, different items ranging from ¥1~¥6RMB. Approximately $0.15CAD


Few of many I had



THE Peking Duck, this restaurant started the dish!



Fish fillet, sweet and sour fish to the next level!



Chicken feet for the road, anyone?



An assortment of alcohol at a highway service station



If you ever get the chance to visit China, it will be the trip of a lifetime!

Land of history, place of legend!


Mostly Grass Carp in the middle, a flat carp on the bottom, same specie as my first trip. The giant one on the right is another specie of carp.

  On 5/18/2011 at 9:10 AM, young_one said:

Mostly Grass Carp in the middle, a flat carp on the bottom, same specie as my first trip. The giant one on the right is another specie of carp.



What did they taste like and how were they cooked? Just curious.


Welcome back bud! Did you pick up any tackle while you were there? I bought 2 whips + whip holder and some floats when I went to Taiwan last year. Those are probably impossible to find around here.


How did you like the carp fishing? We gotta go for some Lake O carp haha.


  On 5/18/2011 at 9:15 AM, solopaddler said:

What did they taste like and how were they cooked? Just curious.


Carp is actually considered as delicacy at some parts of China/Taiwan/Europe. I was told that there are restaurants in Taiwan that just specializes in serving carp. There are tons of ways to cook it. The more common methods are streaming/stew I believe. Not really a big fan of it myself :dunno:


What an amazing trip and lots of great photos to remember it by! So different culturally than our life here. Thanks for sharing! Now I'm gonna go back to look at the pics again...


That does not look like any airline food I've had before... and I've been on a 10plus hour flight.


Before I read that it was a driving range I was wondering if the netting was there to prevent people from casting.


Definitely an incredible part of the world to visit, as long as I had someone in the know for a guide (not so subtle hint).


Really great report. I love seeing pics of places I have not been to. That looks like it was a cool trip. Great pictures.




Great report from you trip to the other side of the Earth. China is definitely on my list of places to get to at some point in my life.


awesome report dude, id love to be able to snag a few then work on my swing. China knows how to do fins and skins and do it up right i see.

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