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It's raining...


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dang.... no rain all week and then today ,,,, rain,,, rain rain down here in the London area..


no matter,,,,


I have a rain suit,,,,


I am gonna try for some carp... or some crappies.


they seem to be like "Mikey"... they'll eat anything.



What are you all doing on a rainy saturday morning ?

Edited by splashhopper
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The wife and Daughter were out half the night until they stopped the Relay for life due to lightning last night so about 1am they came home but went back at 6:30am so I guess its time to clean the house and play inside here as my two girls are very tired and my son will be to much for fishing in the rain. I hope the wind stays down tomorrow for Dad and I to get out for fathers day.


and also watching OFC

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i got up a 6 and got ready to go to Wildwood and just as i went out the door it started raining. So i have been on the couch surfin all morning, off to angling outfitter's soon and to get a liner for my pool. Fishing tomorrow morning maybe.

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Welll,, I had a BLAST today.... ALL BY MYSELF :P


Stopped by the grocery store and grabbed some Del Monte corn and a loaf of bread.

Headed down to a spot in St Thomas that i usually catch carp at and I wasn't dissapointed today either :rolleyes:



They weren't too big today, but they were biting like crazy... or should I say, i was setting the hook like like no other day of carp fishing ? lol



A couple of them tried to kiss me I think >



And another one wanted no part of me kissing it >>



The carp were hitting fast and furious in this little hole today... thank goodness I decided to brave the rain >>





But then I got Bored catching all these fish :o


So I headed down to Port Stanley to see what the water looked like there... hoping to catch some perch for dinner maybe :huh:


The sky was sputtering and spitting rain all day today, but i just stuck with it,,,


not too often I can fish at either of these spots and not have others there as well..


i picked up some minnows and set up the pickeral rig,,,,


Not even 5 minutes and I was in to my first perch of the day >>



Hey, I didn;t say it was Jumbo perch ok :P


A few minutes later and I am into this one



Now i am thinking :huh: ... hmmm... if there are small ones this close to shore, there must be some biggers ones too


15 minutes later and WHAMMO ! My 10ft light action rod bends down,, I fight it for a few minutes thinking maybe I got a catfish or a stray walleye B)


but NOOOOO... not even close


It was a danged sheepshead ( a good sized one though)



The sun came out and I had a chance to get my shirt off and let it dry on the rocks...

this might have been a BIG Mistake though...

I think the fish got blinded by the pasty white guy on the rocks :o


Fish slowed right down, but not before I caught this last one of the day



And now that I look closer at that last pic, maybe that damned see-doo messed the perch up :angry:


Oh well, I can only hope for another perch day like the one I had last Saturday just down the lake a few miles



Ahhhh... they were good to eat this week, now Mrs Splashhopper wonders if I am a real " hunter gatherer HeMan" when I didn;t bring any of todays fish home with me :lol:


No damned rain is gonna stop me!


Git er Duuunnnnnnn ! lol



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Yup! fishin' is good int he rain if it isn't thunder and lightning!!!


You should've taken that Sheepshead home for the table, a couple of folks on here have tried them recently and said it was good.


I was wondering about that sheepshead too. right after i let him go :o

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