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Great time to be Canadian


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Well it started out kinda silly with the opening ceremonies equipment malfunction, but as someone said to me, there is nothing more Canadian than having something like that happen :)


But the one thing that has impressed me has been the people. The crowds cheering not only the home town players, but all great performances. The ovations given to the pairs figure skaters from China, the ovation given to that poor guy from Japan whose laces broke half way through his routine and the display of appreciation last night when the silver and bronze womens medals were given out was incredible.

I watched all the crazy skiers and snowboarders. Every successful jump, no matter who did it, got a thunderous applause.

I was very moved by Joannie Rochette's commitment and courage...skating to a medal within hours of her mother dying right in the Olympic village. I cannot imagine the internal fortitude it must have taken to remain graceful while carrying that grief. Respect...

I actually saw, on many occasions the athletes walking down the street in Whistler with their medals, taking pics with people, signing autographs and sharing a few pints and laughs. Where else would you see that?? John Montgomery actually had a pitcher of beer as he walked down the road and was topping up other peoples cups to share in a cheer.

Vancouver's funeral for the Georgian athlete and police escorted trip for his casket to the airport was a huge show of respect. It was a touching moment.


Now I can finally say that our press coverage...primarily CTV's TV coverage has been simply amazing. Interviewing not only Canadians but athletes from around the world. They have managed to keep it all very light-hearted but entertaining and not giving it too much of a 'homer' sound. I can think of a few TV networks that could learn from that. Some of the morning stuff they have is quite hilarious....well except for anything Ben Mulroney is in.


Truly the Winter Olympics kicks the summer olympics ass. The new sports like snowboard cross were really cool to watch and I would bet opens up a whole new window to people who would have never thought of the Olympics before. Summer olympians get busted for using steroids and HGH and blood doping. Winter athletes get busted for using Robitussin and pot.


I hope some time soon Quebec City gets the Winter Olympics. It is a beautiful area and would be an amazing venue.


Vancouver has been criticised for some stuff, but I am truly impressed by everything I have seen and I think we have set the bar pretty high for making it much more than just a bunch of people hurling themselves down the side of the mountain...although that is cool to watch!!!










If they pull womens hockey out of the Olympics, I say we boycott and stay home. They have never eliminated any mens sport because of domination. Considering how much lame crap there is in the summer Olympics, I think they can suck it up. Yeah, I am talking to you Europe. We're good at something, get over it.

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I agree with all you stated.

Some people i've spoke to suggest that this Olympics has served to unite the country.

We have shown the world that Canada is beautiful and the people living here are great.


Wait till we win the mens hockey gold. :D:thumbsup_anim:



I was very moved by Joannie Rochette's commitment and courage...skating to a medal within hours of her mother dying right in the Olympic village. I cannot imagine the internal fortitude it must have taken to remain graceful while carrying that grief.

Joannie Rochette's great performance under such stress and tragedy, truly exemplifies what it is to be Canadian.

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Many, many great performances topped for me by Clara Hughes. Her story is as amazing as she is - troubled kid, drinking, cutting class, smoking a pack a day turns her life around and becomes the only athlete in history male or female to win multiple medals in both the summer and winter Olympics and like she did last go around, she turned around and donated all of her bonus money for winning a medal to underprivileged kids so they can gain access to sports and experiences otherwise off limits to them because of circumstance. If you get a chance, read up on her life. One of my daughters just finished a huge school report on her so I have learned a lot myself over the dinner table. She truly is a remarkable and humbling person.

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We have shown the world that Canada is beautiful and the people living here are great.


I think that was the consensus far before these 2010 olympics. Seriously.......I'd say that most had that impression of your country already. Friendly people, (with the exception of habs fans at an out of town game) and beautiful lakes and camping/fishing destinations

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Well said Rick,youse guys are great hosts.I can't believe that anything was said about the womens hockey team going back onto the ice for a skate around with a beer and cigar.Who wouldn't want to return to the ice for a peaceful moment after the crowds died down?Nomad,exactly what US media are you watching?Most everything I have seen has been very respectful and complimentry of the Canadian hosts.Perhaps you could steer me to some examples of the "US media propoganda" leading me a stray so I could understand where you are coming from.


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Well said Rick,youse guys are great hosts.I can't believe that anything was said about the womens hockey team going back onto the ice for a skate around with a beer and cigar.Who wouldn't want to return to the ice for a peaceful moment after the crowds died down?Nomad,exactly what US media are you watching?Most everything I have seen has been very respectful and complimentry of the Canadian hosts.Perhaps you could steer me to some examples of the "US media propoganda" leading me a stray so I could understand where you are coming from.



There was a bunch of crap at the beginning from one paper...and one online news site, but since then it has been good. :)

The one paper was critical of the opening ceremonies saying it was terrible and another about the luge track (even though it was IOC approved).

No point in linking to it cause it is in the past....

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There was a bunch of crap at the beginning from one paper...and one online news site, but since then it has been good. :)

The one paper was critical of the opening ceremonies saying it was terrible and another about the luge track (even though it was IOC approved).

No point in linking to it cause it is in the past....

Its all good here Rick,I wasn't paying much attention in the beginning.I missed the "malfunction"but that has no bearing on the event in my opinion.The luge track incident was tragic and I feel for the family and country but it is part of the sport.It had nothing to do with Canada,they sent their boys(and gals) down the same track.


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Canadians have shown to be one class act, including the fans. I've watched more of these Olympic games than I have in all the ones before. Win or lose, everyone should should show their support for ALL the athletes - regardless of which country they represent. These men and women dedicate a lifetime of training, time, and hard work for one fleeting moment in time. Win or Lose, they were there and did their best.


PS: You folks up there know how to make a foreigner feel welcome - even us Yanks.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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I probably speak for more than just myself (and my son) but because a big part of our lives involve spending precious time in Canada and having had the opportunity to befriend alot of the guys on this board, I'm in the position to have two rooting interests in these Olympics. In some of the events, we're actually cheering louder for the Canadian teams. I've really enjoyed watching these games.


I've come to realize that the Winter Olympics are so much more enjoyable than the Summer Olympics. The risks these Olympians take with their bodies is crazy.


USA vs. Canada is going to be a great event. I can't wait to sit back and enjoy everything about it.


I will also buy anything that the hot Canadian female curler endorses.

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I probably speak for more than just myself (and my son) but because a big part of our lives involve spending precious time in Canada and having had the opportunity to befriend alot of the guys on this board, I'm in the position to have two rooting interests in these Olympics. In some of the events, we're actually cheering louder for the Canadian teams. I've really enjoyed watching these games.


I've come to realize that the Winter Olympics are so much more enjoyable than the Summer Olympics. The risks these Olympians take with their bodies is crazy.


USA vs. Canada is going to be a great event. I can't wait to sit back and enjoy everything about it.


I will also buy anything that the hot Canadian female curler endorses.


You are quite right, Marty. I was never a big fan of the Olympics before but this one was great.

In order for the summer olympics to be any where near as exciting as the winter games, they need to have the marathon run on the 401...against traffic.

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