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Clean up Lake Ontario?

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Someone was telling me of Mcguinty's plan to clean up Lake Ontario recently. I have heard nothing about it.

How do they propose to do that without getting the American side on board? I also hear the plan to restore the beach front was postponed. Considering the crazy amount of dollars being spent down town on condo's, it would be nice to have a beach again. I seen pictures of Lake O a 100 years back and the beaches were thriving.


I also heard they are building a lake in Downs-view park. I'm not sure if it would be for fishing like Eglington flats, but I would rather it be the largest recreational pool, surrounded by beach sand. It would be nice. Put up some beach shops, restaurants, games and bring in tons of revenue. Probably even put up some condos around it.

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Guest Johnny Bass

I'm not sure how they can neutralize or filter it. I do know that alot of pollution in Lake O was coming from Kodak dumping crap in the water. Now that cameras are digital, that will no longer be an issue. And with the green movement, there will be more pressure on companies that pollute. I know Mcguinty is bringing deep lake water cooling technology to cool down offices downtown. Don't know if that can include a filtering process also.


In regards to Downsview Park? I can walk to it from my house.


I think there is alot of potential for a lake/pool there.


They first wanted to build the Air Canada center there but people complained that there is already grid lock and that it would make it even worse.


I also had heard that the land was bought out by Home depot, Walmart, Costco and a bunch of other big companies but they settled on building on Wilson.


I think the lake(Large pool with beach sand) will be a great idea with lots of potential for expansion, and it will keep a lot of people in the city in the summer happy, thus spending money in the city. And it is in walking distance to many people. Every-time there is a major event, you can see crowds of people walking from everywhere.

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Meh, Not Gonna Happen Since 1billion dollars was spent on the g8/g20 garbage.... 1 billion dollars could have gone to the transit and other usefull stuff :rolleyes:

Not Only That But With The Amount of this crazy road construction happening its just gonna be put off over and over and over until someone on OFC get voted into parliment :whistling:

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I'm not sure how they can neutralize or filter it. I do know that alot of pollution in Lake O was coming from Kodak dumping crap in the water. Now that cameras are digital, that will no longer be an issue. And with the green movement, there will be more pressure on companies that pollute. I know Mcguinty is bringing deep lake water cooling technology to cool down offices downtown. Don't know if that can include a filtering process also.


In regards to Downsview Park? I can walk to it from my house.


I think there is alot of potential for a lake/pool there.


They first wanted to build the Air Canada center there but people complained that there is already grid lock and that it would make it even worse.


I also had heard that the land was bought out by Home depot, Walmart, Costco and a bunch of other big companies but they settled on building on Wilson.


I think the lake(Large pool with beach sand) will be a great idea with lots of potential for expansion, and it will keep a lot of people in the city in the summer happy, thus spending money in the city. And it is in walking distance to many people. Every-time there is a major event, you can see crowds of people walking from everywhere.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that same Kodak plant (at Black Creek and Eglington) dumped all their waste in the Humber, hence why it might be cast as a polluted trash dum). Interesting idea about Downsview park, at first all I saw was a big, dirty, stocked, overfished, garbage-collecting, water hole, but I like the idea of clean water for public recreation more.


My mom is the principal of an elementary school nearby, and I know that the community needs something more done with downsview. In my opinion, that land should be made into a "high park of the north", with trees,water, and solitude.


I like what the above poster said about spending $1B on the G20. Just imagine how that money could have been spent, improving our community, or the TTC (it's a joke as is)

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The billion dollars are Canadian tax dollars....Not Toronto tax dollars.


If you want fishing, stock some lakes in the north...no need to build a new lake when we have plenty already

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The billion dollars are Canadian tax dollars....Not Toronto tax dollars.


If you want fishing, stock some lakes in the north...no need to build a new lake when we have plenty already



Regardless, they waste our money on ridiculous "sound cannons", which they will probably not even use. I live in Toronto, and own a cottage on a bass-fishing-paradise of a lake, but If I could soak some lines minutes from home, I would in a second. Hell, I would even pay to do it.


