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You shall now call me Captain Hook


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So this evening me and my buddy are fishing our nice little spot we got, catching a fish here and there, I'm tossing a Blue J11 Rapala and get my first fish of the evening. Was a nice Largemouth Bass, no, i was not targeting them, so no OOS comments please. Looked to be about 2.5 pounds, so my bud grabs the net and nets it for me, sets the net toward me and i lip the fish to unhook it , he gives some shakes and out of instinct i let go, well, the free hook just happened to get right to my thumb, I had a friggen blue Rapala dangling from my thumb with a 2.5 pound Largie on the other hook, lol. So after getting the fish off and out of the canoe, I look at it, bleeding like a mother, i try to pull it out myself, did that ever HURT!! So about half hour later I'm in the emergency with my mommy, we got in rather quickly, only waiting about 45 minutes to an hour. Only reason i got in quick though was because they gave me students, did that ever freak me out, they had no clue what to do. Luckily they got a doctor and she showed them by doing it for them. So she goes to snip the hook off where all 3 meet, nope, just couldn't do it, thats Rapala for ya, haha. So, after figuring out she couldn't cut the hook she left it and gave me 3 freezing needles at the bottom of my thumb thinking it'd freeze the whole thing. She then starts doing work trying to get the hook to pop out another part of my thumb to snip the barb, WHAT THE HELL!!! I CAN STILL FEEL THAT!! guess the freezing didn't make it all the way to the tip of my thumb, so she gave me another needle right beside the hook. Then as she's going back to work on the hook she finds out that its right to the bone :blink: thought i was gunna freak, thinking it was in my bone not coming out. Then she couldn't get it to pierce through my skin so they had to take a razor and cut a new hole, poured some nice blood there too. So she gets the barb cut and rest of the hook removed, "do you want your lure back?" "heck yea, I'm going fishing tomorrow!" So then she puts some wrap stuff over my thumb cause it's dripping blood, and says keep pressure on it and pushes my hand right over my new white tee and got blood on it <_< Then she leaves me with the two students and i have my thumb covered up holding the stuff there myself while they give me my tetanus shot. They tell me I am free to go, and I'm walking out holding this stuff on my thumb bleeding like crazy, do i just put a band aid on at home or something? haha, students forgot to clothe it i believe it's called? Anyway, a guy helped me out and got me all wrapped up properly, made me laugh and i was on my way home.


Heres the before and after pictures :D





Other than that, the fishing was pretty good.


Anyone got a similar story to tell?

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Ugh, that sucks dude...I managed to put a hook through my pinkie finger before...Went too the hosiital, they put 2 needles in my finger to freeze it...then the doc went out to get his tools(Master Craft Pliers) pushed the hook the rest of the way through...cut the barb and pulled it back out...i just sat there looking the other way.


Not Fun!

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I guess that if you fish enough years, sooner or later, the fishing demons will find you and stick a hook in you somewhere...maybe it's payback on behalf of the fish.


I got hooked in the back of the wrist with a jointed XRAP while fishing the French River a few years ago. It missed the veins and the nerves, but was in deep. Funny how guys were lining up for a chance to tear it out.


In the interest of typing again, I decided that a boat ride and car trip to the Sudbury hospital was the best option. They must get a few hooked fishermen up there because the lack of concern was very evident. After a long wait, they froze me and cut it out and stitched me up. I remember asking the doctor if it was too soon to joke about saving the lure. Two hours later after a couple of Tylenol I was ready to get back at it.


Since then, I've replaced many treble hooks on my lures with singles and even removed front hooks to protect both me and the fish. I find that most fish hit the back hook and that it hasn't resulted in too many misses.


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Ive never hooked myself really badly, knock on wood, but i did hook my brother in the nose with a fly while roll casting, I TOLD HIM NOT TO STAND THERE! Funny part was he didn't realize that he was hooked at first and i thought i had a bush so I yanked it pretty hard a couple times for good measure..good times. I also watched a guy get hooked right through his thumb, under the fleshy part and out the other side, the guy was panicking, he litterally ripped the hook right through the meaty part of his thumb, it made my knees weak to see that, he nearly feinted.

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I actually did try to pull it out myself, it just didn't budge, would have needed something to bite down on and really yanked, haha. I needed my tetanus shot anyway, I was over due.


And yea, they used some Canadian Tire pliers on me too, did she ever have to reef on them to cut the barb, thought she was gunna break my wrist next.


LOL, my mom said that it was pay back for hooking so many fish, get a taste of your own medicine.

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Thanks for all the cool pics guys.


I'm going to be a little more carfull now that i've seen all of these pics.


Don't want to waste good fishing time sitting in the ER.

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In all my years of fishing I've only been hooked once (with the barb buried), and I hope never to repeat that experience.


