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Hamilton Harbour Salmon Report 09/30/09

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All I can say is wow. I am still running off the adrenaline.


Raptorfan and I headed out to the Hamilton Harbour for the 2nd night in a row to do some salmon fishing.


We got there about 9:30-9:45 and begun casting.


We were using glow spoons, I was using one from CT, had orange specks on it, and he was using one from Angling Outfitters with a FOD drawn on it.


About 2 hours went by and didn't really have any excitement. Then we noticed the salmon starting to swell the surface of the water numerous times around our area.


I throw my spoon out super far and let it drop.. I start to reel it in very slowly.. tap ... tap... let it fall a little, reel... reel... tap... TAP... SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH.......


Never in my life have I felt a fish take my line out so fast and so powerful. It was game on....


I yelled to Raptorfan and he dropped his rod to grab the net and my LED cap light.


She was pulling like a true champ. She ran soooo far out into the lake. I had to muscle her back in.


I fought her up and down the pier.

25 minutes later, I eventually got her to the little stone house and close to the pier. All we could say was WOW WHAT A HOG.


We tried for a good 10 minutes to get her into the net, but she was too long and the net wasn't long enough.


She seemed exhausted and started to swim on her side. At this point it was either get her off the hook now or we are keeping her.


Finally she got in the net and did one last thrash... the hook lodged itself into the net, and she pushed away and it dislodged from her jaw.


We were both just standing there in shock.... lol. We estimated she weighed in the high 20's, closer to 30.


Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures, we were more concerned with getting her in safe or getting her off the hook safely. Pictures are nice, but I'd rather the fish survive.


After I recovered from the battle, about 20 minutes later I was reeling in.. and I hear.. " HERE WE GO...." I look over and Raptorfan has hooked onto a nice one.


I dropped my rod and grabbed the net and ran over. It fought hard and about 5 minutes into the fight, it jumped and spat the hook.


After that we continued to get a few hits, but nothing as big as those 2, and the fish stopped jumping.


I have never caught a salmon before until tonight, and that was the most intense thing I have ever done in my life.


I had 50lb braid to 25lb flouro leader to wire leader on my baitcaster. That is what I caught her on. The drag was on full and she was still pulling line out.


I am just amazed at the raw power that a salmon has. Nothing can compare.


Anyways I just got home and I need to goto bed, but I just had to share this with you guys before I pass out...


Good Night!

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I am just amazed at the raw power that a salmon has. Nothing can compare.


Good Night!


thats the reason why i love them so much...you will not find another fish in Ontario, except for sturgeon, that will fight as hard and powerful as the Chinook.


Awsome report...

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Incredible story, I could only imagine a fight out in the lake with a Salmon...all that room to swim, must of been hard on the arms lol.


Thanks for the story,



My arms were mush after that.


I am still feeling it here at work.


I would have liked to have got a picture or two, but I'm just glad I got to experience such a thrill and that she swam away ok :)

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It sounds like you should invest in a better net!


Its a good net. The only problem is the pier is so high in the water that you have to lay down to be able to use the net. It was like 2 inches short of being a scoop and lift.




I was almost tempted to lift the fish onto the pier with the rod, but because it was so big I don't think that would have been a good idea :)

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We got there about 9:30-9:45 and begun casting.


We were using glow spoons, I was using one from CT, had orange specks on it, and he was using one from Angling Outfitters with a FOD drawn on it.


About 2 hours went by and didn't really have any excitement. Then we noticed the salmon starting to swell the surface of the water numerous times around our area.


So is after dark the preferred period for having a chance at some of these guys? Does the action usually pick up after dark?


The last 2 weekends I've been down there between 6-8pm and have not had anything show. (Other than 1 seagull which was carefully unhooked to fly off and try for someone else's bait!)

The others there hadn't had anything either.


I was washing some of the Red Devil & Cast Master spoons as well as some Mepps spinners (#4 with dressed trebbles) with no action.


Is a glow spoon just a spoon with glow in the dark finish, or is it an actual brand of spoon?

If it glows in the dark, do you hit it with a flash light or something before casting?


Man, I don't know if I could even stay awake until midnight! :sleeping_02: You know, being in my late 30's and all. :blush:


Having never caught a salmon before myself, I'm itchin' for my 1st report like yours! :worthy:

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So is after dark the preferred period for having a chance at some of these guys? Does the action usually pick up after dark?


The last 2 weekends I've been down there between 6-8pm and have not had anything show. (Other than 1 seagull which was carefully unhooked to fly off and try for someone else's bait!)

The others there hadn't had anything either.


I was washing some of the Red Devil & Cast Master spoons as well as some Mepps spinners (#4 with dressed trebbles) with no action.


Is a glow spoon just a spoon with glow in the dark finish, or is it an actual brand of spoon?

If it glows in the dark, do you hit it with a flash light or something before casting?


Man, I don't know if I could even stay awake until midnight! :sleeping_02: You know, being in my late 30's and all. :blush:


Having never caught a salmon before myself, I'm itchin' for my 1st report like yours! :worthy:


I see most people out there at night.


As I was getting there, there were 4 guys leaving who said there were 3 salmon caught and a 6lb rainbow between 7-9pm.