^^Spoken like a typical white middle class bigot. Do you have any idea how disadvantaged this community is? They deserve a park that is not an empty field. Oh don't worry, they can just go north to enjoy the outdoors...

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Guest Johnny Bass

Meh, Not Gonna Happen Since 1billion dollars was spent on the g8/g20 garbage.... 1 billion dollars could have gone to the transit and other usefull stuff :rolleyes:

Not Only That But With The Amount of this crazy road construction happening its just gonna be put off over and over and over until someone on OFC get voted into parliment :whistling:


I know. 1 billion for security. That's like a record amount! In the larger scheme of things, 1 billion dollars is not alot of money. Still, I agree. How they can abandon the very much needed subway extension to over spend on crap like this is ridiculous.


As far as road construction?No comment. I have too many friends in the field, and don't have many nice things to say. Maybe OFC should make a political spin off site.lol the Ontario Political Network. :whistling:

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Guest Johnny Bass

The billion dollars are Canadian tax dollars....Not Toronto tax dollars.


If you want fishing, stock some lakes in the north...no need to build a new lake when we have plenty already


Ya most of them collected in Toronto(Especially in the case of Ontario). We can spend some in our own backyard for a change! Some people don't have the luxury of a car or the expenses to travel. I think building a little beach in Downsview park would be an optimal idea. Not only is it cheap. It would pay itself off quickly if properly managed. A fishing pond would also be great(at least for fishermen) but not as practical. Not to mention it would be overfished very quickly.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Kodak headquarters are in Rochester, NY.


I heard at one point you could actually develop film in lake Ontario waters. Don't know if it was true or rumor but that doesn't sound to healthy. This is why if they have to clean it up, it would take a joint effort. In Toronto there is still a lot of shore line that can be developed.

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I'm sorry, but there is already a "lake" in Downsview at Duff & Finch. G Ross Lord I think?

Put the money into upgrading that body of water first.

As for the Humber and Don, both are toxic dumping grounds right up into the 70's. Kodak was one of several plants to dump in the Humber.

The Don's list begins with Lever Bros. and goes forever.Beyond that, most of Toronto's waterfront is comprised of landfills and dumps that have pushed south over a period of 150+ years. Crap still ooozes into the harbour.


Just gotta love these pie in the sky proposals the politicians dream up. Election season has begun.

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Was just gonna say.. to just name Kodak is rediculous Bruce! Everyone did it, even a company my F-in-law was hired to run in Richmond Hill. Canada Barrel Refurbishing. He, unfortunately, had been hired as the GM to be the scape goat.... as the company owners knew that they had been caught by the MOE and wanted a "fall guy". After many years of coming into businesses and putting them "in the black" (Leah had lived in 19 places by the time we were married at 18 yrs old) that was enough to "burn out" my father in law and he went from there to buying a campground!

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I know Mcguinty is bringing deep lake water cooling technology to cool down offices downtown. Don't know if that can include a filtering process also.


Actually deep water cooling has been in use in Toronto for several years already... too many years for McGuity to take credit for it ;-).


AS for filtering the water used... the water that is pumped from the lake ends up as our tap water. Prior to making it to our taps it passes through a heat exchanger used to cool the water which is turn used to cool several downtown buildings.

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Guest Johnny Bass

I'm sorry, but there is already a "lake" in Downsview at Duff & Finch. G Ross Lord I think?

Put the money into upgrading that body of water first.

As for the Humber and Don, both are toxic dumping grounds right up into the 70's. Kodak was one of several plants to dump in the Humber.

The Don's list begins with Lever Bros. and goes forever.Beyond that, most of Toronto's waterfront is comprised of landfills and dumps that have pushed south over a period of 150+ years. Crap still ooozes into the harbour.


Just gotta love these pie in the sky proposals the politicians dream up. Election season has begun.


You can't swim at G Ross Lord. Its a mud pond with carp! I want to see like a giant recreational pool like the one at Wonderland just much, much larger with beach sand all around. Put up some shops and Restaurants to start and it would be packed like sardines... I have no doubt it would draw large crowds.


