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Jumbos didn't stand a chance!


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Saturday March 10, 2007


Well, I know where Anthony and I will be fishing for the rest of the march break.


Saturday we fished a body of water that we have wanted to check out for quite some time. With a map of the area and our GPS we were able to find a few areas that were likely to hold good numbers of perch. Besides the howling wind and rain that came down the first hour we were there, the day turned out perfect. Anthony and I headed to our first marked spot and proceeded to punch numerous holes around the area to find active fish. Our first was in 22FOW and there were fish showing up everywhere on the vex from 2' off of bottom and down. After knotting a few teardrops to our lines, we dropped our offerings down and hoped for the best .


Imediatly.....Fish-On :!: :!: I tag this little guy in hopes of a jumbo :) ............not what were looking for.



Anthony then followed with this little guy...Time to move deeper.



A good walk to spot B proved to be the ticket. I walked around a bit and found some activity in 35-40FOW. Signaled to Andrew to pack up the sled and gear and make his way over to the location where I was. We found what we were looking and LOTS of them...We went on to catch over 150+ Perch with the average size being 10'' and smallest were around 8''-9''. Biggest was caught by Anthony at 13 1/2'' and I beat my PB 4 times that day with a few at 12''. Anthony, not being a big fan of ice fishing had one of his best days on the ice ever. Had our last day at Petrie Islands last weekend for a while :lol: :wink: We did keep a few in the 9-12'' size and released the big mommas for next year :wink:


Anthony with a couple of 13'' Jumbo Perch...



Myself with a few 11'' fatties :wink:



Scoop of perch :wink:



Here is a video to show you just how aggressive these fish were...Anthony brought this guy up almost 15 feet and still got him to nail it..



Me laying the hooks into one of the smaller perch



Tuesday March 13, 2007


I am very glad Anthony and I were able to get on the ice today as tomorrow it will be impossible to get on. I thought the slush was bad Saturday. Today was twice as bad...we could have went for a swim. There was a half inch of snow with almost 8'' of water underneath it on the surface of the ice...Not fun at all to be walking threw. On and off rain did not help either.


Before we left I made sure to be prepared for the worst of the slush ..You laugh now but it worked..



The rain came down a few times through out the day. Fortuantly, it did not affect the fishing. Infact I think it helped. We drilled many holes trying to find active perch...It took a while but payed off. We ended up moving spots and tried fishing a completly new area. Did not take long for them to show up. Thought I might add we released all fish today.


Anthony with a nice one...



followed by myself landing this nice perch..



Standing in water half way to the tip of the boots sucked..Garbage bags were the make and break of this outing.



More Jumbos...




Water build up on the ice forced us to pack up and leave earlier than expected. I was very disapointed today was the last day I fish this area until next ice season. Between the two of us we landed to many to count. Also both of us beat out PB jumbo yet again.




It's sad to see the ice leaving so quickly. I can only look up to spring crappie, walleye and pike now. Hope I can get on Petrie once or twice again this week before it's all gone. Thanks for taking the time to read.



Short clip of the frenzy..




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Great report and beauty little specks. Nice mess of perch and as for the garbage bags in the boots...sure wish I'd had a pair on Saturday. Would have saved me sitting bare foot out on the lake...drying my socks and liners on my black cat heater!!

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Clampet Posted Today, 03:51 PM

Now, that's what I call Jumbo Perch.

Way to go fellas.


Aren't JUMBO Perch actually 12" or longer?



irishfield Posted Today, 02:54 PM

Great report and beauty little specks. Nice mess of perch and as for the garbage bags in the boots...sure wish I'd had a pair on Saturday. Would have saved me sitting bare foot out on the lake...drying my socks and liners on my black cat heater!!


Invest in Gore-Tex footwear... you'll be glad you did!

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Aren't JUMBO Perch actually 12" or longer?


Greencoachdog, depending on the body of water your fishing a 'Jumbo' perch can be anywhere from 10''-14''+....Simcoe for example(I have never fished there) has a lot of jumbo perch which I would consider to be in the 11'-12'' range and it's not uncommon to catch a 'Jalopie' perch with is considered to be 14'' +..


The lake I was fishing is very small but has a phenominal perch fishery. It was rare to find fish under the 9'' mark. On these lakes a perch 9'' plus I would conisider a jumbo!


This is actually a really good question! What do you consider to be a jumbo OFC'ers?



Thanks for all the reply's guys! I hate watching the ice melt..Hope I can get at least one more day ou there before the shorelines get to bad...



Thanks for reading !



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