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sad times are these. my '97 GMC sierra is soon to be parked in anothers driveway. great 4x4 to me and still fires up on command whenever/whatever period!! even at 308,000 km's she still thinks she's in her prime.


however , my daughter has now come of age to drive and i'm thinking a smaller ,more metric version of the truck is a good idea ,my little girl is quite petite. with insurance rates as they are [ her G2 just 5 days old ], i cant swing buying me a big truck, her a nice little car and pay her insane rates too so a newer ,smaller take-me-fishin truck that we can share seems to fit for us. i need a newer truck but she says she'll drive "anything dad" , she wants the sierra,but i think it's time to pass her on to a buddy of mine who needs bigger truck to haul his boat out at those nasty launches.


the trucks i'm looking at aren't new but both are in great shape with pretty much mirrored selling points.


'06 toyota tacoma 4x4 versus '06 nissan frontier.4x4


haven't done any solid reserch yet,, guess i'm starting here.


where does your preferance rest??

Posted (edited)

Ahh I think that whole pedal thing is way over rated, look on the good side at least you know it's gonna really go!


I'd take the Toyota!


Rob C

Edited by Rob C

both good choices but I choose the Nissan because I have a Titan and they have been quick to make sure I am happy on any issues and recalls they have. Both minimum.




Posted (edited)

Will you be my dad and buy me a car too.. :D , I paid for YD training, the difference in insurance for the first year, and they bought their own cars, NO Loans needed.

I'm sure either of your choices would do well, although I think the Nissan may be less, similarly equipped.

Edited by Fisherman
  Rob C said:
Ahh I think that whole pedal thing is way over rated, look on the good side at least you know it's gonna really go!


I'd take the Toyota!


Rob C



Yes it is I looked at the accelorator out of a recalled vehicle today and it is a bushing inside that could get stuck if this does happen you can put your toe under and pull it out or just put the brakes to the floor and shut it down

Toyota makes a good quality vehicle and is going to do everything possible to fix this mess and in the mean time I get to do some fishing next week

Go with the tacoma you will love it I would have bought one but couldn't find a quad cab in my price range.


Toyota all the way !!! I have a 94 Toyota 4x4 280,000 km and she has not let me down once , okay maybe once but thats a story in it's self. Very reliable and will take you pretty well anywhere in 4 wheel drive but like Dan said take them both for a good test drive just to see !!


Dont go with either,, the toyoto frame is garbage and will rust out,, go with a ford, buy new the deals out there are unbelievable, for a couple of hundred a month you have brand new ,no headaches,if you need xplan ,let me know..even better deal ,


I had an 06 Frontier crew cab. It was fantastic!!!!! That thing pulled several full size SUvs out of ditches and didn't even work hard. The customer service at Nissan was exceptional and fuel economy was quite good. If I was buying another truck, that is what I would be buying.


Whatever you chose, make sure it has 4x4 as your daughter is new to driving and will not know what to do if the rear end fishtails in slippery conditions.


are you kidding me,you had the best and now your looking for the worst,if it was a car your looking at for sure japan,but a truck,you cant beat the chevy bud i would keep the old one before trading it in for a japan truck.check out used chevys .


flip a coin between those two honestly, they are both excellent 'smaller' trucks.


it'd probably come down to where the better deal is honestly.

  Rob C said:
Ahh I think that whole pedal thing is way over rated, look on the good side at least you know it's gonna really go!


I'd take the Toyota!


Rob C



Ya overated unless your one of the ones that have died!!!


Both are good little trucks you won't really have to many issues with either truck, choose the one you like best, the only thing i have noticed with the smaller trucks is they get gas mileage very similar to there full size counterparts


thumbs up for not choosing a POS from one of the big 3 :D:whistling::angel:


both would be quality vehicles so to me it would come down to the mileage, price, vehicle history, and ride. i plan on getting a tacoma 4c4 this year sometime.

Posted (edited)

thanks for all the imput .


i knew this might ruffle some feathers , but getting your take on these two trucks ,good or bad ,

seemed a good idea.


the nissan guy left a message with a good drop in price .a nice tight little buggy for the money yes,but let's see if he's done dropping.


thanks again for your responses. much appreciated.

Edited by waterwolf
  ch312 said:
thumbs up for not choosing a POS from one of the big 3 :D:whistling::angel:


both would be quality vehicles so to me it would come down to the mileage, price, vehicle history, and ride. i plan on getting a tacoma 4c4 this year sometime.



You know you can like what ever truck you want it`s your money but calling the offerings from the big 3 POS is just plain ignorant.


The consumer guide rates the F150,Ram and Silverado all ahead of any offering from Japan.

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