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Nf.......what to do.....free vacation?


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Ok here is the delema


dec 30 the wife and i take the kids on a family vacation, as i had just started a new job in june, i was not allowed to take vacation for a year, but i asked the CEO if i could go and it would be a none payment week for me, he say's its ok as my boss was out of town, Now the fun part, my boss and i dont see eye to eye and there have been a few flare ups, so my wife wins a free trip to mexico at a 5 diamond star resort, SO i ask for another 4 days off with out pay personal time, leaving next week sunday to thursday.My boss is ticked and refuses to let me go........ after a few conversations he still will not give me the time off and has put more work on my plate to insure i dont go........What would you do ..........cave and stay home or take the dismissal when i get back..............HMMMMMMMM


I know what i'm going to do but just wondering what the masses think?

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ask your boss what will happen if you go...will you get fired....if he says yes....then if you really wanna go then just quit and find another job....this CEO seems like a prick and will make your life heck if you continue to stay there. It sbetter to quit your job then get fired. And if your ina trade that is in high demand it should be no problem finding another job. Oh ya did i mention this is what I would do.

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I went Hunting and was fired even though I was suppose to get the time off. This was a long time ago and I had a 6 figure base pay plus commisions. They said they changed their mind and I couldn't go and the plans were made 8 months in advance. Got another job when I got home. A few months later they called and tried to get me back with a good raise and I think you know what I told them.

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Ok, from a bosses perspective;


You were hired because they needed you there to do a job and you knew when you took the job what your holidays were going to be.


When you asked for the first week off, they were considerate enough to allow you to take it even though you weren't entitled to it. Now, you want more holidays?


When you hire an employee it is because you need that person to do work that is necessary, if that person isn't there and the work isn't being done, it is costing the company money. So, unless they hired you with the condition that you could work at your convenience, I think you have an obligation to be there when you are supposed to.


As others have suggested though, perhaps this isn't the right job for you and you might be happier working somewhere else.

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Mexico is pretty dangerous right now. For that reason alone I wouldn't take the trip.


Your boss is right. If you knew going in to the job that there was no holidays for a year you shouldn't get upset when you don't get them. If he was good enough to give you the time off for the first week, you should be thankful for that and not overstep the bounderies


my 2 cents



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Hey Clampet, you sure have a good head on your shoulders. I agree with you 100% - you are not only rational but also logical. Come to think of it, also PRACTICAL. You are not a person who believes that one plus one equals three. Many people do.


The post by rayfish is a bit confusing. But after reading it a number of times, I am starting to understand as to what is happening. The post falls into the category – “I don’t believe it”.


So rayfish started a new job on June – June 2006 I assume.


dec 30 the wife and i take the kids on a family vacation

So after just about 6 months the rules and agreements have been broken. No vacation during the 1st year is standard procedure I believe - or it used to be. And rayfish went above his boss’ head and got the OK from the CEO because the boss was out of town. When someone goes out of town, one usually comes back. Could rayfish not have waited until his boss came back and ask for the vacation time off? Seems to me like the Dec 30 vacation was a quicky vacation that just happened to come up at the very last moment. Or was it planned to go over the boss’ head in order to get the OK?


Now the fun part, my boss and i dont see eye to eye and there have been a few flare ups

Interesting. So, at about 8 months at a new job, the new employee and his boss do not see “eye to eye’? And also there have been a few flare ups? Who is the boss? One has to wonder why rayfish left his previous job. Was it because of “a few flare ups”?


ask for another 4 days off with out pay personal time, leaving next week sunday to Thursday

I do not understand what these “another 4 days off” are. The plane takes off on Sunday and comes back on Thursday – a total of 5 days. Or will only 4 days be taken and it will be back to work 1 or 2 days late? Or are a total of 9 days requested – 5 were originally requested and now an extra 4 days are also requested? God, it is wonderful to believe that it is OK to take off so many days and take 2 vacations in less than 8 months on a new job. Do people work these days? Do not forget that you were hired because the company had work to be done. You were not hired to do what you please and take time off.


after a few conversations he still will not give me the time off and has put more work on my plate to insure i dont go

So you thought that having a few conversations would make your boss give in to your demands? As far as I see it, communicating with you would be a waste of time. There is only one thing that would be acceptable to you – the time off. You want your boss to give and you to take. Tell me, should the boss give you the time off, what will the boss get in return? If he gets nothing in return there is no purpose in giving in. This is the way things work out in the real world. It is give and take to create a good working relationship.


Post again in 5 weeks and tell us what is happening. I am certain that most members here would be interested.



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you knew going into it that time off was not an option, they gave you time off and now you want more...boss said no ..the answer is no........


on the other hand, unless the money is the best around

I would be actively looking for a new job.......

and jump ship first chance you get

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Did you sign a contract that says no vacation ?

If not are you are paying 4 % towards vacation? I would ask the boss why he feels you should not go, is it personal. If my guys had an oppertunity like this I am sure we could work something out. Good luck.