My brother-in-law from Alberta and I were fishing a lake in the Gogama area. It was mid-morning when I caught a 4 lb pike, trolling with a Canadian wiggler. While I was trying to untangle him out of the net, he thrashed and a hook went into my middle finger, covering the barb. There I was, with a hook from the front treble in my finger and the back treble in the thrashing pike's mouth. I grabbed that pike with my other hand and squeezed the bejeezus out of him until he stopped. Seemed to take a long time. I don't think I've ever squeezed that hard.


We got the pike off and removed the lure from the snap swivel. Pulling on the hook with the barb buried was useless. So there we sat, dead in the water, contemplating the sudden end to a beautiful day, a half hour ride back to the landing, packing up, and an hour's drive back to town to get to the hospital. The only alternative was to have my partner cut out the hook, and I sure didn't want to have it in me any longer than necessary. I had one of those half-moon keychain razor knives (brand new) in my tackle box. So I put my finger down on a paddle, turned away my face, and my brother-in-law got to work --- good thing he wasn't squeamish. He cut a long slit, deep enough to free the barb. The hook hurt so much I didn't really notice the cut. Out came the hook, then application of liberal antiseptic from the first aid kit, and a couple of band-aids.


By the time we had a pickerel shore lunch in the late afternoon it wasn't throbbing much any more. But I must say, the whole thing caused me to actually go faint for a while - shock I guess. Surprising how traumatic a buried hook can be.


Needless to say, I carry a sharp razor knife ALL THE TIME now when fishing.


That strangled pike got the worst of it - he ended up as boneless fillets in the frying pan at home.

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Yeah, I was at JB's yesterday when Steve got back, O U C H!!! I guess he doesn't want to mess around with the muskie stuff anytime soon.

Hook removal depends on how you hook yourself, if it is really deep, get your butt to the emergency room.

But remember, the hooks are for the fish, not the fisherman.

The lures are for the fisherman, not the fish.

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My brother had a 16 ft run about. The seats were rather low to the boats floor, so, he found himself sitting on the top of the back rest, most of the time when running from spot to spot.

He was fishing the Moon basin for Lunge and would just toss his lures onto his boat seat, when ever he changed up. He had just finished tossing around a ten inch Jake, I believe. Dropped it on his seat and started tossing some other big bait. He noticed that a very large and very dark cloud was making it's way towards him, but not wanting to leave, he thought he'd hang in until the last possible moment. Well, we all know that, that moment always comes about 2-3 minutes earlier than we think it will. The rains came down and he frantically started to pack up.

there were a number of boats heading in at that time, it was wake city! SO he's sitting on top of the back of his seat and hits another boats wake, at speed. The force of the wake, knocked his off the back of the seat, right on top of the Jake. He's wearing a nylon bathing suit, with a Jake impalled on his buttocks! He could not remove the hook or the lure from the hook, his wife is laughing so hard, she's of no use.

They have to head to Mac Tier. with my sister in law driving the truck, my brother laying in the back of the F150, on his belly!

The doctor took one look at my brother and had to excuse himself... he was laughing so hard. It was an easy extraction and yes, he still puts his musky baits on his seat! :wallbash::jerry::whistling:


Edited by Headhunter
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My brother had a 16 ft run about. The seats were rather low to the boats floor, so, he found himself sitting on the top of the back rest, most of the time when running from spot to spot.

He was fishing the Moon basin for Lunge and would just toss his lures onto his boat seat, when ever he changed up. He had just finished tossing around a ten inch Jake, I believe. Dropped it on his seat and started tossing some other big bait. He noticed that a very large and very dark cloud was making it's way towards him, but not wanting to leave, he thought he'd hang in until the last possible moment. Well, we all know that, that moment always comes about 2-3 minutes earlier than we think it will. The rains came down and he frantically started to pack up.

there were a number of boats heading in at that time, it was wake city! SO he's sitting on top of the back of his seat and hits another boats wake, at speed. The force of the wake, knocked his off the back of the seat, right on top of the Jake. He's wearing a nylon bathing suit, with a Jake impalled on his buttocks! He could remove the hook or the lure from the hook, his wife is laughing so hard, she's of no use.

They have to head to Mac Tier. with my sister in law driving the truck, my brother laying in the back of the F150, on his belly!

The doctor took one look at my brother and had to excuse himself... he was laughing so hard. It was an easy extraction and yes, he still puts his musky baits on his seat! :wallbash::jerry::whistling:



Lol, nice, that must have felt good when he first sat on it :S

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Some great stories here, nice to see everyone was OK afterwards. I'll add a couple as well.


First time I was hooked was about 20+ years ago, I was shore fishing with a buddy on a very windy day. He decided to windup for a extra long distance cast, his lure came beside my head and pierce my ear on the top. I bit the line off, went back to the truck for the cutters and had him cut the hook. Then it was back to fishing with a bit more space between us.


The second time is was hooked was in the thumb with a hackle ant jig. This would be about 15 years ago. I had just got a nice herring in the boat and the hook popped out of the fishes mouth and into my thumb quite deep. Ended up going to the hospital to get that one out. That herring was my dinner that night.


