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Long gun registry


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I love how this nonsense just gets made up as you want it to be


If your guns were in any danger THEY WOULD BE GONE BY NOW!!


But The Conservative Mother ship has beamed out the Bat signal to all the good little members to spread the fear


Better watch out---if you don't give the conservatives a majority the bad men are going to take away your rights to own a hunting dog or keep minnows as bait


Our LIBERAL NYS government has already made it illegal to keep minnows in my possession unless they are certified and then only for 10 days with a certified receipt....this law is now being appealed and hopefully will be at least altered by June 1st. However, we have been fighting it for 3 years now.

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Oh yeah--one more thing


You should give George Bush credit for quoting him, on the if your not with us your against us


Typical Republican/Conservative propaganda----My way or the hiway


as I said in my last reply


your statements seem to be more anti-conservative then anti-gun


this just seems to be your forum to bash the conservative and has little to do with the gun debate....

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Well lets see--what party uses banning the registry as a platform and uses scare tactics to do it??


If The Bloc used these tactics I would reference them


It's ABC


And again nobody has shown me where I can't go out tomorrow and buy a rifle if I wanted.


Be nice if this thread would go into lock-up---funny nobody brings this on here till someone smells an election


Again ABC---Politically motivated---this is'nt about anyones rights to own a rifle.

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Hate to bring you up to speed but it's called The LONG Gun Registry


And there's the scare tactic right away---handgun restrictions equates to total firearm confiscation.


Pretty sure handgun ownership is also still allowed with restrictions in Canada as well


This is Canada not Austrailia---I know this gets brought up as a look see moment lots


i'm well aware that this is a discussion about the long gun registry, but your comment about handguns just makes me shake my head. you're supposedly a legal long gun owner, but you could care less about others losing their handguns. losing handguns IS the first step towards long gun confiscation. saying that we should ban handguns because we can't hunt with them is as stupid as saying you can't own a hammer if you're going to use it for anything but hitting a nail :rolleyes:


apparently i have a much better grasp of the current firearms related issues in canada. maybe you should do some reading about licensed PAL/RPAL holders having their firearms confiscated simply because big brother changed the status of different firearms.


the fact that you referred to a firearms license as an FAC (it's been called a PAL since 1998) would suggest you aren't keeping up with current firearms issues. that's fine though...you can just sit back and keep voting lieberal while the rest of us legal firearms owners are fighting for our right to own firearms and to abolish the long gun registry so YOU can keep YOUR guns.


the long gun registries ONLY purpose is to give big brother a list to make confiscation that much easier. you gotta have a few loose screws if you believe that the only reason we've been fighting the long gun registry for so long is to save taxpayers some money...

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Agenda ? We want the right to use firearms as tools not as weapons...A semi auto seems like a tool of mass destruction to someone from the city who is not familiar with guns so it's an easy sell for prohibition....I won't buy a shot gun unless it's a pump for fear of confiscation if and when the Liberals take power. My hope is that the registry is dead before then and the records destroyed...

Recently the Hamilton police were seizing guns that weren't registered even though there is supposed to be an amnesty...I was a holdout until they told me in the fall to register mine or else.....They are now registered.....

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