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i'd be actively looking for new work, but wouldnt leave without having another job secured. i'd also negotiate the required vacation time at the new job.. i did that with my current job... basically made sure i had the employment offer on the table, then asked for an unpaid 10 days for a trip i had booked and paid for.. got it (paid) no problems..


the bottom line is that you have to look out for whats best for your family.. i dont think getting fired etc would benifit them too much.. unless your wife can carry all the costs of living.. and as its been said before getting fired and having a history of disputes with your boss wouldn't go over too well with me if i was interviewing you for your next job..

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Better to not go and say you did. Send the wife if anything. "You should always know where you are going to land if you jump."

If things are so acrimonious with your boss/supervisor, find another job THEN say bye-bye. A free trip worth a few grand is not worth losing a job that pays more than that.

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I'd suggest you start looking for a new job - if all of this is happening within your first year, you aren't going to be kept around much longer anyway. If someone is exceptionally valuable to the company, employers will tend to make exceptions in these situations - happy workers are productive workers. Doesn't sound like exceptions are being made for you which means you are either expendible, or are making yourself expendible. Ergo, you have no job security. Find a new one and if you feel like forcing yourself to the curb to get the ball rolling, go to mexico. That's the best I can say from the other side of the fence with the limited info you're providing.

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This is a very interesting question, but I doubt your gonna be very happy with my answer! Unless the vacation allotment and method of accruing time off was hiden from you at the time of offer signing, you have made a committment to the company and the company has in good faith paid you for your time and efforts. An employee that respects their employer, will in most cases receive that level of respect atleast, back in return.

I'm wondering why you have not approached HR as of yet? Going over your bosses head can be career suicide!

Typically, you accrue time off based on time worked, in many cases 1.5 days per month worked. I understand that the earlier time off was without pay and to my mind, they've already gone above and beyond your contract to keep you, the employee happy. Should they again, allow you un-earned time off, they will be creating a huge preceived inequity with the other employees.

I'd say your already lucky to have gotten what you have!

Perhaps you should really consider some much larger life/career questions, for example;

-am I happy in my job?

-where do I want to be in 5 years and will this position help to get me there?

-is my resume up to date? You may find that regardless of what decision YOU make, the company may take the decision making process away from you! They will certainly be looking at your performance for the next while. If I was your boss and you had come to me with these requests, I'd certainly be thinking twice about whether to send you for up-grade training, or give you the big juicey project that must be delivered on time! In short, your gonna have to earn their respect again.

Either decision you make, I'd be getting my resume of to snuff, the choice may not be yours to make.


Edited by Headhunter
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If your boss threatens you with your job you can just let human resources know and it will be end of topic. Talk to HR and they will advise you properly. Don't quit or go without giving notice on paper. You can go if you give proper notice and hr is aware. And you need a written warning for insubordanation <spelled wrong. and after your first written is when you can be dismissed. so go come back to a letter and and tell your boss to eat a d**k

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LOL Bookoobeast...if I told him he couldn't go and he went anyhow...the only thing he'd come back to is an ROE and his last pay cheque. You'd have to take it to the labour board to dispute the fact he wouldn't be getting a weeks severence, for his less than year service either, since his termination reason would be insubordination as far as I would be concerned. Employers don't owe you a living. In the first three months you can terminate anyone and not even give them a reason. Less than a year you can do the same with nothing more than a weeks wages as severence.

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aawwww so your a mean boss lol I know but the aggrevation that it would cause would put a big smile on my face :devil: especially if I had no job and some extra time on my hands. I do know that before a year is up u don't get that much respect at the office but if you ask for the time off well in advance but get threatened with your job I do know that is not allowed. All I think is he should travel all his paths before he decides to go. But if he has a boss like that then I would find a new job anyhow. Oh and I would send pictures of my trip to the boss and show him how little I care.. Dosce cervaso por foi vore!!!!!

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"Mean", tolerable or a great boss is all in the eyes of the employee...oh and how hard they really want/need/enjoy to work. Yes I have over 2000 EX employee files in 2 - 4 drawer legal filing cabinets from the last 21 years, half of them would rate me mean, 1/4 tolerable and 1/4 great...and YES we still have a large handful of employees that have worked for us for all of those years that are still very happy. They've watched my kids grown up and I theirs, I played baseball with them as a team (to further the team spirit at work), their spouses and kids are greatful (and tell us so) for what their spouses have EARNED for them....with the opportunity I offered them years ago....to grow with the company...be promoted from within etc.


Ray...you got your bags packed yet? LOL

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Well said Wayne! Funny how many of us think a certain way, until we are put into a position to be a supervisor, manager or owner. I'll admitt, I too thought the way some others do about their employer, until I became a Manager, then it all became very clear!

Just remember, we are all replaceable, it's a given in todays job market that employees are transitory. They stopped making gold watchesabout 15 years ago!LOL

Just take a look at the "Lame Excuses" thread... gives yah a pretty clear picture!



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