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So then guess what the issue is..lol

Check your security settings and cookies and stuff for IE. I don't use it so I don't know optimal settings.



It's in your configuration.

I see there have been changes since yesterday as the 'expired web page' warning is now gone but I have to triple click to get back to the last page I was on. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

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It's in your configuration.

I see there have been changes since yesterday as the 'expired web page' warning is now gone but I have to triple click to get back to the last page I was on. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


If it was in my configuration there would be more reports of the same issue. Something on your computer is interfering with normal communications to the server. I have done nothing to the site in a few days. I spent more time on this upgrade than I did building the site in the first place so am taking a break and concentrating on my photography for awhile.

If you lived closer (lol) I'd come over and have a look, but I suspect at some point you installed Norton or some similar software which is still attached to IE.

Try running Gleary Utilities whiich will check for bad registry entries and old hooks.

The fact that the issue is limited to one of your browsers makes it clear it is not a setting here. I ran the site in every browser known to man before we re-opened, and the sessions and cookies worked in all.

You may want to run a DNS flush...but really without me sitting at your keyboard, I really can't tell you for certain what it is. You just have to eliminate all the possibilities until you come to the answer,

Also you can try an experiment by lowering all security settings on IE while on this site and see what happens.

I will help you find the answer, but you have to be patient, try googling the problem, make sure you are updated and if you are using any security software, disable it for this site.

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but I have to triple click to get back to the last page I was on. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:



I'm all of a sudden having the same issue, triple clicking the back button to return to the general discussion board after reading a thread. This just started this morning, I also use IE-8.


The address it keeps wanting to go to on the first two clicks is "www.ontariofishing.ca/banners/240x70-1.html".


The smaller advertising banner at the top of the page when viewing a thread is also blank. Could this be related?

Edited by Jer
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Jer and Drifter , I suspect what Ric is saying is right , I have had these problems since day one of upgrade (page expired , triple clicking, no pictures etc.), also everytime I open a new thread I have to login again to reply ala headhunters problem, these problems only occur on my machine at work with all its blockers and such and a old browser , on home machine with firefox browser and my iphone all is well,it has to be caused by some sercurity thing on our machines not allowing normal communcation between us and the site.If its any help I run the site on lofi mode at work and it works ok , not really an answer but if I need my OFC fix and cant wait untill i get home its a way. Keep up the good work Ric.

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Ok... so I tried changing the skin to see if that would help me stay looged in here longer than 15 minutes... NOPE!

Actually, it only allowed me to look at one thread then a message came up saying the page had expired... 30 seconds later!

Rick, I do appreciate your efforts here, I know from experience that satisfying a huge user community can be difficult and time consuming, but please be aware that most of us here are not propeller heads and in all likelyhood, none of us would be upgrading our "old" technology unless and until WE HAVE TO... unfortunately it seems that OFC is forcing us to do so... I could reasonably understand that if this was a computer site, but this is a communty fishing site. Server challenges/security do not affect me and frankly, should be the responsibility of OFC's service provider, not the user community.

There, I feel better now... carry on all, I shall get back to lurking!


Edited by Headhunter
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Norton, what's that?? ?? ?? :unsure::dunno::blink::tease:


The only reson I was thinking it was an issue on your end was that nothing has changed on mine since before the update. It's good to hear others are having the same problem as me though. We can co-miserate together!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

I am thinking it is probably a cookie issue. I will delete the OFC cookie and reconnect and hopefully that will fix the issue.



If you want to fix up my computer come on over, and don't forget your fishing rod. :Gonefishing:

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Hey Rick




Have you had any problems with the photo gallery over the last few days?


I saved a some photos in there the other day now I can't seem to get them to load or the gallery to come up as well.











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Ok... so I tried changing the skin to see if that would help me stay looged in here longer than 15 minutes... NOPE!

Actually, it only allowed me to look at one thread then a message came up saying the page had expired... 30 seconds later!

Rick, I do appreciate your efforts here, I know from experience that satisfying a huge user community can be difficult and time consuming, but please be aware that most of us here are not propeller heads and in all likelyhood, none of us would be upgrading our "old" technology unless and until WE HAVE TO... unfortunately it seems that OFC is forcing us to do so... I could reasonably understand that if this was a computer site, but this is a communty fishing site. Server challenges/security do not affect me and frankly, should be the responsibility of OFC's service provider, not the user community.

There, I feel better now... carry on all, I shall get back to lurking!



We are certainly not the most advanced site on earth, but being so big we were targets for hackers and spammers. It was not an option to stay on three year old technology. In internet years that is almost an eternity. The spam was so bad we had to turn off new registrations and approve them all manually.

Since we were getting about 100+ new users a week and half were spammers it was getting out of control.

We don't upgrade for new toys...we upgrade to be secure.

None of you guys still use a paper graph fish finder...

Upgrading YOUR computer also makes you safer. The biggest threat on the internet is no longer email viruses, but infected or malicious web sites. Sites get hacked (sites that don\t upgrade) then your computer is dust if you go on it if you are not up to date.

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OK Rick, I did absolutely nothing, nada, zip, bupkiss and the site works fine now. No more triple clicking to get back and no more expired web page warnings. <_<:good:


At least for a few minutes!!! Still getting the web page warnings. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Edited by DRIFTER_016
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OK Rick, I did absolutely nothing, nada, zip, bupkiss and the site works fine now. No more triple clicking to get back and no more expired web page warnings. <_<:good:


At least for a few minutes!!! Still getting the web page warnings. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Definitely a cache/cookie issue. I think your session is expiring before it is supposed to. Find a geek up there to peek in and see. You are on dial up by the looks of it ( IP addy changes alot). If not and you are using a router, configure it for static IP addy. Thats an old trick but it still works.

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Definitely a cache/cookie issue. I think your session is expiring before it is supposed to. Find a geek up there to peek in and see. You are on dial up by the looks of it ( IP addy changes alot). If not and you are using a router, configure it for static IP addy. Thats an old trick but it still works.



Rick, all is ok since flushing the cache.

I am a geek up here. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

I'm an IT Manager for the guberment. :tease::tease::tease:

My guess is when you switced over the cookie got corupted when the new cookie tried to over write the old. :dunno::dunno:

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Sorry headhunter the change in skin only helps viewing problems, the login and out thing stays the same (only on my work machine, not at home ). I thought I was the only one with this problem untill your post (I even thought I was on some sort of censor Queue that was not allowing me to answer posts without a relogin so my posts could be reviewed ??? too many drugs in the 60's has left me somewhat Paranoid)if you find a cure let me know ,but on the upside being a lurker gives me access to all those great ads promiseing me undieing love from all those lonely ladies on lotsoffish.com.lol just wondering tho who is the fish and who is the bait on that site ????

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