Obviously there are many more polluters, but hearing that you can develop film in Lake O made Kodak stand out.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Actually deep water cooling has been in use in Toronto for several years already... too many years for McGuity to take credit for it ;-).


AS for filtering the water used... the water that is pumped from the lake ends up as our tap water. Prior to making it to our taps it passes through a heat exchanger used to cool the water which is turn used to cool several downtown buildings.


Well true, but McGuinty expanded on it. He made a deal with Enwave Energy Corporation to power government buildings and save tax payers some money. This was about 5 years ago, so by now they must have implemented it.


You seem to know more about this then I. Is it possible to clean up lake Ontario so people can actually swim in it and eat the fish without worrying? I would love to see Toronto's beach front restored.

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Guest Johnny Bass

I asked my friend and she also said it would be a great idea, but she says the sand would muck up the water. She wants rubber shores. She has seen them before.


Anyways it will be interesting to see what they will use this lake for. Recreation, fishing or whatever.


Its already being built and it looks pretty deep.

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You can't swim at G Ross Lord. Its a mud pond with carp! I want to see like a giant recreational pool like the one at Wonderland just much, much larger with beach sand all around. Put up some shops and Restaurants to start and it would be packed like sardines... I have no doubt it would draw large crowds.


Obviously there are many more polluters, but hearing that you can develop film in Lake O made Kodak stand out.


With a billion dollars I'm sure the Queen's Park could make any mud hole swimmable.

G Ross Lord was simply built as part of the flood control system. Nobody thought about the development potential.

Or let Mel and family build it with private money and charge a Queen a head to get in.

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I asked my friend and she also said it would be a great idea, but she says the sand would muck up the water. She wants rubber shores. She has seen them before.


Anyways it will be interesting to see what they will use this lake for. Recreation, fishing or whatever.


Its already being built and it looks pretty deep.


I had no idea it was already being built. Do I smell a field trip for a certain grade 5 class studying communities?


The fishing idea was rather far-fetched and improbable. Rather, I was more supportive of a simple recreational water facility that the community desperately needs. The wonderland wave pool has rubber shores, but its chlorinated water, and if they plan on a 'pseucho-natural' lake, it might not fit in well.


As for Ross G. Lord park, I am very curious where this 'lake' exists. If you mean the pond/resevoir at the south end of the park... that is hardly suitable for anything recreational. For all I know that is the runoff from last years sinkhole at Finch and Dufferin.

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Someone was telling me of Mcguinty's plan to clean up Lake Ontario recently. I have heard nothing about it.

How do they propose to do that without getting the American side on board? I also hear the plan to restore the beach front was postponed. Considering the crazy amount of dollars being spent down town on condo's, it would be nice to have a beach again. I seen pictures of Lake O a 100 years back and the beaches were thriving.


I also heard they are building a lake in Downs-view park. I'm not sure if it would be for fishing like Eglington flats, but I would rather it be the largest recreational pool, surrounded by beach sand. It would be nice. Put up some beach shops, restaurants, games and bring in tons of revenue. Probably even put up some condos around it.



Toronto has 7 "Blue Flag" Beaches.. Look it up.


Lake Ontario is fine to swim in.. save for a few spots after a rainfall... then again Huron, erie and even Geo Bay have restrictions after rainfalls in some spots..

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"I seen pictures of Lake O a 100 years back and the beaches were thriving."



The beaches may have been thriving as far as people using them, but there is NO way that the water was cleaner/safer back then.


Raw sewage was and has been one of the biggest factors as to why the beaches have been shut down past and present. The government dragged it feet addressing this problem for years, inadequate treatment facilities.(the Ottawa River is prime example presently) After rain falls the treatment plants cannot handle the volume of water that needs treated, thus releasing raw untreated sewage into the lake. The result of this is as we all know is e coli bacteria forming and settling in the shallow waters of our beaches.