The next time I hooked a buddy of my with my favourite spinnerbait at the time. (About 12 years ago) He had gone to the back of the boat to re-tie and when he stood up I nailed him in the back of the head with a 1/2 ounce of lead. I offered to take it out and he declined. We came off the water and I informed him that I wanted the bait back but knew they were just going to cut the hook to get it out of him. So I got my cutters and got the blades off at least. He went to the hospital and the doc could not believe the strenght of the hook as he could not cut thru it. So he made a cut beside the hook and then was able to pull it out of his skull. :w00t: A couple of stitches and he was good to go. And yes we are still very good friends today.

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And yea, they used some Canadian Tire pliers on me too, did she ever have to reef on them to cut the barb, thought she was gunna break my wrist next....I always carry my good Gerbers Fishermans multi-tool with me when fishing!... it has an amazing wire cutter on it, that has a 3 sided replaceable blade... when one side gets dull, remove the screw and turn it over... you can do this twice after the first side gets dulled, I'm still on the first side though!


LOL, my mom said that it was pay back for hooking so many fish, get a taste of your own medicine...It's only fair!... if you play with fire or fish hooks long enough, you're gonna get burned or hooked!!!

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Ouch, brings back memories. Been there, done that, except mine was three trebles in the base of my thumb. It was this time 2 years ago at Lakair and we were in the pike tourny. Paul got the first pike and it was not the biggest, but an eater and some inches for the tourney nevertheless. I was so excited to get the fish and not lose it, I grabbed it behind the head, except he had caught it right beside the boat and it was still full of piss and vinegar. The hooks all went into my hand and the fish just kept on shaking, and shaking, and shaking :o:lol:


Paul cut the hooks off the lure and the three of them were all still attached to my hand with the barbs in there real good. He whipped me back to camp and my heroes Spiel and Crappie Steve knew just what to do. They ripped those puppies out right there on the dock, then administered some rubbing alcohol and bandages. I was good to go, albeit a little sore for the next few days.


Ahhhh, good times :lol:;)


Hope your thumb feels better soon bud.



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Great and funny stories here! Looks like most people get hooked on the fingers or hands, with one exception on the buttocks. :)


Mine was on the thigh. I tried unhooking this ~5-lb pike. Before I could take the crankbait out, it thrashed around and one of the treble hooks got buried in my right thigh, while the other was still hooked to the fish's jaw. For a second, I didn't know I was hooked because I was wearing thick pants (it was last year's pike opener -- kinda chilly). I thought the hook caught my pants. But as the pike moved around, I knew part of me was attached to this fish! :) I held on to the pike with my biggest strength, definitely didn't want it to fall off my hand. It took a while for me to unhook the fish and throw it back into the water. (As an afterthought, I should have kept it for dinner, or at least taken a picture!) Then I needed to take the treble hook off the crankbait (didn't want to get myself hooked by the other treble as well), cut the cloth around the hook (I still couldn't see my wound at this point), took off my shoes, and very carefully off my pants as well. Now I could see one of hooks was buried past the barb. I didn't bleed much, but it certainly hurt. I tried to take the hook out the way it went in. But that turned out to be difficult. So I decided to cut the hook and perhaps then I could push the hook to come out another side. No that didn't work! First it took a good 10 minutes to cut the hook. Maybe my plier is not strong enough, or that hook's wire was too thick. And it's never easy to cut something when that something is attached to your leg! Anyway I cut it after much sweating. But I couldn't push the hook through because either the hook wasn't sharp enough (doubt it), or it's too painful for me, or the flesh was just too tough to pierce thru...... :) Anyway I decided to pull the hook out instead of pushing. I was able to do that very slowly until I could see the barb coming out. Then I used a knife and cut the flesh between the hook wire and the barb, so that the whole thing could come loose. The whole process must have taken well over 30 minutes (felt much longer than that). And the whole time, I was in the middle of Cook's Bay with very choppy water. Definitely not a pleasant experience!


About 1.5 month later, this time the bass opener, at almost exactly the same spot in Cook's Bay, my friend made a cast and hooked my another friend's face with a Rapala Countdown crankbait, which was mine. Jeez! I was at the bow of the boat at that time and all I could hear was a loud whip (from the cast), a abrupt stopping sound, and then a loud scream. The friend just kept apologizing and the other friend became very quiet. The wound was so close to my friend's eye that we ought to go to a hospital. Luckily the doctor was able to freeze the flesh and pull out the treble hook. My friend's wife took him to the Newmarket hospital while the other friend and I continued to fish. We got into some nice bass action afterwards too. After a few hours, my friend and his wife came back, and they continued to fish. I got my lure back (needed to put new hook on). And no scar for my friend. But had the hook went into his eyes, things would have been very very bad...


Be careful out there!

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