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Bank Machine Skimming


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Well after a great night out with some friends at Guelph Lake, sitting around a fire and having a few pints...planning our excursion for the weekend, all my plans have been halted due to some ass who stole all my dough!!! This is the second time in 6 months I have had my money (and I mean all my money) stolen from a bank machine skimming scam. The first time was in fall last year when they got over 2000 dollars from my account before the RBC caught it and halted the procedure. This time they cleared out my whole paycheck and some additional funds rounding out to about 700 bucks...


The plan for today was to pick up the boat in Bellwood and hit Dunnville for some cats again...the boys were none to pleased when I called them last night and told them the whole thing is off. The kicker is this time they the bank never caught it at all. I went to the local pizza shop ordered a large pie and a sub last night, went to pay, NO DOUGH!!! Immediately called the bank and they told me I had taken 400 bucks out on Thursday night and another 300 out yesterday...they said my first withdrawl happened at 9pm thurs (when I was sitting in the backyard with some friends watching the leafs) and 6:55 pm yesterday (when I was having an afternoon nap as a result of the night before)


So now the bank is doing an investigation into the matter and it may take up to 14 business days to return the funds if they find it fraudulent...These crooks have duped me and my friends out of a good time all for there lack of morals and down right laziness...Do yourselves a favor and never use the noname bank machines, you know the ones in every convenience store now. Use only your banks machines or if you have to another banks machines...these leave your 1.50 surcharge machines are the #1 cause of skimming the bank said as they are privately owned and not monitored...


Sorry for the Saturday morning rant but I am furious I was so looking forward to today and not only have I been let down but had to let my best friends down as well :wallbash: I work hard for my dollars and I do love spending them on some :Gonefishing: lol...Happy Easter all...except you freaks who stole my dough!!!!!!!

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That sucks man. Happened to me 3 times last year in the first 3 months. Another thing the bank lady on the phone said was "do not use the gas station pay at the pumps" often the crooks have them rigged and the gas station people have no clue that it is going on. Since taking her advice I have not been ripped off since. Also upgraded to a chip card (that does not matter much because 90 percent of the merchants are not chip compliant anyway.)

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I'm sorry to hear about that. The trouble it causes is usually worse than the cash missing, but having to cancel a trip is too much. Like Travolta said in Pulp Fiction, "It would be worth him doing it, if I could just catch him doing it."

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Hope they catch the litle pricks. 14 Days is a long time to hold you hostage for that! I have moved ot using a credit card for evrything and pating it off monthly. Can't skim that as easy, and Visa & MC are pretty good about reversing the unauthorised charges right away.

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It can also happen on the machines in the bank branches. They usually get found out quicker but it can still happen.

About a week and a half ago one was found at the TD/Canada Trust branch in Stratford.

One piece of advice is to always use the same machine as much as possible. This way you are more likely to notice any changes (ie: skimmer added). Also placing your hand over the key pad when typing in your PIN# will stop the hidden camera from seeing your PIN#.



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ouch..! Sorry to hear that! thats like last year some one broke into my friends car in whitby the night before we were planning on going on a 2 day fishin trip.. stole his name brand back pack.. which he had all his fishing stuff + polarized glasses + wallet (money licences etc..) well we were not too happy :| but ended up finding alot of his stupp about 3 blocks away down a little walk way..back pack was gone.. money was gone.. glasses were gone.. plus a few little things.. but his actual wallet and licences were still there ! we got lucky there.. we figgured it was kids who saw the back pack .. and took it.. found money.. to that too.. but they wernt into fishing .. clearly.. all in all still sucked.. and we were late for our trip.. but we still made a good time out of it.. i just had to pay a little extra.. and when its for a good friend.. why not..


but Hope everything works out for you. and that they catch the Jerk who stole ur cash

Edited by fish-meister
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Cash and only cash. Haven't owned an ATM card since I left University in Toronto.. 1981.


AMEN! Although I do have an atm card I use it sparingly (truck rental deposits mostly). Everything else I pay cash, which means if I don't got the cash I don't spend it either (works for me). No credit cards either!

Real sorry to hear about your getting ripped, sux big time! May the perps get caught in the most nasty way possible, burned, shot, decapitated, hung, strung, poisoned, choked, stabbed, drawn & quartered, and THEN let the pain begin!

Burns my :asshat: to hear stuff like this, if they put 1/2 the effort into a real job that they do in scamming, they'd be executives!

Hope it all works out soon!



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Credit cards usually get "hacked".. by handing them to a full service gas attendant. They take them inside the booth to swipe.. write all you info down from the card while there... and then knowing you're a regular look your name up in the phone book for your number and then they hit tiger direct. Anyone wants to know the Midland gas stations not to use... PM me! I've had VISA cancel my card three times in 4 years.

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