Another side thought to is, I would like to see what effects the geese feces play into the e coli situation, you cannot find a patch of grass anywhere in our beaches/parks that isn't cover in piles of their crap.

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Guest Johnny Bass

With a billion dollars I'm sure the Queen's Park could make any mud hole swimmable.

G Ross Lord was simply built as part of the flood control system. Nobody thought about the development potential.

Or let Mel and family build it with private money and charge a Queen a head to get in.


Will it cost 1 billion dollars for the Downsview Project? Doubt it. Plus I see large potential for revenue.And if they want to redevelop G Ross Lord park also? I'm all for that too.


Maybe we can skate there also in the winter.

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Guest Johnny Bass

"I seen pictures of Lake O a 100 years back and the beaches were thriving."



The beaches may have been thriving as far as people using them, but there is NO way that the water was cleaner/safer back then.


Raw sewage was and has been one of the biggest factors as to why the beaches have been shut down past and present. The government dragged it feet addressing this problem for years, inadequate treatment facilities.(the Ottawa River is prime example presently) After rain falls the treatment plants cannot handle the volume of water that needs treated, thus releasing raw untreated sewage into the lake. The result of this is as we all know is e coli bacteria forming and settling in the shallow waters of our beaches.


Another side thought to is, I would like to see what effects the geese feces play into the e coli situation, you cannot find a patch of grass anywhere in our beaches/parks that isn't cover in piles of their crap.


Really? What kind of industry did Toronto have in lake O, 100 years ago? Logging?



That makes sense......Well then its time for McGuinty to do something about the sewage, if he wants to clean up Lake O.. I personally have heard enough warnings and will not swim in that water.


It can be a nuisance having to walk around all that bird doodoo. How do we get around that I dont know. We'd have to cull the numbers.Maybe we go to other countries and see how they deal with the geese along their shore lines. But Commorants? I want them wiped out completely.


I just don't know what should be cleaned out first. The actual lake or restoring the tributaries like the Don, Humber, Black creek, ect...Would make for some great inner city fishing.

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Guest Johnny Bass

I had no idea it was already being built. Do I smell a field trip for a certain grade 5 class studying communities?


The fishing idea was rather far-fetched and improbable. Rather, I was more supportive of a simple recreational water facility that the community desperately needs. The wonderland wave pool has rubber shores, but its chlorinated water, and if they plan on a 'pseucho-natural' lake, it might not fit in well.


As for Ross G. Lord park, I am very curious where this 'lake' exists. If you mean the pond/resevoir at the south end of the park... that is hardly suitable for anything recreational. For all I know that is the runoff from last years sinkhole at Finch and Dufferin.


Check it out.




Ross G.Lord park is a mud hole, but has potential also.



I sent them an email and will be curious to see what kind of a lake they are building and for what purposes. I wonder if the "mound" they are building as a lookout could double for a ski slope with the lake as a giant skating area in the winter.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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You seem to know more about this then I. Is it possible to clean up lake Ontario so people can actually swim in it and eat the fish without worrying? I would love to see Toronto's beach front restored.


Do you mean to the point that ever beach is safe every day of the year and people of all ages, including pregnant women, can eat unlimited quantities of any species of fish? Not in our lifetime, maybe not ever.


However, Toronto does have many beaches that are deemed safe for swimming most days of the year. There is room for improvement. Separating storm sewers from drain sewage would be my number one priority. In some parts of the city they run through the same pipe with a trough to separate them. Heavy rains overwhelm the system and raw sewage ends up in the lake. This is slowly being rectified.


Most fish from Lake Ontario are also deemed safe to eat. There are some limitations in terms of quantities consumed. This is a more difficult to solve than safe beaches. Concentrating on preventing more pollutants from entering the lake would be more feasible than cleaning up what is there.


I don’t think that filtering the water to clean the lake would be feasible. Anything that can be filtered out or removed from the water can also drain out the St. Lawrence River.


Pollutants such as mercury, which remain in the sediment on the lake bottom, will be a more difficult issue to resolve. Eliminating the source will prevent the problem from getting worse but will not remove what is already in the lake.

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