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Hey OFC'ers


This report is going to include a few pics from fishing atlantic salmon and a week long trip I took north of Sault Ste. Marie. My girlfriend is lucky enough to have a camp just outside of Hornepayne. I was very excited for this trip as I havent been up to this camp for 3 years and this group of friends havent spent as much time together since having kids and moving for jobs. We took off a day earlier than everyone else so we could get a head start on getting the camp ready for a party of 14. 11 Adults (1 pregnant) and 3 kids (2 of which are babies). This was the first camp trip the parents have made with the children so nobody really knew what to expect but we all had our fingers crossed that things would work out....And they did! We had a blast, the kids slept well for the most part,we caught enough fish to keep everyone busy and have two good fish frys. On day one we started out with small fish at the places I have caught fish in previous years. Day two we decided to work our way down the lake into new water and we found more and bigger fish immediatly. By the end of the week we had five waypoints all within a one-two minute boat ride between eachother. We bascially sat on these spots for the week in the morning for 2-3 hours and the evening for 2-3 hours catching walleyes on jig/gulp, jig/realistics, jig/live minnow, crawler harness/split shot and slow death/split shot drifting with the wind over weeds in 5-10 feet of water. I had good intensions of trying to catch some whitefish with the aqua-view, a vexilar, wax worms and noodle rod I brought but never made it out due to higher winds all week and everyone having way to much fun fishing walleyes. Although the numbers were good, we didnt land any trophies on this trip.


The crew (from the soo, sudbury and thunder bay)








Rigging up






Minnow Trap












Ranch Potatoes, broiled walleye and deep fried walleye






















Beer battered walleye leftovers





Anyways we had a great time can't wait to go back up....


Before the trip we were hitting up the St Marys for some atlantic action. I had the pleasure of fishing with a few different friends and family members during the atlantic season and most of them got into one!














Well the pacific salmon are up next.....Heading out tonight....



Edited by TDunn
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

let us know how it's lookin out there. been mulling over going down by garden but i think i'm going to head up north to scope some of the tribs instead.

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let us know how it's lookin out there.


Went out tonight....Didnt get the lines wet till 8pm. Had these 2 kings landed by 9 and then tried for walleyes till about 11 but struck out with them tonight.

Passed on garden and fished up top tonight....Forgot the camera but took a quick pic before cleaning them.





Edited by TDunn
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

there you go bigredneck!


nice fish!


took a rip up the highway last night to check out the tribs! broke out the float gear just for fun to try and get used to a 13.5 ft rod again...

no anadromous fish but managed to have some fun with some pint size brookies. can't wait for steelies n hos

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there you go bigredneck!


nice fish!


took a rip up the highway last night to check out the tribs! broke out the float gear just for fun to try and get used to a 13.5 ft rod again...

no anadromous fish but managed to have some fun with some pint size brookies. can't wait for steelies n hos



lol, well if it dont rain tomorrow evening, i'll be out there!

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You been getting your fair share of time on the water lately. Good for you.


So what was the Chinnys favorite meal pray tell :D


Yeah fishing does come first...haha :P


well so far all fish Ive been in the boat for came on plugs.....yellow with orange dots last night and glow tonight.....Only one tonight but it was a bit bigger than last nights fish...About 14 pounds...and a male ..... :angry:




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well i was tryin to catch a steelhead a few mins. ago with everything i had. lol i think i seen you out there in ur boat too TDunn. couple guys caught salmon and one guy got a VERY nice walleye (about 4lbs) and big salmon just when all the sunlight went bye bye.

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