Yeah a glow spoon is just a normal spoon with one side, or all of it with glow paint on it. We bring little LED lights and charge it up every few casts.


Camera flashes work too.


I wasn't getting many hits on my Orange or Green Little Cleo Glows, but when I started using the bigger Little Cleo with Orange dots on it the action picked up considerably.


You should come out with us. I think I'm going to go back tonight lol.

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...Appreciate the info.

I don't have any glow spoons yet, guess I probably haven't needed them so much yet as I haven't done any night fishing. I'll have to pick some up today or tomorrow.


What kind of spoon size would you suggest? I would think something in the 4"-6" range. Does this sound right? or should I include something smaller as well?


I definitely can't get out tonight, but there's potential for Friday or Saturday night!

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congrats on your first! did you go out and invest in better gear for this type of fishing yet?


max drag....and it still took you 25 minutes to bring it in?!?! something doesn't sound right here. I've caught many pier salmon for a few years now and have never had one do something like that...especially with 50 lb braid.

I used to be able to land them no worries with 10 lb mono.

Perhaps your reel is faulty? IMO, it shouldn't take that long with your current setup. Correct me if I'm wrong people.

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...Appreciate the info.

I don't have any glow spoons yet, guess I probably haven't needed them so much yet as I haven't done any night fishing. I'll have to pick some up today or tomorrow.


What kind of spoon size would you suggest? I would think something in the 4"-6" range. Does this sound right? or should I include something smaller as well?


I definitely can't get out tonight, but there's potential for Friday or Saturday night!



I would get a range of them.


I caught my big one on a very large spoon. I think it was the biggest glow spoon at CT.

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congrats on your first! did you go out and invest in better gear for this type of fishing yet?


max drag....and it still took you 25 minutes to bring it in?!?! something doesn't sound right here. I've caught many pier salmon for a few years now and have never had one do something like that...especially with 50 lb braid.

I used to be able to land them no worries with 10 lb mono.

Perhaps your reel is faulty? IMO, it shouldn't take that long with your current setup. Correct me if I'm wrong people.



Yeah. I caught her on my new baitcaster.


She fought hard for the first 15 minutes. I just let her run for the most part. Then I started to reel in and she would try to run every couple minutes until she was pooped.


I could have brought it in faster, but I was enjoying the fight so much time just flew by :)

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Yeah. I caught her on my new baitcaster.


She fought hard for the first 15 minutes. I just let her run for the most part. Then I started to reel in and she would try to run every couple minutes until she was pooped.


I could have brought it in faster, but I was enjoying the fight so much time just flew by :)


Oh... i see. :)


Try to bring them in faster... it'll increase their chances of survival if you're worried about that.

Also don't want to piss other anglers off who are waiting for you to land the fish so they can get back at it (assuming they've respected your "FISH-ON"). I know it bugs me when some dude will be running up and down the pier with the drag super loose for too long and we're all left to sit there and wait.


Good luck tonight.

I hope to land one too. :D

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Oh... i see. :)


Try to bring them in faster... it'll increase their chances of survival if you're worried about that.

Also don't want to piss other anglers off who are waiting for you to land the fish so they can get back at it (assuming they've respected your "FISH-ON"). I know it bugs me when some dude will be running up and down the pier with the drag super loose for too long and we're all left to sit there and wait.


Good luck tonight.

I hope to land one too. :D


Yeah I know itll increase the survival rate.


I was just so excited to catch my first salmon I didn't want to rush it lol.


Now that I know how hard they fight and what to expect, I'll be able to do it a lot better next time :)


Come to the pier tonight! lol

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congrats on your first! did you go out and invest in better gear for this type of fishing yet?


max drag....and it still took you 25 minutes to bring it in?!?! something doesn't sound right here. I've caught many pier salmon for a few years now and have never had one do something like that...especially with 50 lb braid.

I used to be able to land them no worries with 10 lb mono.

Perhaps your reel is faulty? IMO, it shouldn't take that long with your current setup. Correct me if I'm wrong people.

25 minutes is a long fight but maybe not if it's your first pier king, the more you hook-up the better you get at handling these freight trains. Everyone you latch on to is still a huge thrill, I got a nice big hen last week as I was falling asleep dreaming of fishing some where else, it woke me up quick :lol::lol:

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25 minutes is a long fight but maybe not if it's your first pier king, the more you hook-up the better you get at handling these freight trains. Everyone you latch on to is still a huge thrill, I got a nice big hen last week as I was falling asleep dreaming of fishing some where else, it woke me up quick :lol::lol:


:lol: happens to me all the time!


Ultyma, I am way out east...not going to go to hamilton if there are piers out here too!

I'm actually looking forward to hooking up with a brown and calling it my first than for the kings right now.

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25mins and full drag doesn't make sense. However, I've had many battles that I thought were 25mins that turned out to be maybe 5 :)


Congrats to the OP!


It was full drag for the last half of the fight (for the most part).


I'm still getting used to all the gadgets on this baitcaster. But I'm convinced if I wasn't using that rod, I would have been picking up pieces of my spinning rod from the ground rather than netting a monster :)

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I know what you mean man, I got my first last week, and as soon as it was hooked it jumped 3 times like 4 feet out of the water, then took off up the river, all i could do was stand there with my arm out and let my drag scream.

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